Chapter 8

Hazel's pov

Me and Emma had become really good friends during our time on the Argo 2, so when she fainted I was really worried about her. Once she fainted Percy carried her into the camp infirmary and set her down on a cot. Weirdly enough he knew exactly what she needed, kind of like this happened all the time. For all I know it does. Since we had become friends Emma had told me a little about herself. She told me her parents died in a freak storm, she told me that her and Percy used to be a trio but the other girl they used to hangout with stopped hanging out with them, but that was it. It wasn't much but it was more then what the others knew. After waiting for 30 minutes Emma finally started to wake up.

Emma's pov

After the blackout I slowly started to open my eyes but the light was too bright so I quickly shut them again. I guess no one saw because I heard someone right next to me say. "Come on Em i can't lose you again." I knew what he was talking about of course. He was talking about the time when I was missing and the flashbacks started. "You know that wasn't your fault, Perce." I said opening my eyes. "He jerked his head up. "EMMA! You're awake! Will get over here!" He shouted. "Not so loud." I said, "Still have a headache." "Oh right sorry." Then a boy with golden hair and a really bright smile came over

"Hi, I'm Will." The boy said. "Im Emma." I said as I got up. "Nice to meet you." He said and stuck out his hand "You too" As we shook hands i massive migraine hit me and my vision clouded i started swaying on my feet. I felt someone pick me up and set me on my bed but i still couldn't see although i knew it was Percy because i could smell the sea. "Get me some nectar and ambrosia!" I heard Will yell. Something was stuffed into my mouth and I felt better almost immediately. I looked at Percy, "How do they have custard bursts here?" because that was what I had tasted. Percy chuckled and said, "That was ambrosia. It tastes like your favorite food." "What does it taste like for you?" I asked. "My mom's blue chocolate chip cookies." He said, "Lucky those are so good!!!" As we left the infirmary Percy started talking as we walked to Hermes cabin. After he showed me around the camp the dinner horn blew. "That's the dinner horn we should get up to the pavilion. you 'll have to sit with the Hermes cabins though." He said turning to look at me. I nodded, "That's fine lets just get going." As we turned to walk up to the pavilion I started thinking about my blackout. I had had a weird vision.

Flashback to her blackout

It was a girl that looked kinda like me but with black hair and taller. The girl that looked like me was in the middle of a big room. The woman was sitting on a throne with three men, each on their own throne. one looked angry and had the biggest throne of all he also looked like a drama queen, another one looked like Percy and the last one looked dark and kinda like Nico. The 3 men were arguing while the woman just sat in her throne shaking her head and the girl that looked like me just stood in the center of the room watching the 3 argue like little children. I only caught pieces of the conversation since this was a vision, but I heard things like, "broke the promise......too powerful…...must die." When they said the last part the woman jumped up from her throne saying something like "I will not allow you to kill my daughter!" I was guessing they were talking about the girl that looks like me which means the woman's probably her mother. As they continued bickering it seemed that the angry looking man was winning. Finally they stopped bickering and the angry one said. "I Zeus King of the gods and Sky's hereby banish you too Tartarus." As he said that the sky had started storming. "Drama queen." The one that looked like Percy said. Then all of a sudden lightning came down and struck the girl making her disappear. That's when the blackout had ended.

Flashback over

"Hellooo?" Percy said, waving a hand in front of my face. "What oh hi." I said looking at the table we were standing in front of. It must be the Hermes cabin's table. I thought. "Emma, this is the Hermes cabin. This is Conner and Travis Stoll, Luke Castellan, Chris Rodriguez, Cecil Markowitz, Julia Feingold, Alice Miyazawa, and Billie Mg." As he said each person's name he pointed to them. As I sat down he left and went to an empty table next to 3 other empty tables. While we ate, the cabin started talking about who my parents could be but dropped it when I told them I had had 2 parents but they died in a storm. I thought I heard someone say Zeus must have been mad that day though. When that conversation ended I turned my attention to the twins sitting across from me. Guess what they were talking about. You got it . A prank! So surprising(note the sarcasm in my voice). Any ways when dinner was over we all walked down to the firepit. When we sat down the flames all of a sudden turned a bright yellow and shot into the sky. I must've looked confused cause Luke said "The fire reacts to everyone's mood. Everyone must be really happy." "Oh okay." I answered. As we sat there listening to people sing and singing as a camp I realized I finally felt like I belonged. i knew it wouldn't last but this was nice and peaceful. I didn't have to think about my parents or Emily or listen to Amalia telling me I needed to do something. We started heading back to the cabins around midnight. When we got there I grabbed my duffel bag off my bed which I had thrown there when we got here and was about to go change for bed when I heard a horn blow. Luke looked at me "That was the attack horn. Were under attack."