Chapter 56, Is Zayn, with Moomal...?

"Hello... how did you remember me today after so many days...? How are you?" Mateen's happy voice came.

"Peace be upon you... all is well..." Huzaifa replied in a simple tone.

"But your voice sounds different. What happened?" Mateen understood his condition in a minute from his voice.

"Can we meet somewhere...?" At this time, he was feeling very lonely, and he did not want to share the burden of his heart with anyone other than Mateen. He did not know how to free himself from the situation in which he was trapped.

"You get to the beach, I'll be there."

"Okay..." After that, Mateen hung up without any question.

It took him more than fifteen minutes to reach the beach, but he didn't have to be embarrassed because Mateen had also arrived at the same time due to traffic.

"Now tell me, what's the matter?" Mateen finally asked him after they sat down.