Back in the Realm of Gods

Michael knew the bow must be powerful. It had been wielded by the Goddess of Hunt, after all, a being whose strength and skill were legendary. He couldn't help but wonder what made it so special. Did it shoot flaming arrows? Control the beasts of the forest? Grant the user superhuman accuracy?

Whatever it was, he knew Nithroel wouldn't ask for his help unless it was important. She was a proud woman, a warrior who'd carved her own path through the world, and she didn't like to owe anyone anything. So this request… this was a big deal.

He considered it for a moment, weighing the risks, the potential complications. Then, he nodded.

"Alright, Nithroel. I'll find your bow."

"Thank you," she said, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes.

"Where is it?" Michael asked. "And… is there anything I should know? Any… special instructions?"

Nithroel took a deep breath, her gaze turning distant. "It's in… my temple. In Larnia. My… former domain."