9: The Luna Of 2 Rival Packs


"Are you sure about this?" Noah asks me.

"Yeah. I need to meet the pack. Especially now that I'm carrying the future alpha or alpha female." I tell my mate as an expression dawns in his face, and I don't recognize it fully.

"Okay. I will set up a pack meeting tomorrow so they can meet you." Noah replies, to which I nod gratefully.

"And we have one more problem." I say, worried.

"Noah, sensing this, wrapped his arms around my waist protectively, and let his hands rest gently on my slightly bloated stomach.

"And what would that be?" He asks me slowly, trying to use his voice to calm my on-edge nerves.

"Well, you know how it's Saturday..." I trail off, and eventually Noah groans, telling me he understood.

"You have to go to school?" He sounds incredulous, and I nod meekly. "On Monday?" His raised voice resonates around the room making me nod again. "In 2 days?!" His voice is too loud now; he's yelling.

He's yelling at me. Flashbacks fill my mind. Flashbacks of when my dad abused me, and one stood out in particular.


"Stupid mutt. You should have never been born. You ruined everything." My father's voice booms as he yells at me, punching anywhere he can on my body.

I start begging, pleading, for him to stop, which only makes him stop punching and start kicking. After a couple of failed attempts at blocking the kicks, I give up.

I feel the attacks stop, and open the eyes I didn't know I closed, hope gleaming in them. Hope that Kade or Jordan came to help me. Hope that the alpha finally stopped my father, instead of helping him. Hope that was ripped away from me as I see my father leaving me with a group of men, they were all smirking, something evil glinting in their eyes. They stalked toward me at a painfully slow pace, painful to me because I knew what was coming to me. There were 5 of them, and I recognized them all as pack warriors.

They slowly stripped me of my clothes, starting with my ratty vans and ending with my boxers. Four of them step back, leaving me completely naked in front of the largest of the 5. He starts raping me, and I yell out from the pain. The man puts his rough, callused, slimy hand over my mouth, and I blackout from the pain. The pain of losing my virginity, and the pain of losing it to someone other than my mate.

End Flashback

Black. All I see is black. An annoying beeping invades my ears, but it's distant like I'm underwater. The door of whatever room I'm in opens loudly, and 2 people walk in before the door slams shut.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN JORDAN IS AT THE BORDER?!" My eyes flutter open at Noah's yelling, and I look down in submission.

"I apologize, alpha, but he wants the Luna back." A man dressed in a white lab coat says, showing his neck in submission to Noah.

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!" Noah yells again, and I whimper at his voice level.

My mate is at my bedside in an instant, listening for our pup's heartbeat, then kissing my forehead and cheeks. Noah starts to whisper sweet nothings into my ear and stomach and I start to glide to sleep before recollecting why Noah was yelling in the first place.

I open my mouth to say something, but zero sound comes out when I try to speak.

"Here. Drink this." The doctor from earlier pulls out a bottle of water from his coat pocket and hands it to me. I smile and continue to say what I was going to, after thanking the doctor.

"Jordan's here?" I ask Noah, tilting my head to the right slightly.

"Yes, and we aren't going to let him touch you again." His voice was filled with determination.

"He didn't harm me at all. He's my best friend." I tell him seriously while looking him dead in the eyes.

"Okay. I'll let him and his beta in." Noah scowls as he says the words, but his face indicates relief, and I assume it's because he wouldn't have to kill his childhood friends after all.

"Kade is here too?" I had just then realized what he had said fully.

Noah sighs in my direction, most likely at my hopeful voice, and nods to the doctor, whose eyes fog over in response.

"How long was I out?" I ask Noah softly, to which he sighs at me again.

"Only a couple of hours, around 12 I think. It's 3 pm now." He responds to me, and I nod at the small amount of time.

"Alpha, Luna, Alpha Jordan, and Beta Kade are here." The doctor says. His nameplate says his name is Adrien.

I hear my best friend and brother before I see them. Kade growls first, followed shortly after by Jordan's growl. I roll my eyes at them both, and chuckle as they run into my hospital room snarling.

Noah, who sat next to me earlier, makes a move to stand, but I stop him by shaking my head.

"Kyle. You're okay." Kade breathes out, but I glare at them both while taking out my IVs.

"Kaden Orion Smith, what makes you think you can just come running in here like that?" My brother slowly steps backward, away from me. I take a deep breath and my head snaps around to Jordan.

"And you. You are 18 years old Jordan Cassiopeia Johnson. You have known for at least 2 whole years and you didn't think to tell me?" I feel Noah snickering in the mate link when Jordan and Kade show their necks to me in submission.

"And which one of you Bimbos thought it would be a good idea to keep 2 of my mates around the corner? I have a wonderful sense of smell, you know." I say calmly, which seems to make me even scarier to Jordan and Kade.

2 men walk into the room, one of them chuckling, obviously hearing me tell my brother and newfound mate off.

"Orion? Cassiopeia? You 2 are named after constellations?" The shorter of the Royal Twins looks incredulously at my brother and his best friend.

"Yup. All 3 of them are. Kade Orion Smith, Jordan Cassiopeia Johnson, and Noah Eridanus Greye, The future Alpha, Beta, and Gamma." I tell the twins and smile as Noah groans at his middle name.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Super funny. Now when are you coming home?" The question came from Jordan, who was serious as he looked gently into my ice blue eyes.

"Never. Your father and his father, " Noah points to my brother, " have abused him since you found out he is an omega. Kyle isn't going anywhere." Noah replies to Jordan in my place, his tone rough and harsh with anger.

"My father died yesterday." Jordan says to Noah, returning his harsh tone.