Chapter :130, His pleads

Moomal was in shock to see him there as if he was waiting for them.

"Did you call him to meet you here?" Zayn asked her, looking unhappy about Huzaifa's presence here.

Moomal shook her head before saying no in an answer, she herself was astonished to see him there, seemingly waiting for them because when he noticed their car, he stood upright from his leaning position.

Zayn felt his blood boiling to see the look on Huzaifa's face when he looked at Moomal. "Stay here." He ordered her and hopped off the car without listening to her reply.

She wanted to say that she wants to go out to ask him for his reason to be here, but after his order, she stayed put.

Zayn was now standing before Huzaifa, probably asking for his sudden arrival here.

However, the one question circulating in her mind was how did he get to know that she's going to visit this factory today? Because no one knew about this except for her Ghulam Ali Uncle and her…..
