It's been a few months since Katara and Aang got together and they are very happy. They spend even more time together if that's possible. About a few days after getting together Aang and Katara decided to tell their close friends and families and then they posted their relationship on both of their socials. When telling their friends they all were overjoyed by the fact and now their ship name is "Kataang". The couple thought it was funny and so is the amazing couple that they are they made joint accounts on all of their social media platforms.
Their @ was @Kataang_Hoes_1_!. They immediately were followed by all of their friends and the first photo that they posted on Instagram was their date photo even though it was on Katara's insta story on her birthday. It was a cute photo and needed to be posted again. Since making their joint accounts they have been followed by verified people across them because they think that their relationship is so adorable.
They posted the usual cute couple of things during fall/winter. For Aang's birthday (Feb. 12th) they went ice skating and even though it was both of their first time doing it they were surprisingly really good at it. After ice skating, they went to a comedy show in downtown Republic City and they ended the night cuddling in Aang's room watching movies even though the two weren't really paying attention to the movie, it was implied that they were because the movie was loud and Aang's door was closed. (tee hee)
Over the winter break that they had about a month ago, the Gaang got to know each other more and now they are this tight-knit group of weirdos that won't separate. (too lazy to write them actually being in school) Over the break, the girls of the group used Aang's sauna almost every time they came over and the guys were in the workout room(s) doing workout things. When the Gaang first came to Aang's house they were so shocked and their jaws dropped just from the exterior. They were even more impressed by the interior. After they gawked at his house for the first time they began to come over on a regular basis. Aang didn't mind and neither did Gyatso. They loved the company.
Aang is currently in the living room watching The Flash again because everything else on Netflix is boring and he wasn't really in the mood to watch anime because he knows if he were to start watching it now he wouldn't stop and be bingeing either One Piece or Naruto because god knows that he started it but didn't finish watching it. And he also knows that he has to watch Naruto Shippuden afterward so he just prolongs it. He was getting bored and he decided to text the Gaang group chat to see what everyone was doing.
*On Snapchat* (I'm just going to use this as their messaging platform from now on)
Usernames for this group chat: I'm gonna let you guess who is who
Madame Fussy Britches😙
💀💥Sparky Sparky Boom Boom💀💥
Twinkletoes���� is typing….
Twinkletoes👣 Guys wyd
Aang saw everybody bitmoji pop up.
Madame Fussy Britches😙 is typing….
Madame Fussy Britches😙 watching Sokka attempt to make cookie dough
BackBender👀 is typing….
BackBender👀 shut up
BackBender👀 anyways nun Aang y?
Twinkletoes👣 is typing….
Twinkletoes👣 I was wondering if yall wanted to come over and swim
Hot-men🔥 is typing….
Hot-men🔥I'm down. Oh Mai says she's down too
Twinkletoes👣 Ok
Bandit⚪➖⚪ is typing
Bandit⚪➖⚪Omw Twinkletoes
Twinkletoes👣 Ok
Twinkletoes👣 So basically everyone is coming I assume
Madame Fussy Britches😙, Hot-men🔥, Bandit⚪➖⚪ are typing…..
Bandit⚪➖⚪ I'm down the street
Madame Fussy Britches😙 be there in 10. Gotta clean up after Sokka
Twinkletoes👣 aight
Twinkletoes👣 Toph door is ooen
Twinkletoes👣 open*
And with that that ended the chat between the friends and Aang was stretching and getting out of his comfortable seat to go towards the door. As he opened the door he saw Toph with her swim bag with her.
"What's up Twinkletoes" she greeted. Aang nodded and moved out the way so she could come inside. She walked in and kicked her slides off and flopped down on the couch.
A few minutes later and everyone started to appear. Zuko and Mai came in the same car and about a few minutes after them it was Katara, Sokka, and Suki. They came in and placed their keys on the key holder that is by the door and took off their shoes. Katara approached Aang and placed a kiss on his cheek and then smiled. Aang smiled back before making his announcement.
"If you aren't already dressed go get dressed so we can get in the water" He slightly shouted. Everyone made agreeing noises and went to the many bathrooms/rooms to change and then walked out.
The girls were happy with their bathing suits and all the guys gawking at their partners. But nobody noticed how Sokka looked at Toph but Toph noticed and blushed lightly but it soon faded as everyone started making their way to the back.
Toph and Mai made their way to the lounge chairs to get a tan and relax. Sokka and Zuko went to the deep end of the pool and they had a competition to see who could stay in the middle of the deep end the longest before having to go to the wall for a break. Katara walked towards the middle of the pool and just looked at the nature around her not paying any attention to what was happening or what was going to happen to her.
Aang was still by the door and he called for Appa and Momo and they came racing outside and they went to their mini dog park. Aang saw Katara just standing there and he got a wonderful idea. As soon as he closed the sliding door he made his way discretely towards his girlfriend. A few seconds after that he made his way inhumanly fast towards her and picked her up bridal style and before Katara could register what was happening they were already in the water.
When coming back to the surface all they heard was the laughter of their friends. Gasping for air, Katara turned towards Aang and glared. Aang was "frightened" by his girlfriend's glare so before she could pounce he swam super fast to the other side of the pool where everyone else was. Katara was dumbfounded by how fast Aang could swim. She was just swimming slowly to catch up.
Once making it to where Aang was with everyone else Katara continued to glare and Aang only smiled. They eventually started laughing because it was in fact very funny.
"I'm starving!!" Sokka yelled.
"There is no need to be so loud. There is meat in the kitchen and you can put it on the grill. I went out of my way to get meat for you guys. The least you can do is cook it!" Aang retorted. Sokka was long gone once Aang said that there was meat in the kitchen. Everyone laughed watching Sokka do many twists and turns trying to get to the kitchen.
Everyone in the pool got out and the people sitting got up and made their way to the patio where the grill was. Sokka was in the kitchen seasoning the meat to make it delicious. Aang bought ground beef and hotdogs. He also bought different condiments and different burger and hotdog toppings because he didn't know what everyone liked. He also bought a variety of chips and drinks for everyone. Being the good child that he is he didn't buy any alcohol.
About 45 minutes later after all the food was seasoned and cooked everyone was sitting around the patio eating and talking. Aang, Katara, Zuko, and Mai were done eating so they decided to do a group Tik Tok in their bathing suits. They did a lot of them but only a couple got posted. Aang and Katara split from the other couple and made their own and posted them on their couple account.
Everyone eventually was done eating and made their way back to the pool. It was starting to get a little chilly outside so Aang turned on the heat in the main pool for everyone. The lights at the bottom of the pool turned on because it was getting kind of dark. Everyone was getting bored so they all headed inside and took showers and changed their clothes.
Zuko and Mai left after getting ready and the only people left were Aang, Katara, Suki, Sokka, and Toph. Everyone went to the living room and turned on a movie. Aang brought down blankets for everyone and they just watched Secret Obsession.
Toph eventually got bored and she said her goodbyes. Aang casually made his way upstairs and about 2 minutes after he went upstairs Katara followed suit. Suki and Sokka were unaware of what was happening and they just continued to watch movies on the couch cuddled together.
Once upstairs Katara made her way to Aang's room and Aang was just sitting there on his phone with his LED's on red (wink wink). Katara made her way to where her boyfriend was laying and made her way on top of him. Her legs cradled his sides and her head laid on his broad chest. Aang put his phone down and looked down at his girlfriend who was staring at him with her ocean eyes. Aang smirked slightly and Katara sat up and cupped Aang's face. She leaned down and kissed him. Aang leaned into the kiss. Aang licked the bottom of Katara's lip asking for entrance and she complied and once his tongue was in her mouth they wrestled for dominance and Aang won. Aang swiftly switched their positions with Aang on top and Katara below him. Their make-out session was heated. Aang shirt was soon off once their positions changed. Aang's hand caressed Katara's sides. Katara soon took off her shirt and Aang started to put hickeys on her neck. Low moans were leaving Katara's mouth and before they could go a little farther there was a knock on Aang's door.
"Aang have you seen Katara? My dad wants us to go home." Sokka said behind the closed door. Aang and Katara quickly separated and then quickly put on their clothes. Katara fixed her hair and made sure to hide the hickey that Aang gave her. Aang made sure to change the LED light color because he knew that Sokka wasn't that stupid.
Aang opened the door and then Katara with her bag. They walked downstairs. Katara went in front of the two boys and Sokka pulled Aang to the side.
"What were you two doing in there?" Sokka asked in a stern whisper.
"We were just talking," Aang lied. Sokka nodded his head believing him and walked downstairs. Sokka and Suki were the first ones out the door and Katara turned towards Aang before heading out. She placed a peck on his cheek and smiled.
"Bye babe," Katara said and then walked out the door. Aang waved and closed the door. Aang quickly made his way upstairs and into the bathroom. He turned on the cold water and immediately got in. He needed to relax. He has never done something like that and the tent in his pants needed attention but he didn't know how much time he had before Gyatso got back home so he settled with the cold shower.
Little did Aang know that stuff like that was going to be happening more often and he won't be complaining.