Rescuing Rowena II

 Malevolous, despite his massive size, moved with shocking speed and agility. He darted through the air, his massive form twisting and turning with a grace that defied logic.

"Well, I'll be damned," Michael muttered, genuinely impressed. "For a big guy, you sure can move."

Michael unleashed a barrage of dark lightning bolts, aiming for the dragon's eyes. But Malevolous weaved through the air, dodging each bolt with precision. The dragon's serpentine neck twisted, allowing him to evade attacks that should have been impossible to avoid.

Suddenly, Malevolous swooped down, his enormous body casting a shadow over Michael. The dragon tucked in his wings, using his full mass as a weapon. Michael barely had time to react as tons of scales and muscle came crashing down towards him.

"Shit!" Michael exclaimed, rolling to the side at the last second. The ground shook with the impact of the dragon's landing, snow and debris exploding outward.