Chapter 5, you want me share the bed with you..? (Edited)

Two years ago, when he told her about Ruby, she forced herself to believe that Huzaifa would never be hers. Then why did fate play such a disgusting game with her...?

Why did she have to face this pain?! When did she do anything wrong?

She had never hurt anyone, had never fought with anyone, then why?

Why did fate tie them with such a strong relationship when she couldn't even call him her husband?

Just to break her heart in pieces?


Just why?!

She was so lost in her pain and agony that she didn't even notice that Huzaifa had already come out of the bathroom after washing up.

Moomal was still sobbing with her face down when Huzaifa walked towards her and put his hand on her shoulder.

Startled, Moomal looked up in shock, and as soon as she saw Huzaifa's mixed expressions of surprise and worry, she realized her questioning condition.

The next moment, she again lowered her face and quickly wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"What's the matter, why are you crying like this? Huzaifa tilted her face up with his finger to look at her eyes.

Moomal's eyes were red, and despite her trying to control her emotions, Tears were still flowing out of them.


Seeing Moomal suddenly in this state, Huzaifa became extremely worried.

"Tell me what happened, why are you crying like a child all of a sudden ...?"

Moomal kept looking at him with wet eyes, she didn't know how to explain and what to tell him, what was the reason for her crying so suddenly.

Huzaifa removed his hand from her chin when Moomal kept trying to tell something but couldn't because of her sobbing.

"Wait here, I'll get my aunt...," he said, turning to leave, but he hadn't taken a step forward when Moomal grabbed his arm and stopped him from leaving.


"No, Huzaifa. Don't call Mother at this time." She spoke in a weak voice.

Huzaifa turned towards her and took her hand in his and sat down on his one knee in front of her.

"Then tell me why you are crying...?"

Moomal turned her head in embarrassment. She had been controlling her emotions for so many years, then why did she let them loose today?

But what could she do? She's also a human who for so many years has been hiding her true feelings for this man from every single eye.

Perhaps today her marriage and Huzaifa's some old friend zone behavior worked as a nail in the coffin for her.

Huzaifa was waiting for her to speak as he could see in her eyes that she wanted to tell him something.

I... I'm scared, very scared, Huzaifa." Moomal said softly. Her neck was slightly bent. But her eyes were on her hand, which was still in Huzaifa's grip.

But the next moment she realized what she had just said. Stuttering, she looked up at him worriedly.

Huzaifa, who had been looking anxious a few moments ago, now seemed calm after Moomal's confession about her being scared.

"You're crazy, what's there to be scared of now...? You're my wife, and as long as I'm alive, no one can take you away from me or this house." Huzaifa smiled. He spoke confidently, without knowing how deeply his words have touched Moomal's heart.

Even though, she knew that Huzaifa's confession was his matter of concern, not of love. She couldn't stop herself from feeling touched.

"Why are you looking at me like this...? You don't trust me...?"

Huzaifa asked with artificial resentment when Moomal looked at him with such sad eyes.

"I do" Moomal replied with a light smile on her dry lips.

Huzaifa's face brightens up again at Moral's short reply. And he stood up from the ground with Moomal.

"You know how scary you look when you cry? Seeing you like that, I almost had a heart attack there for a moment." After comforting her.

Moomal looked at him pouting.

"What...? You don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself." Watching her sullen expression, Huzaifa grabbed her shoulder with both hands and turned her towards the mirror.

Still pouting, Moomal looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes were red with tears and all her mascara and liner were gone and only black strip marks were left on her cheeks.

She looked a little scary. . . . . .

Actually, very scary.

" Now go and freshen up, I want my friend back, not this ghost ..." Huzaifa almost locked her in the bathroom.

Moomal locked the door and took out her clothes from the cupboard and with heavy steps stood in front of the mirror.

The smile that came only for Huzaifa's sake, as soon as he disappeared from her sight, that smile had also disappeared from her lips and was replaced by tears in her eyes.

Half an hour later, when she came out of the washroom, she found Huzaifa lying on the couch in front of the bed.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch...?" She asked without thinking.

Huzaifa, who looked at her at the sound of the door, was stunned by Momal's question.

"Why...? Do you want me to share the bed with you!?" Huzaifa asked in astonishment.

Moomal, who was unaware of the other meaning of her question, after Huzaifa's question she couldn't even look at him.

"No! I... I meant this is your room, so you can sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch.

Furthermore, I didn't mean anything else."Her pink cheeks turned red now.

To hide her embarrassment she began to dry her wet hair with a towel.

"No I'm fine here, you sleep on the bed... anyway I'm so sleepy that I can sleep comfortably in the stable right now." After saying this he closed his eyes. Today, after a long day's work, he was very tired. And that's why as soon as he closed his eyes, He fall asleep.

After drying her hair, Moomal was hanging her heavy lehenga (bridal suite) in the cupboard. Her aunt and mother had already put her clothes in Huzaifa's room. So she didn't have to worry about it.

After hanging her suit, her gaze turned to the sleeping Huzaifa.

Facing her, he was enjoying his deep sleep, alien to the rest of the world. He had one arm under his head and the other around the cushion he was holding to his chest.

She kept looking at him like that for a moment without knowing how many moments. But, after thinking of something, she turned to the cupboard again and took out an extra blanket from the cabinet just below the cupboard, and walked towards him.

She unfolded the blanket and spread it over him to his chest.

For a few moments, she kept looking at his closed eyes. Seeing him relaxed, with a sigh, she moved to the bed.

But sleep was far from her eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You Will obey me, right…?" holding her face in her hands, her mother Zareena asked her in a hopeful tone.