A Following Chapter 1

Pen Protectors A Following Chapter 1

Dear Mr.President

"My name Robert Howard, I'm a 32 year old white Man from North America I stand 5'10 172 pounds; im in a boat right now with a camera crew it's about 3 of us; I work for "Vice news"; & I'm doing a report on a cult that lives on sunflower island; an island outside of the United States; it took us a while to get this interview mainly because this cult doesn't believe in technology we had to handwrite them letters to ask permission to do this interview; the cult we are going to see is called the "The Chosen Ones" they have been a cult for about 10 years now since around 2012; we will be on the island for a month that might be pretty long but I have to ask the founder of the " The Chosen One" a lot of questions I need as much information for this story as possible I don't know what to expect; we arrived at the island at about 3:45pm; myself & the camera crew would all get out of the boat we were greeted by people in thin white robes they were the purest of white as if they just got out the washer; the people came over & hugged us they were really nice & even offered us fresh fruit; they would take our boat though I kinda thought that was a little weird but I assumed they were taking it to the back to tie in on a pole are something;no big deal we just got here & we got work to do; then there he came with his wife & new born baby, his wife stood a little taller then me she was about 5'11 give or take she was light skinned & had short hair her name was Hellen age 27, the man beside her was her husband the founder of the cult he stood 6'4 dark skinned & had 2 big braids in his head he had a nappy bread & was kinda on the fat side he had a beer belly but it wasn't to bad are super noticeable;he were a turquoise color Road his name was Samual Elohim age 30; he walked up to me & gave me a huge bear hug, I had only known him for 5 seconds but it was like he had known me for 5 years; I'm all for a good respectful greeting but honestly I don't know how to feel about this I know it's just common courtesy but something just felt weird & I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time; but anyway me & Elohim would go to the area for our first interview; he was skeptical about the cameras but he just smiled & me & ignored them"

•Howard: " I hope the cameras aren't making you uncomfortable sir"

•Elohim: " Don't worry about it brother we will take care of them later

•Howard: " ( Huh ???? What those he mean by that ? ) ok I see Well I'm happy that we finally have the chance to do this interview my boss has been on my tail about this since we discovered you guys"

•Elohim: " No problem my brother we couldn't wait to meet you all as well"

•Howard: " So tell me where are you from & how did you start this tribe ?"

•Elohim: " I was born & raised in Nigeria my parents moved from there in 2006 to Huston Texas; there I would earn a football scholarship to play for the Texas Longhorns to play linebacker; my senior year I tore my ACL in the last game of the season & it was devastating because all I ever knew was books & football I wanted to play in the NFL & make millions; I couldn't a compete in the NFL combine nor could I participate at my proday the doctors said that my ACL Tear was unlike anything they seen they couldn't fix it then I came into a depression; I would do nothing but sit in my room & eat; I had no desire to find & job are support myself; then I started reading the Bible & I read we're Jesus Christ died on a cross; & I thought to myself how pathetic;if Jesus was God in human flesh why would he allow humans to torture him hang him on a cross & die the most humiliating death possible dying half naked on a tree; then I thought if Jesus was God & if Jesus died that means God is dead this world is in need of a new God so I am here to fulfill that roll so I started " The Chosen ones" & it took off they wouldn't let us start our brotherhood in the United States so at the age of 20 I found an island & with the rest of my scholarship money I purchased it only 25 thousand dollars for all this can you believe that? what a deal"

•Howard: " I see, how did you meet your wife?

•Elohim: " She was a preachers daughter & we agreed on the same things I was 20 she was 17 when we met we married ourselves & she is my First Lady who gave birth to my son my queen & my prince"

•Howard: " Ok I see, my final question for today is what is your objective in all of this ?"

•Elohim: " My brother I am god & god should be presented with all the riches in the world; Money, Sex, cars , the best Food; my objective in all of this is simple I want to be seen by everyone around the world as god "

•Howard: " When you say that do you mean you want everyone to convert to your religion?"

•Elohim: " Not just that but there is a certain someone I need to meet & take care of to attain that roll once this person is token care of everything else will fall into place"

Later that day Howard & his crew would go to the room & he would write down his thoughts on Elohim

"Samuel doesn't seem like a shrewd Person Are anyone that wants to bring harm; he seems pretty genuine; & he's easy to talk to, & the people here are really nice; however..... something seems off; I haven't seen our boat since we came here & when ever we mention cameras they always change the subject & say " we will take care of that later " I don't know what thats supposed to mean are they gonna get rid of our cameras are something ? no I couldn't imagine them doing that it doesn't appear that they want to use force these are nice people but I'm old enough to know you can't trust everyone regardless if their nice are not"

" I Woke up the next day at 7:15am not knowing what to expect; I had seen documentaries; of Charles Mason, Marshall Applewhite & Jim Jones; & all of those cults didn't end well I don't know if I've ever seen a cult like this & I couldn't tell you if that's a good thing are bad thing but I have a feeling I will find out soon enough; as I was walking down the hall way I bumped into a man; he stood about 6'2 he was dark skinned looked as if he was from Nigeria he was holding a staff with a blade on the end of it he looked at me & gave me a grin his name was Von-Hue age 31"

Von-Hue: " Hello brother you must be our guest ? "

•Howard: " Yes my name is Howard I'm here for a Documentary for Vice news"

•Von-Hue: " Ah yes the camera crew we'll take care of those later"

" I was afraid to ask what he meant by that but I kept hearing it & the more I did the weirder it got so I just ignored it"

•Howard: " What do you guys eat for breakfast?"

•Von-Hue: " We don't eat until after the breeding period brother "

•Howard: " Breeding period? "

"Von-Hue would take me to an area & I seen everyone having sexual intercourse; old women old men & im talking 90 plus; women on women, men on men Thank God there weren't any children involved; but It was one big sex ogre it smelled like Ass & sweat"

•Von-Hue" I have already had my breeding partners for today would you like to participate ?"

•Howard: " N No thank you I have a wife & she's pregnant with our first baby"

•Von-Hue: " I see suit yourself"

•Howard: " Do you know where Elohim is I'm not done with my interview with him"

•Von-Hue: " Ah yes he should be breeding with the first lady out back"

" I walked to the back a sure enough I seen Elohim & Hellen fucking; he knew I was there & he just looked at me & smiled; I smiled back oddly; after he was finished; we sat down for our second interview, I was given a plate of fruit & vegetables a very healthy way to start the day but where was the meat? .... Elohim was presented a turkey leg & it was nice a juicy I wanted to ask him about this "

•Howard: " every one here is eating fruits & vegetables your the only one eating meat is there a reason for that ?"

•Elohim: " Yes all of my lambs need to stay fit I must keep my strength up I'm god I can eat whatever I want but my members must stay fit"

•Howard: " Don't you think that's a little selfish ?"

•Elohim: " My brother are you implying that I don't care about my lambs ?"

•Howard: " No I'm not saying that I just think it's a little snobbish to eat that good & watch you members eat so little"

•Elohim: " LAMBS !!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR MEAL ?"

" His so called lambs would just worship him as if it was a Sunday church service"

•Elohim: " See my brother they are satisfied, next question? ( as he took a big bite of his turkey leg) "

•Howard: " ??? Ok ...... when was the last time you been to the United States?"

•Elohim: " Since I left 10 years ago; me & my lambs have done enough to survive that long"

•Howard: " I see & I want to ask you about the young man I met this morning the one with the staff ?"

•Elohim: " He is not my lamb he is my Ram; Von-Hue a great warrior he's from Nigeria just like me I met him at University & I always knew he had a great power "

•Howard: " What do you mean by great power ? "

•Elohim: " He's an Aura user; aura users are basically superhumans & he has that power he is my greatest ram"

•Howard: " And about the breeding period what was that about ?"

•Elohim: " We don't discriminate we are for all sexualities we fully support the LGBTQ community; we just believe people should be free that's all"

"At that time there was a big ring it was loud; I would follow Elohim to the area where people had finished the breeding period; & everyone was issued out envelopes with a card inside; Elohim would give the first speech I would witness"

•Elohim: " My precious lambs it is now time for our Monthly ceremony; I need all of you to pull out your cards"

" I pulled out mine & I got a red circle; I looked to my partners & they had red circles as well; but to the guy in front of me he was shaking & had a distraught look on his face his card had a Red X"


" About 50 people raised up theirs card with a red X "

•Elohim: " Yes bless you all tomorrow we will begin the ceremony you all know the reason for this but it is for a good cause I will be with you don't fear"

" That could mean a million things from that speech but I'm guessing they will have some weird ritual; I looked back at the guy who got the X & he was paralyzed with fear as if he knew something I didn't I wanted to ask him but he looked so scared & shook I would just leave him alone; on my way back to the room I walked passed a line of Red Jugs with Gas in them it was about 5O jugs I guess that was there for The barn fire they set for night time; I also walked passed around 20 men with shovels as if they were digging something; something doesn't feel right anyway I'm tired I'll sleep on this & figure it out in the morning"

"I woke at 3:00am in the morning I went outside because I couldn't sleep; the same man that was shook at the card reveal was running towards the water; this guy looked like he was about 52 years old but he was crying & running towards the water; suddenly the shrines went off"

•Elohim: " ONE OF MY LAMBS ARE ESCAPING !!!!!!!!"

" I could hear the anger his Elohims voice; as the man was running towards the water; there was a gunman on the watch tower that pointed a shotgun at the man; as all of the members of the cult were watching this the mans last words were"

•Cult Member: " GOD HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!"

" As the gunmen shot the man in the head & would drop dead on sight; his head in the water; with blood leaking out the bullet wound"

•Elohim: " Foolish Lamb,I am god"

" My 2 camera men were beside me when they seen this & were just as shocked as I was they killed one of there members for trying to escape; the dragged his body to the back of the island; at this point I'm starting to get skeptical & concerned about coming here lord only knows what's in store for later today."

" We woke up later that day still confused about what happened that night; all of the members of the cult were headed towards an open area we followed them & it was there that we seen a giant hole it was wide enough to fit two 18 wheelers in & it was 6 feet deep; that's not what scared me the people that drew the X yesterday would get in the hole & they were carrying the jugs of gasoline with them I looked down the hole & there was a body wrapped up & I assume it was the man who shot last night he was wet but it didn't smell like water it smelled like Gas; all of the people would line on in rows & face this platform; at that time Elohim would walk up on stage & look down at the members in this hole"

•Elohim: " My lambs one of our member tried to run away last night; we had to shoot him it's for his own good; you can't run from your destiny & it is your destiny to be apart of me"

•Howard: " ( What the fuck is he talking about ????)

•Elohim: " You have all been with me so long but this is necessary try to understand your screams will not be in vain"

" At this time all of the members would start humming"

•Elohim: " I love you all so much do you love me ? "

•Members in the hole : "YES god !!!!!!!!!!!"

•Elohim: " will you die for me ? "

•Members in the hole: " YES god !!!!!!!!!!!!"

•Elohim: " Then anoint yourself "

" at that moment they would all pour gasoline on themselves as they looked up at Elohim some showed fear; some showed happiness; all I seen was brainwashed people; then I saw the most disturbing thing I have ever seen with my 2 eyes"

•Elohim: " REJOICE MY LAMBS !!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOW & FOREVER BE APART OF ME !!!!!!!!!!!"

" Elohim would flick a lighter & toss in the hole setting the members on fire; I watched them burn ...... I watched them burn I WATCH INNOCENT BRAINWASHED PEOPLE BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAMING FOR THIER LIVES I COULD HEAR THE PAIN I COULD ANGISH IN THEIR VOICES I COULD HEAR THE REGRET I COULD HEAR THE HURT ..... THEY BURNED THEY BURNED....... THEY FUCKING BURNED & THERE WASN'T A DAMN THING I COULD DO ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!, but honestly that wasn't the most sickening part; Elohim stood they're watching this with his arm stretched wide smiling he was fucking smiling, what the fuck is so funny man , I looked closer & it wasn't a normal smile it was an evil smile a pure evil smile; evil enough to make Satan himself jealous; then the members started Singing"


" I Vomited on my myself after this I couldn't take it."

"I stayed up that whole night I couldn't sleep not after witnessing that; I forgot to mention that in the fire they threw our boat & our cameras in the fire this is what they meant when they said they would take care of everything; I had a strange fear something like this would happen that's why I'm writing this letter to you mr.president I don't know what There objective is but all I can tell you is that this is sick; I only have one explanation of what Elohim wants so pay attention to it I could be wrong but more then likely I'm not so here is my final observation just in case I die tomorrow from my final interview with Elohim............"

Howard woke up the next morning & the 2 camera men that were with him had been beheaded they had tried to escape after witnessing what they did the previous day; Howard knew he was next; he sat down with Elohim; Elohim just smiled at him but Howard had a serious look on his face

•Elohim: " Hello brother you look so tired what's wrong haven't you been enjoying my island I'm god after all"

•Howard: " Let me ask you a final Question Samual.......... what kinda god would brainwash innocent people have them pour gasoline on their heads & then be set on fire ? You don't have the Authority to take life,who are you ?"

•Elohim: " As I said my brother I'm a god ....... I can do all things; my Lambs are now apart of me & so are your friends & soon you will be as well but don't fret it's only for your good your apart of the anointed ones .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

•Howard: " Your a monster ....... your a fucking monster man what the fuck is wrong with you ? ...... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??????????????"

At that time Von-Hue would stab Howard through his chest; he would fall back with his face looking up into the sun; the Lambs would circle around him with spears & Elohim would look down at him

•Elohim: " Rejoice my brothers you will soon be apart of me"

•Howard: " God ....... please I don't know who is able but please God send someone anyone to stop this man"

•Elohim: " You foolish foolish soul ....... I am god"

As the Lambs would stab him with there spears leaving a bloody mess; all Elohim did was smile at the sight of this

2 weeks later president Biden would receive Howard's letter

•Representative: " Mr. President if all of this is true how will you respond to this ?"

•Biden: " These actions are disgusting & it breaks my heart to see what this Cult is doing but that isn't what scares me the most"

•Representative: " Mr.President what more can scare you then what you just read ?"

•Biden: " What's at the end of this letter"

" Mr President if your reading this by now I'm more then likely dead; my unborn child will grow up without a father & my wife will be a widow; please tell them I'm sorry but I must tell the truth in order to stop this man; my deepest fear is that their coming to America & there coming to America......... for Kanye Lupe.