Chapter 21

Emily pov

Percy handed Emma the note and she began to read. A second later he started singing.

Percy pov

After i handed Emma the note i remembered a song from my moms favorite disney movie and started singing.

This is the Paris of my childhood

These were the borders of my life

In this crumbling dusty attic

Where an artist loved his wife

Easy to remember

Harder to move on

Knowing the paris of my childhood is gone.

I know that my house isn't a crumbling attic but Paul did love to draw and at the moment I can really relate to this song. I stopped singing and dried my tears.

Emily pov

Percy handed Emma the note and started singing.

This is the Paris of my childhood

These were the borders of my life

In this crumbling dusty attic

Where an artist loved his wife

Easy to remember

Harder to move on

Knowing the paris of my childhood is gone.

I closed my eyes as i listened to him sing. The simplicity to the song was sad but it was relateable. In just a couple words Percy could explain how he felt.

I looked back at Emma as she looked down at the note. She started reading it and began to cry. It was small at first, just a few tears but as she kept reading she started to cry harder. For a second she smiled as she read something. Then she handed the letter to me and ran over to the wardrobe. I watched as she pulled something out and set it on top of the wardrobe. Then she ran over to the envelope, pulled another thing out and started reading that. I looked down at the letter in my hands. Did I really want to read this? Reading this meant admitting she was gone. Ever since my dad died she was a better mother then my actual mother. My mother locked herself in her room for two months. And then went off and remarried after one year. But Sally had been there when I needed her. Sure Emma and Percy were there but I needed a mother. So that's what she became for me. I decided to open the letter and read it. I unfolded the letter in my hands and began to read.

If you are reading this then Paul and I are gone. If you are not Percy, Poseidon, Emily, or Emma please give this to one of them.

I skipped to the part with my name.

Emily. You will always be my daughter. As is Emma. When you were young you were a sweet fragile young girl. Now you are braver, tougher, and stronger. I am proud to see the young woman you've become. I love you very much and hope you know that. I know you are obsessed with my blue cookies so I always have a batch on hand. There is a box of them in the wardrobe for you and Emma. Please help my son watch over his little sister and don't let him do anything rash. Stay safe Emily.

That's the end. After everything she's done for me she's gone. I started to cry as that realization hit me. I set the note down and walked over to the box of cookies and opened it. I breathed in through my nose. It smells so good. I grabbed five cookies out of the box. I walked over to Percy and gave him a cookie and a hug. Then I walked over to Nico, who had been watching all of us cry and gave him a cookie. Then I walked over to Emma who was staring at a picture in her locket. She didn't look up as I came over. "Em?" I said She looked up. "Oh hi." She said with a forced smile and trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. I handed her the cookie. "Thanks." She said "Your welcome." I walked back over to Percy and sat down next to him. "You okay?" I asked. "No." He stated. I just nodded. "Guys we should search the house." Nico said.

We all nodded and walked out the door back into the burned house. We walked to the living room. There on the floor were Paul and Sally. They were both dead but it looked like Paul had thrown himself on top of Sally to protect her. Percy handed me Atlanta and kneeled next to his mom's body. "No." He whispered "NO!" He yelled this time. WE looked at the wall and saw a symbol. It was a star with a rose in the middle. "UGH I HATE HER!" Emma yelled and started punching the wall.

Nico pov

Emma was punching the wall nonstop. I could see that the wall was starting to have a little blood on it. As were her knuckles, I went behind her and grabbed her fist before she could punch the wall again. She tried to pull her hand away but she couldn't get out of my grip. Finally she turned around to look at me. "You hate who?" I asked. "Kyleigh." She answered, "What does that have to do with.." I trailed off, remembering now why a star with a rose in the middle sounds so familiar. It's her sister's symbol. I pulled Emma in for a hug. We pulled apart a minute later and I took her hand. I examined her knuckles. They weren't bleeding too heavily. I let go of her hand and we turned back to Percy and Emily. "We need to get to Olympus." I said. Emma nodded, "Hecate!" She yelled. There was a flash of light and Hecate was standing in front of us. "What do you-" She stopped, seeing the house. She turned around and saw Percy kneeling next to his parents' dead bodies. She nodded.

We closed our eyes and when we opened them again we were standing in the middle of the throne room. Hecate shot a purple blast of light into the air and then walked to her chair. We stood in the middle of the room as the gods flashed in one by one. Poseidon was the last one to flash in but no one took notice of us. "Why have you called us here hecate?" Zeus asked. Hecate motioned towards us and everyone finally saw us. Emma and I were facing the gods. Percy was kneeling next to his mother and wouldn't let go of her hand. Emily was next to him and rubbing circles into his back.

Everyone gasped. "Sally." Poseidon whispered, he ran over and knelt next to Percy. "What happened?" Athena asked Hecate. "I dont know." She answered. "Who did it?" Hestia asked. I looked at Emma to see she had her teeth and fists clenched as hard as possible. "My stupid ex-sister." She said through her clenched teeth.

Everyone gasped and looked at hecate. "It's not mine." She said, putting her hands up defensively. "No, it's my half sister. My dad got remarried when I was younger and Kyleigh came with it. Long story short she killed my dad, her mom and my twin brother." Emma said. "Wait she killed Luke?" Hecate asked. "Yes." Emma answered. Hecate gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. "How did you not know that he's your actual son and you didn't even know how he died?!" Emma half yelled, getting a little worked up. "I thought it was Kronos." She answered. "It kind of was. Kyleigh is working for them." Emma said, "When I found out I swore to get revenge." "And did you?" Aphrodite asked. "No because someone." She said glaring at Zeus, "got mad and sent me to Tartarus on my way to her." I shook Emma's shoulder slightly. She turned to look at me. "Now is not the time." I whispered to her. She nodded her head and turned towards Poseidon. "Poseidon." She started. He looked up at her. "Sally left a note. There was a part written for you." She walked towards him and handed him the note.

Poseidon pov

Emma walked to me and handed me the note. I opened it and read

If you are reading this then Paul and I are gone. If you are not Percy, Poseidon, Emily, or Emma please give this to one of them.

I skipped to the part with my name.

Poseidon. Hello. I know you're probably sad or angry right now but I need you to look after our son. He will change and i have asked Emma and Emily to help him but he needs the father figure he never had. Another thing. The baby's name is atlanta.

I looked up, startled, to see that Emily was holding a little girl in her arms.

She is Percy's half sister and I must ask you to not let the gods take her away from him. She is mortal so I fear they will send her to an orphanage or some other place where she will not know of her brother. Please help our son, my daughter, and his best friends stay safe. -Sally

I walked over to Emily. "Can i hold her?" I asked. She looked at Percy and he nodded, not looking away from his parents. As Emily handed me Atlanta she woke up. She had the most beautiful eyes. They were a beautiful ocean blue with specks of brown in them. Her hair was soft and dark brown. "Do you know when her birthday is?" I asked no one in particular. "July 15." Percy answered, "She's one." "Not anymore." Hestia said. "What?" Emily asked. "Today is her birthday. Which means she's two." Hestia answered. Percy stood up, came over to me, and I handed Atlanta to him. "Happy birthday sweet girl" He whispered to her. I don't think anyone was supposed to hear him but i did.

As I stood there I realized something. Sallys right. This is going to change him. But will it change him for the better or for the worse?