Michael Has No Plans

Unknown hours later, Michael slowly opened his eyes. His entire body ached in pain, and the events that transpired flashed across his mind. He found himself in a dark room, lying on a bed. Looking through the window, he could see the ocean raging around him, the sky darker than usual. Without a doubt, Michael knew he was in his castle in the Dark Ocean. However, something felt different; he felt stronger than ever before, and the darkness seemed thicker, devoid of any light. The only source of light was the flickering torches in the room.

"Argh," Michael growled before slowly rising from the bed. His body was covered in bandages, and his gut still ached after being punched by Andohr.

When his feet touched the cold ground, the door opened, and Azazel walked in. The demon butler was dressed as usual in his butler outfit with neatly combed hair. However, unlike always, his face was etched with anger and concern.

"My lord, you are awake," Azazel slightly bowed.