Chapter 32, His wife

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It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the sunlight from the room's open drapes filled the room with golden light. Huzaifa's face was soaked with sweat in spite of the cold air conditioning in the room.

His pounding heart and sharp breaths were clear evidence of his sleep interrupted by a nightmare.

Even after awakening from this dream, he didn't know how long he remained in his bed. His eyes were unfocused, and his mind was now repeating the scenes of his dream like a film.

She stood by him, smiling and talking, there was no argument between the two, no resentment was visible.

Then suddenly, someone called her name, and she started walking away from him.

He could see how happy she looked, she was running after that voice with a smile.

"Moomal!" he called her, but she seemed to have forgotten him. He wanted to run and stop her, but his feet were frozen.

She kept walking away from him, and he couldn't stop her, no matter how much he wanted to.

Because he was standing next to Ruby, holding her hand.

After looking at Ruby, he looked back at Moomal, but now she was in somebody's arms.

He did not know how much time had passed, but he kept looking at her silently.

She was smiling.

Looking lovely as always.

He could not avert his eyes from her face as though he were in a trance by her beauty.

He had tears in his eyes.

In the past, when he asked her, why he always forgets his dreams when he wakes up. She told him that when a dream has a profound effect on your heart and mind, you will never forget that dream.

Today, he remembers every single detail of his dream.

Huzaifa, who hasn't cried since childhood, He could still feel the dampness of those tears, streaming out of his eyes onto his face.

As if he had experienced it in reality.

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Ruby asked, running her fingers through his hair.

She was sitting next to him, looking at him with a slight smile.

"Nothing ..." Huzaifa shifted, and put his head in her lap and closed his eyes.

After whatever he's going through at the moment, he doesn't want to face her.

On one hand, he was feeling embarrassed in front of Ruby, on the other, he wanted to stay beside her, to forget his dream.

It was as if he was desperate to find a way to get away from these unfamiliar feelings.

"Had a bad dream?" When Ruby's smiling voice rang in his ears. At that exact moment, Moomal's smiling face appeared in front of his closed eyes.

Huzaifa opened his eyes and looked up at Ruby's face who was looking at him intently.

"Ruby, you know that I love you, right?" Huzaifa said softly.

His tone was strange as he was not confessing his feelings to her but convincing himself of his love for Ruby. Which Ruby also noticed.

What is it, Huziafa? Is something bothering you? What's the matter?"

Huzaifa looked away from Ruby's face.

"Nothing, nothing special."

"If you don't want to tell anything, fine, but today is your cousin's wedding, then why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Huzaifa took a deep breath and sat up, now with his back to Ruby. "Can't I come to see my wife?" Huzaifa asked angrily. "Do I need permission to come to see you?!