A Mis and Understanding


They both stare at each other as everyone in the room can feel the stress around them.

"How dare you to sla- me!?

She stood there in silence and was scared. She embraced herself in fear and was sweating.

"Look at yourself all acting up like a damsel, whoever sees you may think you are innocent. But you are not! You are just a cheap shameless and a gold digger who loves to woo every man whom you see, just to satisfy yourself and your needs. You are a who-"

" Enough! (screams and room echoes, then she stared at him), I heard enough from you. You men, who think every girl and women want to be on your beds and will do anything for it if you can give them some garbage. But you are wrong! You men are complete ass***. Who doesn't even know what we want! You know what if I didn't get the message from…"

(She saw that his friends were tensed and worried.)

"Do you know what!? It's useless to argue with a man who doesn't care about the ones who are around them. Who cares for him, whose world revolves around him. But sorry to say that you are no worth to be the-"

"Shut up!!!! You know, What!? It's also useless to talk to a woman who thinks that she is perfect. Out! (Kellie looks at him with anger and hatred) I said Get the hell- out- of- here!!!!" (He screams at Kellie with anger.)

His friends start to sweat and there is tension in their eyes. Susan tries to say something when, 

"I got a message that you were not coming. So, I thought I'll go back and will come tomorrow. That is when Alia stopped me near the elevator. We were talking, when I heard the people around talking about your bragging if they don't crack the deal with Zenith Group from N city. I asked about it, so Alia said that you were interested in this deal. So, I thought you may need the file, so I came to give it. Humph, but you know what, that was my big mistake. Bye sir, and thanks for showing your true face, beforehand. I thought I'll get my joining letter today and I'll sign it, but thank God I'm saved."

She turns around and was about to leave when she turned around and said, 

"Mr. Zyan, a word of advice. Don't be so like you (gestures to him from up to down), that much where your own family may be afraid of you." 

She looks at his friend and then stares into his eyes. He saw something in her eyes that was true. A clean pair of eyes with slight tears in it. Then she leaves, where everyone was shocked to see her leaving like that.

Susan comes forward,  


"Susan, please don't patronize me."

"Egan! I want to say something.'

" Not now, Susan."

He leaves when Susan shouts, 

"Egan Zyan Leonardo. I said I want to say something."

Everyone, was shocked when Susan raised her voice and Egan looks at her shockingly, 

"Egan, it's us who messaged her that you need documents, and we messaged her the address. We told Alia to tell her that you need to see her with the documents once she reaches and the remaining information will be texted to her. So, In short, it was us who told her to come."

Egan was shocked when he heard what Susan said and looked at the others who were agreeing to her silently. Egan felt something weird in his heart. He couldn't explain what it was but something was not right. So he ran outside, but it was late as she left. He was feeling really strange so he took the car and rushed to find her.

At a certain distance, he saw a girl cupped her face and crying on her knees. Due to her dress, he recognizes it was Kellie. He pulls over his car, that is when he saw her wiping her tears and got herself up, cleaned her dress, and straightened her hair. He saw this and gave a slight smile. He then goes to her and pats her back. She was startled to see him and loses her balance and he caught her by the waist and gives support. She looks at him with teary eyes and he looks at her with admiration in his eyes. Then, she backs off and he coughs slightly to cover his embracement.

"what are you doing here? Mr. Zyan."

"Uh...I came to say that you...."

"ok, so, you decided that I should leave your office and go. Right!?

" Uh-huh...Nh..." He tries to say something when she suddenly, 

"Sir, please sir, I don't know where to go, I don't have any job. My friend will kill me if I lose this job. She will kick me out of her house and she will never let me into the house. Please, sir, I promise next time I'll call you and inform you and then I'll come to your house. Even if it is really who you texted me, I'll call once you then only I'll come to the place you mention Boss, please..."

As she was saying this, he saw that she was kinda funny, and cute. Her way of saying sorry, her eyes, her lips, her hand moments everything was so adoring that he laughed so much that even he felt pain in his cheeks, but can't control his laughter.

This was watched by his friends who followed him and were shocked to see him laugh like that. Even Kellie thought she did something wrong that's why he is laughing at her and she felt more nervous and start to plead with him all over again and he continues his laughter, his friends also start to laugh.

Then Susan came to Kellie, 

"Thank you, for saving us and also for...."

Points at Egan who is smiling, Then Susan walks to Egan and hugs him, 

"It was ages ago we saw you laugh like this. We are so happy, to see you like this. Please don't let it disappear again. Please, Egan."

Everyone hugs them, and then after few moments, they look at Kellie, who is looking at them with a smile. 

Then, Egan walks to Kellie and said, 

"Look, You were right. I was an As*****. I'm sorry for that behavior, I was disturbed last night and when I woke up I saw that you were in my house sleeping on the couch, and I thought my judgment was wrong when I chose you. You were also like the other girls who like to interfere with my personal life and...."

"All girls are not same, Boss"

"Yeah, you're Right! I should have controlled myself and my anger. I'm sorry."

"It's k, Boss. Let's chill. It means I'm not fired Right!?"

"Yes, and you can live with your friend, she won't kick you."

"Hahahah" Everyone laughs