King Maxwell Chapter 23

Pen Protectors King Maxwell Chapter 23

Iickime & Shaela almost got the exact same text to met them on a water tower building they both would arrive at the top

•Iickime: " There's no one here, this is the location the text told us to meet at is it not ?"

•Shaela: " I'm Positive it is but right there is no one here as of now"

At that time Yalana would walk out

•Yalana: " Well well I see you two did get my text"

•Iickime: " Yes I think it all makes sense to us now "

•Shaela: " Yami is trying to kill Kanye "

•Yalana: " BINGO !!!!Give these two a prize..... yes your correct Yami told each of to select the ones we want to kill so I chose you two"

•Shaela: " For the record Ii thought you were always ugly as homemade sin; so I'm glad I can finally tell you that"

•Yalana: " Yes There it is Get it all out of your system you both are about to die here today anyway might as well die with a clean conscious"

•Iickime: OCHO!!!!!!!!( changes into his insane personality)

•Shaela: " My friend here & I are ready to fight so let's do this "

•Yalana: " Very well"

Yalana would change into a puddle of water beside her was a small water tank; Yalana would stab the tank & Combined with the rest of the water;there would would attempt to slash away at Shaela & Iickime aa they were bother defending themselves without there swords; from the back of Shaela without her knowing was a spike made of Water & it would stab through her left shoulder a a spike would also Stab Iickime through his elbow

•Yalana: " Hahahahahahaha as you can see I can chang My body into to water shape shifting it into anything I want, you don't stand a chance against me you fools"

•Shaela: " Good shot but you should have killed me you ugly H20 bitch"

•Yalana: " Hmmmmm I've had enough of your insulin name calling you both can die!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As Yalana would change here whole body into spikes on top of the building; Tiny spikes would poked into the body of both Shaela & Iickime both were it great physical pain

•Yalana: " I missed your vital organs on purpose i want to enjoy this ........ Yes I want to enjoy killing you !!!!!!!!!!"

Shaela looked over & Iickime & seen I was rapidly losing a lot of blood

•Shaela: " Crap Iickime is leaking heavily if we do t think of something soon were both going to die, how are we gonna get out of this one ?"