So many shocking truth bombs

The room fell into a stunned silence, the only sound being the soft echo of Wulfric's confession. Don's face contorted into a picture of confusion, mirroring the shocked expressions that painted everyone else's faces.

For a moment, Elidyr stood frozen, the weight of the revelation sinking in. Then, anger flared up inside him. "You think this is some kind of sick joke?" he spat out, his voice seething with betrayal. 

"You're just screwing with me!"

But amidst the chaos of emotions, Michael's gaze remained fixed on Wulfric. In the old man's eyes, he saw something that confirmed the truth of his words. It wasn't a trick or a desperate attempt to manipulate; it was genuine.

"Shit, he's not lying..." Michael muttered under his breath, a rare flicker of surprise crossing his features. Even Lane, who usually had the emotional range of a dead turtle, couldn't hide his shock. His usual look of disdain was replaced by one of curiosity and shock.