Dagon is a demon?

As the top of the coffin clattered to the floor, a dense cloud of smoke billowed out, obscuring the demon's form from view. The elf stood tense, his hand still on the hilt of his sword, eyes fixed on the slowly dispersing smoke, eager yet apprehensive to catch a glimpse of the resurrected demon.

These reanimated demons were vastly different from the typical undead or the soulless army of Salesi. Whereas the undead and Salesi's soul army operated on a singular, mindless intent to kill, these demons possessed a much more complex array of emotions, dominated by an intense, pure bloodlust. This wasn't just a killing instinct, it was primal, likened to that of a seasoned predator. It endowed them with the ability to strategize, take calculated risks, and strike with a combination of brains and brute force.