Chapter: 83, long time no see...

"No," said Moomal, shaking her head in denial. But Anjum was not convinced. Putting both hands on her waist, she looked at her with frowned brows but said nothing.

Her deep gaze forced Moomal to squirm. "I'm not lying." She said rubbing her forehead with her hand.

"Okay? Then why haven't you divorced him till today?"

"Because I have to come back to Pakistan for that, and I didn't think it necessary." She resorted to half-truth and half lie.

Anjum was still not satisfied with her answer, but when she mentioned coming back to Pakistan, it reminded her of the real reason for her coming here.

"But now you have to come to Pakistan."

" Why?" Moomal didn't understand her meaning.

"Because I'm getting married in fifteen days," Anjum told her and shrugged her shoulders as if she was giving her news of the weather, not her marriage.