Chapter: 115, Gray color

Gray Color

"I was waiting for you to wake up"

When Moomal turned towards the voice, there he was, with his serious expressions, but still looking very attractive in his black shalwar kameez suit.

"Assalam o Alaikum" she greeted him with a slight smile. to which he greeted back.

"I want to talk to you about something." He said, rubbing his thumb against his palm, looking somewhat nervous for some unknown reason.

Moomal had some idea what he wanted to talk about, and to be honest, she was not in a mood to talk about her issues then ruining her mood when today was her best friend's special day.

"Can we talk about that tomorrow? I don't think today's the right day to talk about our issues?" Instead of beating around the bush, she told him her opinion and requested soberly.

For a second, Zayn wanted to deny her request but after thinking for two seconds, he sighed and nodded his head. "Okay, whatever you want." He said and left her alone.