A honk shook Kai out of his daze. He and Jinora turned around to see a red, black, and white satomobile, coming closer fast on the road a couple blocks down.
"Let's get out of the way, that person's driving kinda fast." Jinora said as she pulled his arm off the side of the driveway onto the grass, where they continued to walk to the front steps.
The convertible zoomed past them, then stopped quickly, and slowly reversed to show four teenagers sitting in it. Kai saw his adoptive "parents" sitting in the back.
"Hey Kai, what'cha doing here?" Asked Bolin.
"Me and Jinora were just walking home. I was gonna go home after we walked."
"You know this kid?" A girl with raven-black hair asked Bolin.
"Yeah Asami, this is the kid me and Mako are fostering, remember?"
"Oh... yeah, I remember that now." The girl named Asami said nodding.
"Oh, hey Jinora, we were just coming to see if you wanted to Mako and Bolin spar." A tan girl in a blue tank top and high ponytail said gesturing to Mako and Bolin, Mako with a monotone expression and Bolin with a fire ferret on his shoulder.
"Er... I got a lot of stuff to do." Jinora said hesitantly.
"Come on Jinora? Kai can come too," said Asami.
"You wanna go?" Jinora asked Kai.
"Yeah sure, why not." Shrugged Kai, smiling Jinora stepped into the back of the car, gesturing for Kai to follow, he complied siting on her left.
"Sooooo, how'd you guys meet." Said the girl in the tank top. Was this Avatar Korra? Kai wondered.
"Well, Korra." So this was the Avatar, Jinora spoke first, "I was reading Clockwork Angel at the bus stop, and Kai nearly ran into me with his skateboard."
"Details, Jinora, we need details." Korra said, doing a chopping motion.
"Er... she airbended herself out of the way and my skateboard broke." Said Kai plainly.
"Ugg, you guys talk so plain," Said Korra rolling her eyes, "I'll just make some stuff up, Jinora was so stressed with her book," She put her hand on her heart dramatically, "'Will or Jem, I can't decide, whatever shall I do!" Korra spoke in a long dramatic voice, "Oh no! A skateboard suddenly crashed into the bench! Jinora feinted, then the handsome young youth on the board, stood up and spoke 'Young miss, are you all right?' and she said extra dramatically, "I think so, carry me to the school!'' Korra smiled, "And that's a simple introduction to where the romance started." She finished, her chin up as everybody snickered, Jinora and Kai both blushed.
"I told you, we're just friends." Said Jinora strongly.
"Come on, I'm just messing with you, that would be cute though." Korra added with a wink, "I'm not losing hope." Jinora sighed giving up.
"We're here!" Asami announced, and stepped outside, everyone else followed her and walked towards the court.
(At the court-Jinora)
Bolin dodged a fire blast on his left and earthbended a rock at the Mako who dodged it and sent a fire blast at Bolin's feet.
"Woo-hoo! Go Mako!" Korra cheered for her boyfriend.
Btw I don't ship makorra, so I'll try and add korrasami in the future. ;)
"So, how're you liking the game, who-yah wanna win?" Jinora whispered to Kai.
"I personally like Bolin better, but it looks more like Mako's gonna win." Whispered Kai as Bolin barely dodged a fire bolt aimed at his right arm.
"I guess so."
(After the game-Kai)
"Nice game Bolin." Said Mako as Team Avatar+ Jinora and Kai sat on the bench outside the court as Korra healed a burn on Bolin's left forearm.
"Yeah you almost came back in the last round." Kai said smirking as Bolin fixed him with a glare.
"Ok let's go." Korra stood up and started walking to the car, Jinora hopped onto an air scooter and jumped in the passenger seat.
An annoyed hey came from Korra who just made it to the car, "Sorry Korra, I got here first," Korra sighed and got in the back seat, everyone else jumped into the car.
"So, guys, how're feeling about the Glacier Spirits Festival?" Korra asked once everyone was in.
"It should be so fun!" Jinora squealed, "I just can't wait!" that was adorable, Kai thought, she seems so happy around them.
"Wait Korra, is Kai allowed to go? We can't leave him here." Said Bolin with big eyes.
"Yeah he can come, I bet Jinora'd like that," Korra teased, she looked at him, "Wanna come Kai?" Kai nodded, that would be fun, Kai'd heard about the Festival, and it means more time with Jinora. Kai looked over at the cute girl with cropped hair, she was grinning.
Kai was coming too, Jinora could barely contain herself, this was awesome, she was grinning so hard. Everything was going great, but she secretly hoped he liked her, even if she said they were just friends, she hoped they were more than that, even if they met just this morning.