Chapter 3 He’s upset

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don't know how long she was lost in the past of her scattered life. but the sound of someone opening the door caused her to jerk out of her deep thoughts.

Huzaifa had entered the room with a mobile on his ear.

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"How can you even think that...!! I told you before that I couldn't refuse this marriage..."

"No...! Moomal is my best friend, and I can do anything for her. I told you about her problem, her life would have been ruined if we hadn't gotten married."

Huzaifa, whom she had avoided after seeing him enter the room, after hearing his words, she couldn't help but look at the scowl on his handsome face.

Wearing a boski suit and a black vest coat, he was looking very handsome. And the look of anger on his face made his personality even more attractive.

She was in a daze looking at him. She doesn't know for how long she was lost in his spell. But I then, as she felt her heart pounding against her chest, she jerked out of her world, and in a second, she lowered her bold gaze again.

She felt her palms sweating from this familiar feeling.

"Try to understand Ruby... I don't care what the media is saying, Moomal and I are just good friends, nothing more. Believe me, Ruby, you are the one who I love..!"

He began to run his fingers through his hair in annoyance. Unaware of the effects of his words.

Moomal, was silently enduring the wounds of his words in her heart.

"Ruby, listen to me...! You.." The call was probably cut off from the other side. Because, the second moment, Huzaifa, angrily threw his mobile phone on the sofa, and lied down on the bed in front of her.

He was now massaging his temples with his closed eyes. "Ruby is not ready to believe me... she thinks I have cheated on her. In her anger she refused to listen to me." Huzaifa's voice was full of softness and sorrow.

Moomal could see the lines of worry on his forehead.

In those two years, Huzaifa had been upset many times with this girl, Ruby. And every time, Moomal would get very angry with that girl. But today, she can understand what that Ruby must be feeling right now.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. Give her some time, I am sure after thinking it through through, she will believe you." With a heavy heart she consoled him. But her own heart was full of despair.

Huzaifa opened his eyes and turned towards her side and took her henna painted hand in his heavy hand. .

With this sudden touch, the heart rate of Moomal suddenly increased. But she did not have the courage to pull her hand away from him.

"You're right, it must be very difficult for her. I should give her some time." Huzaifa said, looking at the design on Moomal's hand.

Moomal was silently but with questioning eyes, watching him holding her hand in his. But inside her mind there was like a storm destroying her ability to think straight.

It was their first wedding night. On the one hand, they were both talking about a third person. And on the other hand, Huzaifa was holding her hand and examining her henna as if it's a normal thing for him.

Since the past two years, she has been the witness of his and Ruby's relationship. Only she knew in the house that Huzaifa was in a serious relationship with his co-actor Ruby.

"Huzaifa.." Moomal called his name in a very light voice.

"Hmm...?" His eyes were still downwards looking at her palm.

"If I had refused to marry you, what would you have done ?" Moomal asked hesitantly.

Suddenly, Huzaifa's grip on her hand tightened, and he looked up at her questioning eyes with his angry gaze.

"So I would have married you by force. Because I will never let you marry that animal." Huzaifa's eyes were filled with hatred as he spat those words.

Moomal's eyelids suddenly looked down avoiding his gaze. And she also freed her hand from his grip.

"Perhaps you have forgotten that it was you who had refused to marry me before. Because you wanted to marry Ruby." She said bitterly, biting on her lower lip to avoid it trembling.

She wanted to tell him that she was still feeling the pain of his denial.

But couldn't.

Moomal's showing him the mirror made him a little embarrassed.

"Moomal, you know that I didn't know about your trouble before, but when Baba told me the whole thing, I agreed to this marriage myself. And to be honest, even if Ruby hate me for it, I have no regrets about this decision." After saying this he again turned and laid on his back and looked up at the roof as if looking for something.

Moomal, looked at him again.

According to Huzaifa, he can do anything for her, and by marrying her today, he had already proved his point.

But what about Ruby..? Can she forgive him..?

What about her own life..? This marriage, which was arranged to save her future from being ruined, will always be limited to name only..?

Before their marriage, he had numerous times hurt her by sharing his time spent with his girlfriend..

But now, when they are both married, and she has also allowed him to remarry his girlfriend, Ruby, would he still share the moments between her and Ruby just like before?

Only the idea of him with Ruby felt so painful for her, how would she endure it if he really got married to Ruby...?

Surrounded by these thoughts, she kept looking at him in utter silence.

After some time, he got up and sat straight. Looking very enthusiastic.

"And think for yourself if I had agreed to marry you when you already knew that I like Ruby. Wouldn't it be a problem between us..? I am sure that after my yes, you yourself would have reported me to Baba. " Huziafa suddenly defended himself.