"JINORA WAKE UP!!!" Her fathers deep voice echoed through the mansion, Jinora moaned and rolled over on her hard bed, Tenzin always said it was better for your back, making all his children sleep on hard beds. Jinora sighed I must have so much homework, it's Saturday right, no school today, wait Saturday! The festival, Jinora sat straight up, Kai she was going to see Kai, they were going to the South Pole! Korra's going to be so happy when she finds out about me and Kai! Jinora squealed as she put on her air nomad clothes.
Jinora hopped on her air scooter and raced downstairs, careful to not knock anything over she scootered to the island and hopped off, "Hi dad!" Said Jinora quickly, "Btw, when are we leaving?"
Tenzin gave a reserved smile, "In two hours, to wake your siblings up, they're farther in the house so I can't tell to them, Jinora nodded and hopped on her air scooter they're so useful she thought as she raced up the stairs.
"Kai come now, we're leaving!" Mako yelled up to Kai, Kai jumped off his bed where he was reading some fantasy, dystopian book.
Kai smiled to himself, I get to go to the south pole today, see Jinora, go on a long, long, long flight, Kai shuddered slightly at the last one, thankfully he didn't have a lot of homework. So he could just be able to sleep.
Kai raced downstairs, as he jumped over the last three steps Mako came into view, the teenager looked up from his phone, "There you are, we gotta hurry, Tenzin's going to leave if we don't get there soon." Mako put his phone in his jeans and picked up his suitcase, he looked at Kai's backpack, "You got warm enough clothes in there right?"
Kai looked down at his bag automatically, then looked up and nodded, "I think so." He said slowly.
Mako nodded, "K then, let's hurry, you go first, I'll set the alarm." Kai nodded then walked outside.
Korra raced across the Air Temple garden, "Don't go I'm here!" She yelled as she turned the last hedge, relived to see Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo loading all the bags onto Oogie. Well, Korra snickered, it was more just Jinora, and if Ikki and Meelo keep fighting, it's gonna stay that way. Korra walked up to Jinora, who hadn't noticed she was here despite Korra's yelling, "Hey Jinora, need some help?"
Jinora looked up, "No you don't need to, unless you can get them, "She gestured to Ikki and Meelo who were currently yelling about who was a better airbender, "To help, I mean dad said all of us." Jinora sighed.
"I hear you, I mean when I ask Mako to help me with something, he's usually like 'Just a minute, gotta file this report', or ,'Just wait 5 minutes,' then he never helps, boys don't make any sense." Korra smirked, "Speaking of boys, how's it going with Kai? Mako texted me that you kissed him on the cheek yesterday, but he wouldn't say anything else, it was so annoying" Korra pouted.
Jinora smiled, there ought to be something, Korra smirked again, there has to be, "It's going so great! After you dropped us off, we went to the movie room to see a movie, and I told him I liked him." Jinora paused, why does she have to do that. Korra groaned, "Then he said he liked me too." Jinora grinned.
Korra had to grin back, "That's so great, then what?"
Jinora laughed, "Then we watched the movie, and I walked Kai home," She glanced at Korra and sighed at the teenager's bored face, "Well, during the movie, we kinda cuddled, I mean, I leaned on his chest." The 6th grader said questionably.
Korra laughed at the young girl's face, "That's just so awesome, you're so young, and it's just so cute." Korra squealed. A yell was heard in the distance, they turned to see two figures running towards them in the distance in the distance.
"WAIT FOR US!" Mako yelled as he and Kai raced towards the ten-ton-magical-monster. He was relieved to see that only Jinora and Korra were near the bison, this is confusing, where is everyone else? Mako looked around, just to see Ikki and Meelo standing on the hedges yelling about something. He looked at Korra, "Where is everyone else?"
Korra shrugged, "I don't know, I just got here."
Jinora spoke up, "Only Bolin's here, and last I know he was looking for a bathroom, Asami's testing planes, she'll be here in about a half-hour. Mom is making sure we packed everything, no idea where she is, and dad is on some work call with the council." Out of the corner of his eye, Mako saw Kai flush at Jinora's sudden interruption.
"Thanks, Jinora, me and Mako will go find Bolin, how long's he been in the bathroom?" Jinora answered, stating that he'd been gone for 30 minutes, and was probably just wondering around, Korra nodded, "Kai can just stay here and help you finish packing." Jinora blushed slightly, then nodded.
"Cya Kai." Mako said as Korra grabbed his hand and they started walking inside, "Korra, why do you need me to find Bolin? You know this house by heart."
Korra shushed him, Mako groaned, my girlfriend can be so annoying sometimes, Korra waited 'till they were out of ear-shot, "We're going to find Bolin super quickly, and then we can spy on Jinora and Kai, Jinora said they liked each other." Korra smiled mischievously.
(A few minutes later-Hallway-Bolin)
Bolin rounded the corner of another set of stairs, where the heck am I? I think I've pasted this corner at least 50 bazillion times, Bolin sighed and backed up to the stairs and sat down.
"Bolin! Bolin!" Someone called his name.
Thank the lord, Bolin prayed silently, he stood up, "Over here!" He yelled to the person, they ran to him, turning out to be two people, and none other than Korra and Mako.
"Holy shit guys, thanks for finding me, I swear the walls keep changing every time I have it figured out, even Pabu was confused." He gestured to the fire-ferret siting on his shoulder.
Korra smiled, "Come on boys, we're gonna spy on the little kids for a bit." She whispered loudly, Bolin and Mako nodded, "So let's be quiet and quick, like James Bond."
"James Bond was never quiet, he just broke into the building and beat up everyone's asses." Bolin retorted loudly.
Mako and Korra shushed him, "I think you're thinking more of Ethan Hunt." Mako whispered.
Korra threw her hands up exasperatedly, "Fine whatever! Let's just go!" She whisper-yelled. Then the trio tiptoed to the 6th grade kids.
Jinora had blushed when Mako and his girlfriend left, it just made him like her more, he whistled, "Do you need any help?" He said awkwardly.
Jinora nodded, "Sure, just help me get these last two up there." Kai picked up a suitcase and heaved it up onto the bison, just as Jinora airbended her (slightly bigger) suitcase onto it's saddle. When they were up Jinora let out a big breath of air, "If Ikki and Meelo had helped, this woul-", just as Jinora airbended her (slightly bigger) suitcase onto it's saddle. When they were up Jinora let out a big breath of air, "If Ikki and Meelo had helped, this would've been done before everyone got here."
Kai smiled, "Well, you can't have everything."
Jinora nodded, 'Sure can't," She looked at the bison in front of her, "Wanna come with me to tell my parents that Oogie's ready?" Oogie? What kind of a name is that? Kai voiced his thoughts to Jinora, she laughed, "Do you know councilman Sokka?"
"Yeah isn't he dead?"
Jinora nodded sadly, "Yeah, he is, but he's my great-uncle, and everytime my grandparents would kiss or flirt or something, he and Toph Beifong would yell, 'OOGIES'. My dad told me when I asked."
Kai grinned when she was done, "That's awesome, let's go tell your parents." They started walking, Jinora surprised him by grabbing his hand, he looked over at here, she was just smiling and looking forward, Kai faced forward and kept smiling himself.
"How can she do this now, she knows what he is, Jinora can't get involved with him!"
"It's alright, from what I can see, he's changed." Pema comforted her husband, who had just seen Jinora and the boy, walking toward the house holding hands.
"I mean, maybe I should just tell her to say away from him, but I know she won't listen. She'll keep on liking him! I can't do anything!" Tenzin rubbed his bald head.
Pema frowned, "You know you can't do that, just try giving him a chance." Tenzin sighed defeated, then nodded. Pema smiled at her husband, he could be a bit hotheaded, but he was still the same man she had fallen in love with.
The door creaked suddenly, then Kai and Jinora entered, Pema silently noticed that they weren't holding hands anymore, probably don't want to cause trouble, Pema frowned, that already happened. Jinora spoke up, "Um... we just wanted to tell you that the bags are packed, and everyone's here except Asami."
Tenzin nodded, "Ok, let's just go wait for her by Oogie." Kai smiled at the name, Jinora must have told him where the name came from.
Jinora and Kai nodded, "Me and Kai'll go find Korra and the brothers." Jinora offered.
Now is the time to step in, Pema took a deep breath, "That's just fine, your father and I will be waiting at Oogie." Tenzin drew an enraged breath, to cut him off Pema spoke, "Just don't take too long." Jinora smiled and pulled Kai out the door before Tenzin could say no.
Tenzin turned to her, "Why'd you do that?"
Pema sighed, there were somethings that Tenzin would never understand, "They're kids, Jinora hasn't been able to really hang out with someone her age in while."
Tenzin signed, "I suppose," He looked up, "Do you really think Jinora's lonely?"
Pema nodded slowly, "I think so, she may not know it though. She always hangs out with people who are at least 5 years older than her."
Tenzin nodded, "Okay, let's go." He stood up and walked out the door, Pema followed.
"Wait Korra, I'm confused, are we flying on Oogie? Or going on a boat?"
Korra laughed at Bolin's timid words, "I know it's confusing, we're flying on Oogie to the port, and then taking the boat all the way to the south pole."
"But is Oogie coming with us?"
Korra laughed again, "No, it'd be a lot of work to make him comfortable on the boat, so Tenzin thought it'd be easier if he just stayed here, don't worry, some Air Acolytes are coming to take care of him."
Bolin nodded, "How do you know this anyway, do you know how she knows it Mako?" He turned to his older brother, who shrugged.
Korra rolled her eyes, "Tenzin briefed me on the trip, besides, the south pole is my home." Bolin nodded, "Now be quiet, I want to watch-"
"Watch what?" The trio hadn't noticed Tenzin and Pema walk up behind them, "Where are Jinora and Kai?" He looked around
Mako answered, "They're waiting for us up on the bison, we were spying on them, they're just talking, but Korra ships them, and thinks they're cute."
Korra sent an alarmed look at her boyfriend, of course he has to do that, Korra blew a strand of hair out of her face, "Yes, they're just kids, but we need to go, or we'll be late," Korra looked at her phone.
"Ok, where is Naga?" Tenzin inquired.
Korra slapped her face, "Oh my god, we were supposed to be halfway to the boat by now," Korra whistled, her polar-bear dog came running toward her in seconds, she easily mounted the beast, "See you guys at the port!" She yelled as she ran off.
"Look there's Korra!" Jinora exclaimed as a white blur ran past them.
"What's she riding?" Kai tried to focus on the blur but couldn't get anything out of it.
Jinora smiled up at him, she leaned her head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand, "That's her polar bear-dog, Naga." She said when she was comfortable.
Kai nodded, "That's cool," He squeezed her hand, "When do you think the others will come?"
And as if right on cue, Bolin shot up onto the saddle, "Jinora, your dad's coming, quick." He said breathless, in a flash, they were just sitting side-by-side, not leaning on each other, or holding hands, "Hold hands again or something, Mako let it slip that Korra thought you two were cute together." He sat down, and Jinora grabbed Kai's hand just as Tenzin's head came into view.
"Hi dad!" Jinora said brightly, as if nothing were going on.
Tenzin smiled grimly, and nodded at Kai, not acknowledging Kai and his daughters clasped hands, Kai nodded back. Jinora squeezed his hand tightly, he smiled at her, she grinned back. Kai noticed that Tenzin saw them and only drew one short enraged breath, at least he's trying, he probably still doesn't trust me, Kai chuckled slightly, I wouldn't trust me either.
Pema climbed up onto the bison, she smiled at Jinora and Kai's clasped hands, unlike Tenzin, Pema noticed her husband's silence, "Where are Ikki and Meelo?" She looked around as Mako jumped onto the bison, and sat down near the back next to Bolin, who was currently playing with his fire-ferret.
"We're here!" Meelo and Ikki yelled in sync as they airbended themselves up onto Oogie, blowing everyone's hair the other direction, I kind of hope that my next kid, isn't an airbender, Pema self-concisely put her hand on her stomach.
Tenzin climbed up to the head of the bison, "Oogie, yip yip!"
(Ten minutes Later-Kai)
Flying was exhilarating, exhilarating, but terrifying, Kai was subtly worried that he'd fly out. He squeezed the hand he was holding, he turned to Jinora, "Do you ever get used to this?"
Jinora laughed, "Yes, you do, I'm used to it because I'm an airbender, but you can get used to it in time"
Kai nodded, "Do you want to go to the back?"
Kai nodded, "That'd be great." He spared a glance at Tenzin as he and Jinora sat up and walked to the back.
Pema waved him over, "I'll make sure Tenzin doesn't look back," She whispered, then winked, Kai smiled and nodded.
"I'm glad we could get away from everyone," She leaned her head on Kai's chest like they had done on the day they knew they liked each other.
Kai put his arms around her shoulders, "Me too," He whispered in her ear. Jinora giggled, "So, what's at the festival?"
"I'm not sure, I've never gone before. Korra says it's really fun though." Kai nodded, Jinora snuggled closer into his chest and yawned, "I'm tired."
Kai smiled at her, he hugged her closer, "I'll make sure no one wakes you up." Jinora smiled faintly as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Mako look!" Bolin whisper shouted at his brother.
"What!" Mako whisper-shouted back, Bolin pointed to Kai and Jinora, Mako grinned, "Korra's gonna be so mad she missed it!" Bolin grinned back.