Worship Energy Cultivation ability

A ghost of a smile, a fleeting flicker of amusement, touched Don's lips as he watched Michael's outburst. He remembered, with a clarity that spanned millennia, the first time the three of them had come together. Ghost and Hunter… they'd bickered like an old married couple, their animosity as palpable as the power that radiated from them.

It had been… entertaining, to say the least.

Don, of course, hadn't known the full extent of their history. He hadn't realized they were both from the same world, hadn't understood the depth of their shared past, the tangled web of rivalry and resentment that bound them together.

Now, watching Michael's face contort with fury, he understood.

"That bastard," Michael growled, pacing back and forth, his fists clenched. "That goddamn snake in the grass! He told you about the System? How the fuck did he even know?"

A terrifying thought struck him then.