Using The Ultimate Spells

Realizing that the Dark Lord was up to something more sinister with his army, Elder Tarsus felt a surge of rage that made the veins on his head bulge visibly. The thought of personally confronting Michael flashed across his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. The power gap between them was immense as facing the Dark Lord head-on would be suicide. Tarsus knew he wouldn't last a second against such a deadly and powerful foe. His role was to coordinate the assault on the Dark Lord, a task assigned to him by Skyhall.

Understanding that the rest of the demons would soon adapt their strategy to avoid being caught and submerged, Tarsus needed to ensure Michael stayed preoccupied. He barked orders at his minions as his voice carried the moment's urgency and desperation. 

"Fire everything we've got at the Dark Lord! Keep him busy!"

The crew sprang into action, relaying the orders across the ship.