Chapter 15

Shadow/Emma pov

As I woke up I saw a figure leaning over me. It was blurry so i wasn't sure who it was but my vision slowly came into focus. It was Reaper. I shot up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Reaper your alive!!" I said. "Uh Yeah." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. "But you're the one that almost died." I untangled myself from him and I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Right." I said. I decided I wasn't going to tell them about my dream. "Anyways, how long was i out?" I asked. "About five minutes." It was Trident who answered but he was looking at Reaper who wouldn't look at anyone and was watching the ground. I looked at Trident and raised an eyebrow. He just shrugged but he had a slight knowing smile. "Cool new record." I said to break the silence. "But I probably can't walk for….Bob how much farther?" I asked. "About four hours." He said "Four hours" I finished "Then what are we gonna do?" Bolt asked. I whistled. "Well we fly of course." I said. At that moment Alpha,Slayer,Destroyer,and θυσία

(Which means sacrifice) came flying towards us. When they landed they walked towards their respective owners "Hey buddy been a while." I said petting Alpha. I looked at Bolt who was being nuzzled by Sacrifice, then I looked at Trident who was playing with slayer, and then I looked at Reaper who was just petting Destroyer. They all looked so happy. We hadn't seen our thestrals since we needed more materials for clothes about a thousand years ago. We hadn't even been sure that they were alive. I turned back to Alpha. "Alpha, I need you to go get two more thestrals for Bob and Damasen. Okay?" I said he nodded and flew away. A couple minutes later he came back with two more thestrals. They were bigger than any of our thestrals and seemed the perfect size for the titan and giant. "Thanks." I said. Alpha just nodded his head.

We flew for three more hours. About four furies attacked us, but we killed them relatively quickly. We flew for another half an hour when we started hearing growls and roars. Slowly we started making out the shapes of thousands of monsters. Trident groaned "Not again." he muttered. "Alpha lets touch down okay?" The thestral nodded and we touched down on the ground with everyone else following our example. "Okay we need a plan to get by all those monsters." Bolt stated. "Well i can cover us with the mist." I volunteered. "That's good, but how long can you hold it?" She asked. "Well if it's the whole body long enough to get us past half of the monsters." I answered. "Wait what if we fly over them?" Trident asked. "What do you mean?" Reaper said. "Well Shadow said if it's the whole body only half but what if she just covers the bottom." he answered. They all looked at me. "Yeah if it's just the bottom i should be able to cover us the whole way." "Good. Do you think you'll have enough energy to cover our whole bodies once we drop down in front of the doors?" Bolt said. I thought about it, "Maybe." I said. "If you can't it's fine we can fight them off. Don't push yourself over the edge." I heard Reaper say in my head.I turned too look at him and gave him a smile as I nodded slightly. "So we got the plan?" I said turning back to the group. I made eye contact with everyone, putting my hand out in the middle of our circle. "We got this." I said confidently, but in reality i don't think i can hold the mist that long.

We got on our Thestrals and flew into the air. I had to close my eyes to concentrate on covering us so that if the monsters looked up they wouldn't see us. We flew silently not daring to talk. We slowed down as we got closer to the doors. By now I was sweating profusely and couldn't do anything but concentrate on the mist covering us. "Shadow you ready?" I heard in my head. I couldn't send a message back so i just nodded my head


I was sweating even more now.


Now it was getting harder to breathe


We jumped. I'm not sure how i managed to land but i didn't break any bones and my concentration didn't break….yet. I managed to look up at the monsters and saw them looking up at our thestrals. "Isn't that the fours horses?" I heard a monster yell. And that's when my concentration broke and all the monsters saw us walking towards the doors. "Umm hi?" Bolt said. Everything was silent then.. "GET EM!" A monster yelled. All the monsters yelled and charged. We all pulled out our swords and fought back. I was fighting a hellhound when an Empousai tried to sneak up behind me. I whipped around and killed the empousai but the hellhounds paw found my side and threw me across the battlefield to where Trident was fighting the manticore. The manticore saw me and started to charge at me instead when Trident yelled. "HEY BEEF HEAD DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO STAY DEAD?" The manticore roared and turned back to Trident, charging at him. The manticore was clumsy and charged straight at him. Trying to run him over but Trident side-stepped and stabbed his sword into the manticores back. It disintegrated into golden dust and Trident ran off to fight another monster. We kept fighting until I found myself fighting next to Bob. "Shadow you must take the others and go." He said while killing a cyclops. "But you'll be killed." I said slashing at a hellhound. "We are aware of the possibilities but you and the team do not belong down here." Damasen said coming up behind me and killing an Empousai. "Fine." i said killing the hellhound and running to find my friends. I found Trident battling a cyclops. "It's not Tyson. It's not Tyson." I heard him mutter. I sneaked up behind the cyclops and killed him then I turned to Trident saying. "We need to get out of here. Bob and Damasen will hold them back." "No they'll be left here again!" He shouted. "I know. they said they are aware of the possibilities but that we don't belong down here and that we should go." "Fine," He said. I opened my mind so that I could talk to everyone. "Bolt,Reaper where are you?" I sent "were near the doors." Reaper answered. "Good me and Trident will be there in a minute. We are getting out of here.Bob and Damasen said they would hold the monsters off." "But they'll be stuck here!" Bolt said. "I know and they know but they are willing to risk it." I answered. "Trident lets go." I said. I didn't get an answer so I turned around and saw him battling two hellhounds and an empousai. I jumped into the fight. Together we killed the hellhounds but the empousai had got reinforcements. There were now four Empousai. We lunged into battle fighting them. We each killed one and were working in the last two. I managed to kill the Empousai I was fighting and turned around to see A second empousai sneaking up on Trident and about to kill him. I sprinted over, pushing him out of the way and felt the dagger go through my stomach. I screamed and fell to the ground. I saw a flash of color that meant Trident had killed the two empousai and I felt him pick me up bridal style. That's when I blacked out.

Reapers pov

The monsters had charged and our group got split up in the chaos of things. I was fighting back to back with Bolt when Shadow MMd us. "Bolt, Reaper, where are you?" she said "were near the doors." I answered. "Good me and Trident will be there in a minute. We are getting out of here.Bob and Damasen said they would hold the monsters off." "But they'll be stuck here!" Bolt said. "I know and they know but they are willing to risk it." Shadow answered. We saw Bob and Damasen fighting their way over to us as we continued fighting but we couldn't see Shadow or Trident. Bob and Damasen got to us. "Bob are you sure-" I was cut off by a blood curdling scream. That was Emma's scream. "Guys that was Shadows scream!!" I yelled. Then 1 minute later we saw Trident fighting his way over to us while holding Shadow. He got to us and immediately set her down behind us where she was safer. "What happened!" I shout asked as we continued fighting. "Well we were fighting a bunch of Empousai. And I guess one was sneaking up behind me and Shadow saw and pushed me out of the way. In the process the Empousai behind me stabbed her instead." He answered. I killed the cyclops I was fighting and went behind the others to see how she was doing. It was not good. She was bleeding profusely and it wasn't stopping. She was very pale and I could feel her life force slipping away. "Guys she's dying we have to get out of here now." I said. "Let's go then." Bolt said. "Okay. Trident, go cut the chain on the left side. Bolt, take the one on the right side. I'll get Shadow into the doors and then come help. Bob, Damasen cover us." I commanded. "Aye aye captain." Trident said. I just rolled my eyes and picked Shadow up. The blood was pouring out of her body even faster now. I started to run towards the doors. "Come on Shadow you can't die now come on.." I whispered as I ran. All of a sudden my way was blocked by a cyclops holding a hammer. "Styx" I mumbled. I set Shadow on the ground and unsheathed my sword. I was getting annoyed so I lunged. I slashed at his head but he ducked and tried to whack my stomach. I side-stepped and slashed at his arm. My sword hit but only scratched him. He roared in anger and pain. He charged at me swinging his hammer. I jumped out of the way and stabbed him in the back. This time my sword hit its mark and the cyclops went "Poof" I picked Shadow up again and continued running towards the doors. I set Shadow inside and went back out to help my friends but they had already cut the chains and were standing outside the doors. "Come on get in!" I yelled. They climbed through and stood waiting. "Reaper go we got this!" Damasen yelled. "Tell The sky I said hello!" Bob yelled. I jumped into the doors as they closed and felt them start to move. "Trident, how long did this take the first time?" I asked. "About fifteen minutes.��� he answered. I walked over to Shadow. She wasn't going to make it fifteen minutes. "That's too long Shadow won't last another fifteen minutes." I said. "Didn't she pack some ambrosia in her bag?" Bolt asked. "YES Bolt you're a genius." I said. "Wait guys where is her bag?" Trident asked. I felt the color drain from my face. "She must have dropped it when we were fighting." Bolt said. "Then what can we do?" Trident questioned. "We hope for the best." but that didn't work. A few minutes later Shadow died.