Getting A New Demon Army

Once Ganeria was destroyed into bits and pieces, the blinding light of destruction made everyone close their eyes. During this light, the Skyhall remote center activated the teleportation sequence and teleported the Celestial Cannon away from the battle. But with Tarsus gone, the control he had over the demons was destroyed, causing the demons to fall from the sky like flies, reverting back to their dead state.

Michael watched the demons falling into the sea with a grin, floating in the air. When he turned his gaze to the remaining angels and the ships, he saw they had already started to flee.

"Run!" one angel shouted, his voice cracking with fear.

"Fuck this, I'm not dying here!" another angel screamed as he bolted towards a retreating ship.

"Get the hell out of here! We can't fight him!" a third angel yelled, his wings flapping frantically.