Chapter Twenty-Two: Modern Universe

           Boom Tails still couldn't believe the scene laid before him. It was the same as Modern's nightmare.

           Boom had judged the severity of the injuries of each of his Skulk mates, and was starting to move them to safer ground when AoStH ran up to him with two people he least expected to see.

           Lego was nearly dropped.

           "Sonic?" he asked, unbelieving.

           Boom Sonic didn't answer. He looked as amazed as Boom himself felt.

           Boom quickly put Lego down, then the two ran at each other and hugged the other tightly. This show of love Boom Sonic would have shunned and avoided any other time he now fully welcomed. It had been a long three months since he had last seen Tails, much less held him tight.

           Even after having learned Tails wasn't actually dead, hearing it was not the same as being with him. All the emotions that had swirled around inside Sonic since that fateful day on the beach poured out, and tears streamed down his face.

           He didn't care.

           Tails wasn't much better.

           "I knew I'd see you again," he whispered, the words coming thickly through the tears, "I knew I would."

           "I didn't," Sonic replied, "but I'm so glad I was wrong."

           Tails pulled away, frowning.

           "What do you mean?" he asked.

           "Tails," Sonic said, love filling the simple word, "when Eggman zapped you to this universe, he told us..."

           Sonic paused, the memory freshly painful. He sighed.

           "He told us that he'd disintegrated you. We... we thought you were dead," Sonic bowed his head, and the tears came stronger.

           Tails' eyes widened, then he pulled Sonic into a tighter hug.

           "I'm here," he said softly, "and I'm alive."

           Tails then pulled away and turned to the battlefield.

           "But they may not be if we don't help out," Boom looked at his Skulk spread out over the valley.

           Both Booms turned to the AoStHs, who had had their reunion when AoStH Tails had found them. The four nodded, making a silent pact.

           They would help the others, so as to make reunions like theirs possible for all.

           In no time, with the Sonics' help, a camp was set up in the nearby forest. It was there Boom Tails' initial assessment was confirmed- all were badly beaten up by multiple explosions, but Modern was the worst hurt, with a broken arm and a few cracked ribs to boot.

           "We need Amy," Boom Sonic commented as he helped bandage what felt like the thousandth burn.

           Boom Tails nodded.

           "Working on it," he said, "but we need to make do for now."

           A soft groan came from Sat AM. Boom and AoStH Tails were instantly at his side as his eyes opened.

           "You feel okay?" AoStH Tails asked.

           "How should I feel?" Sat AM answered.

           He froze suddenly as both Sonics came in behind their respective Tails.

           "Is..." Sat AM started, face hopeful.

           Four heads shook.

           "Sorry," AoStH Sonic apologized, "me and Boom got stuck when the force field came back on. The others had left by then."

           At Sat AM's fallen expression, Boom Sonic promised, "Tails is working on it- both of them are."

           "The Eggmans have let off for now," Boom Tails explained at Sat AM's confused look, "so we have the time."

           "In between taking care of all of you," AoStH Tails added, "it's a relief the whole Skulk is alive."

           "The Skulk can't die," Sat AM said with full faith.

           The Sonics realized that there was a special connection between each fox in the camp. Something besides being the same person; something deeper, more solid. The Sonics looked at each other, realizing.

           No wonder they referred to themselves as "The Skulk".

           It was a BROTHERLY bond.

           The Sonics were much more diligent taking care of the Tails after that.