WebNovelHer Scars26.67%

Chapter 3

Nevaeh and Rosen decide to hang out since Harrison left Rosen to hang out with some other friends.

Rosen was okay with it because if he was frank, he knew Nevaeh was hiding something. He didn't know what, he just knew there was something she wasn't telling anyone, and that intrigued him. He started to like her; he started noticing the small things she does. Like how when Nevaeh lies, she rubs her pointer finger and thumb together. And he knows that even without seeing her face, he knows she is beautiful. And he believes that maybe he would change his 'player' ways for her. "If only she liked me back," he thought to himself.

Rosen and Nevaeh go into the library first and the first thing she does is grab a book that catches her attention and sits down and reads. Rosen finds himself staring at her while she reads. It was a book about a woman being in an accident and losing her memory while the police and her husband find the murderer of someone who was killed close to her accident site. The wife blamed the neighbor who was having an affair with her husband, and the neighbor blamed the wife. It was called, "Stranger In The House."

Nevaeh could feel his eyes on her so she looked up and raised her eyebrows while smirking. When they caught each other staring at each other, Nevaeh put her book down and asked, "So what was it like being popular in high school? You know, being the player and all." She knew this would surprise and may even hurt him, but she didn't care, she was calling it as she saw it. Rosen looked taken aback and a little hurt and said, "Well, I wouldn't know. I mean, yeah, I was popular but that was because I was the football captain. I never used a girl; I wouldn't do that. So before you judge someone, at least know what you are talking about." And with that, he stood up and left.


The next day was Monday and everyone was in their appropriate rooms and was getting ready for classes. For the most part, everyone's schedule was the same. Nevaeh and Henley's schedules were the same; same classes at the same times. Rosen, Ryder, and Harrison's were also the same as the girls, however, their first-class started later than the girls'.

Henley and Nevaeh were in their first-period class, which was English, when Rosen, Ryder, and Harrison came in. the girls were confused as the boys went to the teacher and told her why they were here and then sat down in their appropriate seats in the back of the class; two rows behind the girls.

Nevaeh could feel eyes burning on the back of her head but didn't dare turn around. She knew Rosen would be looking at her, but she knew she was at fault for them not talking.

The rest of the class went by fast, and as Nevaeh was walking out with Henley, she saw Rosen talking to the teacher, while Ryder and Harrison were walking towards them.

"What is Rosen talking to the teacher about?" Henley asked no one in particular.

"I think it could be about that?" Ryder said more to Harrison, considering the two boys know what he means, and the girls don't. The girls give each other confused looks but don't question the boys.

Ryder, Harrison, Nevaeh, and Henley all go out to the cafe that's on the campus right outside of the glass doors. It was an off-brand version of Starbucks.

They all sit down with their drinks when Ryder's phone starts to beep.

"Rosen wants to know where we are," Ryder says, reading the message out loud. He tells Rosen we are at the cafe and tells him to meet us there.

About two minutes later, Rosen walks in. He has an expression on his face that Nevaeh just can't seem to figure out what it is.

Rosen goes next to Nevaeh and whispers in her ear so she is the only one who can hear, "Can I talk to you outside? It's kind of important." Nevaeh nods her head and follows him outside.