Chapter Twenty- Modern Universe

            The Skulk appeared at the destroyed Village. Everyone looked around to make sure the others were all there.

           "Where are AoStH and Boom?" X asked, slight panic in his voice.

            "They'll probably show up later," Modern assured him.

            "You'd better hope they turn up soon, as you won't have much of a chance to see them again!" a gloating voice sneered.

            The Skulk turned to see AoStH Robotnik. He had spoken, but he wasn't alone. All the other Eggmans were there, surrounding a large object.

            "Prepare to be destroyed by Final Bot!" Boom Eggman said proudly, and the Eggmans moved.

            The robot revealed was huge and shaped like a pyramid. A trap door opened near the top, and a cannon came out. Modern gasped.

            "The mind control cannon!" he said in a terrified whisper.

            The Skulk exchanged terrified glances, but they didn't last long. The cannon fired, and they all dodged wildly.

            The Skulk proceeded to attack the robot, but the pyramid shape made it difficult to damage. Zooey assisted without taking the shape of any Heroes, so as to not give herself away. Five minutes in, Classic was zapped.

            Classic turned on Sat AM, who was nearest to him. This was problematic. However, the lazer had to be sustained to keep Classic under its control, so now the only focus was keeping Classic from hurting the others. Small actual lasers had emerged from the robot and started shooting at each Skulk member.

            Sat AM dodged Classic's swipe, rolling under the beam, then smacked him with his tails. Classic broke free from the lazer, but the lazer lowered and captured Sat AM. He flew over to Modern and went to smack him in the face, but Modern dodged. He didn't retaliate, however, as that would move the lazer to him.

            Final Bot was anticipating that, and a lazer made Modern the first fox down.

            X saw Modern fall, then called to the others, "Modern's down, but don't stop fighting!"

            Rallying shouts came from around the battlefield. Behind X, Modern struggled to his feet. The lazer had hit his left arm, rendering it useless, but he was determined to fight. That was when the bombs started dropping.

            One landed near Classic, throwing into the air. Another threw Lego and Movie; X and Mania.  

            Modern was blasted to the ground and blacked out, and Zooey was knocked to the ground. All were at Final Bot's mercy.

            Suddenly, Final Bot started to shudder. The Skulk members propped themselves up and watched. The only one not up was Modern.

            After about five seconds, Final Bot exploded. The blast knocked each spectator out.

            Boom and AoStH appeared five minutes later. They were both petrified at the scene in front of them.

            After taking a moment to absorb what was before them, Boom turned to AoStH.

            "Get help."