Chapter 39, lost

"How shameless of you Anjum! You are not even married, yet you are talking about that thing." Moomal scolded her, but Anjum was drowned in a deep thought while looking at her.

"Moomal, your reaction shows that nothing really happened between you two. It can only mean two things."

Now Moomal's curiosity was aroused by this.

"What do you mean?" She asked hesitantly.

Seeing Moomal's interest, a wicked smile spread on Anjum's lips.

"Why should I tell you? You feel bad about shameless things. Forget that I said something." She said with a shrug and picked up her mobile to go through the remaining pictures.

At her sudden refusal, Moomal stared at her in disbelief but managed to control her irritation. "stop over acting! And tell me what it means, otherwise I will not talk to you for a week!" Moomal threatened her and snatched the mobile from her hand.

Anjum, who was already dying to tell this to Moomal, spoke. "If a boy does not take advantage of a girl in spite of loneliness, it can mean two things. One is that the girl looks so bad that he does not like to even look at her. Or the other meaning is" She stopped.

"What?" Moomal asked curiously.

"It could mean that the girl is so special to him that he is willing to do anything for her. And can never take advantage of her under any circumstances." She shared her wisdom.

"And I can say with certainty that this may be the second meaning in the case of Huzaifa and you. Because we both know that Huzaifa does not hate you at all."

This time she nodded her head in agreement. It also seemed to be somewhat believable.

Is she really that special for Huzaifa?

Because she's sure he doesn't hate her.

Or? She dared to think something she wanted whole heartedly.

But Ruby? How could she forget about Ruby?

She abruptly looked up at Anjum who was looking at her with searching eyes. "What if there's anyone else in his life?"

"Are you talking about Ruby?" Anjum said without hesitation.

Moomal's eyes widened in amazement at how Anjum knew she was talking about Ruby. But when Anjum asked the question, she suddenly shook her head in denial. But Anjum blew her refusal in the air.

"Everyone knows that Huzaifa and Ruby Ahmed are having an affair, but it doesn't matter because you are his wife. I am only worried about one thing, and that is you two are still living together like friends. And that's it. The reason he is not taking advantage of you is because you are so special to him."Anjum explained it to her.

She was listening intently as she bit her lip. She was still unable to digest everything. But Anjum continued.

"And now we both know that he truely cares about you. If you boldly confess your love to him and tell him that you love him and want to accept this marriage, then there will be no Ruby Ahmed between you two. Huzaifa Mueez will be all yours, your husband truely. And only I will be your friend. "Anjum proudly put her opinion in front of Moomal.

For a moment she really started thinking about it, but then she stared at Anjum in amazement. "When did I say I like Huzaifa?"

"No, never, but I know it from the fourth standard." Anjum said with a shrug and looked at her mobile again.

Moomal kept looking at her uncertainly.

"Stop being surprised and quickly dismiss Huzaifa from the position of your friend to the position of husband because I am a little jealous, I do not like to share my friend at all." Anjum added. While using her mobile.

Moomal picked up the pillow and hit her on the head once more.

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After the shooting, he went to the bungalow immediately. When he got there, he rang the door bell, but no one opened the door. Then he got a duplicate key out of his car, opened the door himself and entered.

But only silence and darkness welcomed him. The whole house was empty and silent.

Thinking that she must have gone out for her work, he called her from his mobile. Which was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, Huzaifa, I am in an important shooting. I will call you later." Before he could say a word, the call was cut off from the other side.

Huzaifa angrily threw his mobile on the bed and held his head in both hands.

Ever since he returned from the village, his days have been similarly restless, and so despite his fatigue, he spends all his time shooting. But after finishing his shooting, his condition would again be like that of a lost traveler in the desert who could do nothing but wander alone.