Chapter :108, I love You

Most of their guests were out somewhere, and only the family members were present there, and all the preparations of her wedding from their side were completed, Anjum was happy that at least today, on the last day of her home as an unmarried daughter, she doesn't have to be worried about anything else and she'll just rest and spend some quality time with her mother.

But who knew that her

Moomal glanced at her mother for affirmation and she too nodded her head supporting Anjum.

She knew Anjum was right, she had to talk to Zayn about this if she wanted to give them a chance.

"Okay, I will talk to him, but not on the phone, I will wait until he comes back from the village," Moomal said in a soft tone, and leaned against the sofa and closed her eyes before taking a deep breath.