Chapter 26

Emma pov

If we won it would be amazing. "And that group is... THE FOUR!!!" That's us!! THAT'S US!! "Yes!!" Percy yelled pumping his fists in the air. We started to walk on stage but there was a loud tremble. It was like a big earthquake. No one was sure what was happening so everyone ran for the armory. We all put our armor on and grabbed our army. Almost as if the gods were waiting for us to be ready there was a bright light and we were standing on Olympus in the throne room. We looked around and saw the Olympians getting their armor on and grabbing their main weapon. The hunters of Artemis were also here. Everyone looked towards Zeus. He looked up from his armor and started to explain. "You have all been called here to fight. WE have intel that the enemy army is marching here at this very moment along with its leaders. This will be the final battle."

He finished and turned back to fastening his armor. People started complaining. They didn't want to fight for the gods. I nudged Percy. Surprisingly he understood what I meant and shouted for everyone to quiet down. When they did he began,

"Demigods." He shouted. "I know many of you see no point in fighting for the gods. So don't fight for them." He paused and many of the gods looked mad. "Fight for each other. Fight for your family, your friends. Fight for all the mortal families that will die at the hands of our enemies. Forget the gods. Fight for your selves. Fight for all the people that have died in the hands of our enemies. Fight for Castor and Bianca and Silena and Beckendorf and so many more. They all sacrificed themselves so that the gods will stay in power. Don't let their deaths be in vain. We will fight the enemy and we will win. Now, who's ready to kick some evil butt!" Everyone cheered and Percy stepped down off the stairs he had been standing on.

Percy pov

Wow i don't know where that speech came from. I got down off the steps and walked over to my wisegirl. I hugged her from behind. She turned around and hugged me back. "I love you, Wisegirl." I whispered "Love you too Seaweed brain." She whispered back. She started to give me a lecture about how I have to come back. At the end she just said, "You have to come back okay seaweed brain?" "Always" I answered. "And you can't die either okay?" She just nodded and kissed me.

We broke apart and I went to find some of my other friends. I found the seven all talking. "Hey guys." I said, walking up to them. "Hey" "None of you are allowed to die. Everyone understand?" I said, pointing my finger at them. Everyone nodded. "You're not allowed to die either, Perce." Piper said "Yes I know I already got a huge lecture from Annabeth." I answered with a smirk on my face. The seven laughed and we all group hugged, including Annabeth who had just walked up.

Next I found Emma and EMily. They were talking to each other in a corner of the throne room. "Hey guys." I started. "Hey Perce" "I wanted to say thank you. For everything. I don't know what i would do without you so don't die okay?" They agreed. Emily spoje up. "Hey Guys, I also wanted to thank both of you. Without all three of you I would've died in Tartarus." We both nudded and we hugged.

After that I found Thalia who was talking with a few hunters. I came up behind Thalia and a bunch of the hunters started to glare at me. She noticed and turned around. "What do you want, Kelphead?" She said with a smirk. "Hello to you too Pinecone face. I just wanted to say….Stay safe and please don't die." I said, looking at my feet. She surprised me by hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her. "Don't die Kelphead." She whispered. "Never" I answered. As we hugged Olympus started to shake. We sprung apart and I slipped into 'commando mode' as my friends call it. "Demigods! Time to avenge our family! Let's kick some evil butt!!" I yelled. Again everyone cheered. Thalia and I ran off into different directions. Too late I realized Thalia never promised she wouldn't die.