Chapter : 93, Mom misses you so much

Huzaifa was leaving the office early today and was returning home because Sughra Begum had told her in the morning that they were going to the village with Zarina Begum to meet his grandfather and will stay there for a week.

At first, he wanted to refuse to go with them because he has tons of work to do in the office, and he couldn't leave the office for a whole week, but after this thought that Moomal might also be there with them, he postponed all his meetings and work and told her of his coming with them.

And he left the office, but then on the way, Zarina Begum called him to bring two or three suits for his grandfather to give as a gift.

So when he was on his way, he stopped at a mall that was on his way home.

For his grandfather, he selected a lot of things besides suits, and as he passed by, he saw another store where there were ladies' suits.