Black Rabbit Chapter 2

Pen Protectors Black Rabbit Chapter 2

The local high school was participating in the big brother program from another local community college the same college where Maiah works as a professor; the school was having a meeting for The this reason; as Odonus was trying his best to avoid Curena he didn't do a very good job

•Curena: " Why do you always run from me we're friends silly"

•Odonus: " It's already bad I enough I have to deal with you at home all i ask for is one moment of peace but it looks like I can't even do that"

•Curena: " It looks like we're get to make friends with college students sounds exciting"

•Odonus: " There's nothing exciting about this shit man; I gotta piss watch my spot for me"

Odonus would walk to the bathroom it was there when he approached he seen Davison getting bullied by high schoolers & he's a freshman in college

•Bully:" Man look at you a grown man playing with toys I never thought I would see the day"

•Davison: " I told you to leave me alone I can play with my toys if I want"

•Bully: " College freshman don't play with toys your making yourself look man what will they girls think........ oh wait I know someone like you wouldn't know what a girl would think hahahahaha a grown man playing with toys what a joke"

At that time Odonus would come between them

•Odonus: " You know what I hate is people like you who think it's ok to prey on the weak ....... if I were you I'd get to the auditorium and get ready for the speech because if you don't I wouldn't doing something regrettable right now"

The bullies would get scared & walk away

•Davison: " Thanks brother you saved me"

•Odonus:" oh It wasn't like I was helping you I just don't like seeing weak people get bullied it pisses me off; your a college student ? "

•Davison: " Yup I'm a freshman"

•Odonus: " Ok well you need to stand up for yourself I'm in high school still it's a shame I got to tell you that if your a college student"

•Davison: " Thank you for saving me brother ......."

•Odonus: " I told you I didn't save you man ...... do some pushups workout or something stand up for yourself if I see you getting bullied again I'm not helping you"

•Davison: " Ok brother"

•Odonus: " And stop calling me brother........ I gotta piss"

•Davison: " Ok brother see you later"

As Odonus would go in the bathroom to take a piss; he would commence to pissing in the urinal

•Odonus: " Man that kid was weird"

Davison would walk in on Odonus

•Davison:" Hey Brother !!!!!!!!"


•Davison: " I just wanted to thank you again for saving me"

•Odonus: " Fine your Welcome now stop following me !!!!!!!!"

•Davison: " Wanna be friends?"

•Odonus: " Friends????? ...... I got enough friends as it is man NOW STOP FOLLOWING ME DAMN IT "

•Davison: " Ok brother"

Odonus would walk out of the bathroom room without washing his hands & go back to the auditorium where Curena was & take his seat

•Curena: " Your back what took you so long to get back here"

•Odonus: " Huh ? Oh it was nothing I ran into this annoying guy & he wouldn't leave me alone that's all"

•Curena: " Well it's a good thing your back the announcement is about to start"

At that moment Maiah would come on stage

•Maiah: " Good morning students it's wonderful to see such young ambitious faces; please allow me to introduce myself my name is Maiah Smith I am a professor at the the local community college this year we're are having an event called the big brother program each of you will receive a partner from the college & you will be linked to together for a full semester underneath your chairs is a number, if you find the matching number to your partner that is who you will be with; this program is designed to build chemistry & companionship & to show how vital friends are which is why I have decided to name this project the big brother program; no if you would please look underneath your seats for your matching number"

Odonus would do so & he would pull out the number 13

•Curena: " Sucks for you 13 is an unlucky number"

•Odonus: " Yeah well I don't believe in luck........ this shit is so bogus man hold on maybe I might get partnered with a girl with big juicy tits hell yeah ALRIGHT WHOS LUCKY NUMBER 13"

Someone from behind would tap Odonus on his shoulder he would take his time & think about of it was a girl

•Odonus: " ( I oh yeah I can see her now big boobs & a fat ass ...... I'm gonna fuck the living shit out of her & if Kanye catches me he can just watch no more porn for me)"

Odonus would turn around & his heart would drop in disappointment

•Davison: " Hello Brother did you get 13 too "

•Curena: " You Guys know each other that's so cool "

•Odonus: " I guess I spoke to soon about 13 being an unlucky number"

•Davison: " Now we really are brother"

•Odonus: " Like hell we are "

Maiah would see Odonus & Davison from the stage & smile sinisterly, after the ceremony Odonus would walk outside with Davison Following him

•Odonus: " You Don't have to follow me wherever I go !!!!!"

•Davison: " But we're brothers now"

•Odonus: " God this this is gonna be a long semester"

•Davison: " big brother what's your name ? "

•Odonus: " Oh it's Odonus"

•Davison:" Why are you wearing face paint ? "

•Odonus:" It's not face paint it's my skin"

•Davison: " You look funny"

•Odonus: " Yeah well your not Winning any Beaty contest yourself buddy; I'm going home since you wanna man jokes & don't follow me"

At that time Maiah, Jackson & Granson would confront Odonus

•Maiah: " I'm sorry you much be Davison's partner in the big brother program your 13 right my favorite number....... I hope you two will get along Davison is very special"

•Odonus: " Tsk more like annoying"

As Odonus would walk off

•Granson : " So that's one of Kanye Lupe's yes men huh he's just a little high schooler"

•Jackson: " I'm have more talent in my pinky then him"

•Maiah: " Davison What's are you on he didn't hurt you did he"

Davison was crying

•Davison: " Big brother saved me from bullies today .... & I made big brother mad"

•Maiah: " There There it's ok mistakes happen ( shit ... we are off to a rocky start I need them to get along so I can get closer to Kanye Lupe, the last thing I want is drama,that's the only way this plan plan is going to work)"

Meanwhile at the home of Kanye Lupe Alex & Walter we're doing a report for all of his alleys

•Lupe: " I hope these reports aren't long I don't have all day"

•Alex: " There's only five of them & plus this is good because we can see how much they've all grown"

•Lupe: " Fine lets just get this over with ......."

•Alex: " First on the list we have Shaela"

•Walter: " She is a very good fighter & her berserker mode is lethal it only last for 30 seconds but if she could hold it out for a minute she would be even more powerful her weakness is she is very short tempered but I think motherhood has changed her a little"

•Lupe: " Next "

•Alex: " Iickime"

•Walter: " He has excelled with his parasite blade he has but his insane personality has to be tamed more for his own safety"

•Alex: " Curena"

•Walter: " She has improved expeditiously her jujitsu skills are at a God level now the only weakness I see is her kindness in combat"

•Alex: " Poppieyae"

•Walter: " He is an over all power house in his mass form if her worked more on hand to hand combat skills instead of alway trying to obliterate his opponents with one kill he would probably be Undefeatable if not Undefeatable pretty damn close"

•Lupe: " He should also learn to stay out of my damn fridge"

•Alex: " Last one Odonus"

•Walter: " hmmmmm"

•Lupe: " I get it Odonus is a disobedient little brat but why the Hmmmmmm"

•Alex: " Is that a bad thing Walter "

•Walter: " No, it's just what the report says"

•Lupe: " So what's going on what about Odonus does he has something we don't know about"

•Walter: " Well to paraphrase what my report say ...... & this is very disturbing & concerning"

•Lupe: " Spit it out what does it say about him "

•Walter: " Well my lord ...... to put it simply, if Odonus wanted to, he could kill every person on the planet"

Lupe & Alex we're both shook with concern.