Chapter: 117, she fainted...?

This room, this was the room where she spent many nights in his presence, where for many nights she used to silently look at his serene, calm face, which was the reason for her smiles and sorrows.

It was the same as she left it.

The last time when he almost dragged her into his room, she was not in the condition to observe her surroundings or in what condition the room was, but today, she was here again and looking at everything, all of a sudden she was feeling nostalgic.

When she was drowned in her emotions, she heard the tinkling sound of the wind chime.

"It'll always remind you of me." She had said this very confidently, but back then, she didn't know that one day she would leave him for years, and he would still keep it there.

She slowly stepped towards the half-open window and stood in front of it. Eyes on the metallic wind chime, which, with every passing wind, was making beautiful sounds.