Chapter 29

*Around a year before the wedding*

"Argh! This place sucks!" loudly said Chikako who was shivering because of the temperature

"Bear with it until they find where they are hidden." I said even if I didn't enjoy the temperature as well

'Land of Frost isn't to my liking either'

It was my second time in this country, the first being when I fought the Gold and Silver Brothers back in the days and sto- I mean rightfully took four heavenly tools.

We took a B-ranked mission coming from the Daimyō of the Land of Frost. Some thieves stole something important belonging to him and should be hiding somewhere in the country.

Because of that, I let the trio look for information, and we gathered some good hints as to where they should be.

So right now, Shibi and Hizashi are trying to look for their base while Chikako and I stayed in a cave around a fire that she just made.

But I had another reason for choosing this mission, and it was for the proximity with the Land of Lightning.

Sensing three chakra signatures I said to Chikako "I will go look for something outside, stay here."

She nodded, not wanting to go outside under the snow.

I then got up and joined the three chakra signatures I sensed.

It was Chizu, Shuzo, and one of my Wood Shadow Clone all wearing Origins clothing and mask.

When I had one of my clones impersonating as a member of Origins, they have to wear the same mask and a hood to hide the hair.

The mask was the same for all, except for one detail that changes color depending on the Release they have to use, and this clone used Water Release.


"We successfully recovered what you wanted." formally announced Chizu as she took out a scroll from her pouch and gave it to me

"That's great thank you." I said before adding "Did one of you get hurt?" in case I had to heal one of them

"We are fine. It wasn't as hard as we thought it would be." Shuzo said as he stayed serious only when he was working

Looking at the scroll, I didn't unseal it to see if it had what I wanted because it could alarm sensors around.

The task I gave them was to recover a part of the Eight-Tails in the Land of Lightning, and a tentacle was enough for me.

I had a clone looking over the now previous Jinchūriki called Blue B. I knew that he would one day lose control of the tailed beast he possessed and let it rampage in the Land of Lightning.

So when I felt that it was soon the right time, I decided to go on a mission with my team and sent the twins to meet my clone, they then had to wait for the beast to be freed and cut one of its tail to bring it back.

'I don't care if it rampages inside the Land of Lightning'

"You can go back to Konoha and rest." I said as I tucked the scroll in my pouch

I now had part of the Eight and Nine Tailed Beasts, and I almost have the equivalent of Kurama chakra after 8 years.

I also needed a different tailed beast chakra to see if my hypothesis on the meteorite is right.

Because when I confronted Kurama's chakra with part of the meteorite, it completely overrides it and I was able to use its abilities without a trace of toxicity.

"Yes." they replied at the same time before disappearing from my sight

Before going back to the cave I looked for an animal to bring back, and when I heard some noise coming from a bush I swiftly sent a water needle into it.

I looked at what I just killed and it was a wild snow rabbit.

Going back inside the cave, Chikako saw me and asked "So, you found something?"

Showing her the snow rabbit I replied "Yep, a snack." like it was the only reason I was gone outside before


*Some months after the wedding*

'I don't like this'

I was right now in front of Tobirama's house door because he wished to see me.

I was honestly uneasy about this... Tobirama is 71 years old and he really grew old in the last few years.

Exhaling a bit, I knocked before opening the door.

Tobirama sat in front of his table facing an empty chair, he pointed at it so I approached and sat in front of him.

He looked at me before opening his mouth "You started by awakening the Wood Release... I taught you everything I knew and you are also capable of learning unimaginable Jutsu by yourself..."

'I know where this is going'

"You also have Uchiha blood running through your veins and I won't lie by saying I didn't felt some resentment when I learned it..." he paused and continued "You saved my life when you weren't even a Genin... You shocked everyone in the Chūnin exam and became a Jōnin not long after, before traveling the world and killing the ones who almost had my head, but sadly killed Danzō."

'Don't continue'

"You developed a good relationship with the Uzumaki Clan, gathered great and strong friends, and established an organization with people you trust that could protect Konoha." he continued reminiscing the past


"You even got married to Tsunade. You grew up so well and I know that Konoha will be in good hands with you." he said while chuckling

"Stop it!" I shouted as I got up and slammed my hands on the table furiously

He then looked up to meet my eyes and lastly added "I'm dying, Yuichi."

I felt my heart sank when I finally heard it coming from his mouth, I knew that he was getting weaker by the days and would eventually die.

But I couldn't do anything about it, I knew it was the same cause of decline that reduced the number of Senju.

Even if I could give him life force, it wouldn't have any effect because he doesn't lack vitality, it's caused by something even I cannot understand.

"I coul-" my words were cut off by him as he said "I know, you tried to find a way to make me lives longer but for what cost? And did I ever said that I wanted to? My time is long gone."

"I know how selfish I am, but you want to die just like that?! I know that you think I will be enough to protect the village... But you really want to disappear without finding love? You don't even have a child, a descendant!" I replied in a mix of anguish and anger

He looked at me warmly as he softened with the years and declared "That's not true, I have a 'son'." he then lifted his finger and pointed at me "You."

I stayed in shock with my eyes wide open. I knew that our relationships over the years didn't stop at being a Granduncle and a Grandnephew... He taught me many things, we became closer and he was even the one acting as my father for my wedding with Tsunade...

I just didn't expect him to ever say how he thinks about me.

'And I too think of him as my father'

I realized a lot of things after being reborn, one of which is how naive I first was.

When my wish was granted, I directly activated my emotional barrier like a kid who plays with his new toy.

I kept it for too long and I understood later that this was no longer a fictional world for me, but a place with living beings of which I am also part of.

I didn't want any parental attachment, thinking it should stay in my past life and didn't care about the one that birthed me, like she wasn't a real person.

But after living here for so long, I truly fell in love with Tsunade, I truly thought about my friends as friends, and I developed parental attachments with Grandma and Tobirama...

I killed someone even before being born... I will never know if she was kind or not, a good mother or not... I have regrets about it, but I won't stay stuck in the past.

Now, I live without locking away my emotions, only doing it when Black Zetsu is watching me or for other rare circumstances.

I matured.

'Matured huh... I shouldn't be selfish then'

After calming down naturally I sat back down, looked at Tobirama in the eyes, and wondered "Why did you call me today specifically? If it was just to warn me about you dying you wouldn't have this long monologue like it was your last day."

His face looked more serious before announcing "I know that you didn't said everything about your right eye power back then... I want you to use it on me."

I closed my eyes and massage my temples before replying "You know what I have to do for it to work flawlessly." while gritting my teeth

"...Yes." he shortly replied knowing well enough as to why I was low key irritated at him

"So you ask me, who tried to make you live longer, to kill you?!" I let out angrily getting up once more and breaking the table with my hands this time

"You said that you didn't want me to die 'just like that' so at least I won't die for nothing if it's done by you." he said with an assertive tone

"Nothing will be left of you, I will also have your soul which means that I will be the only one capable of using the Impure Reincarnation on you... But I don't know where you will end." I said trying to change his mind one last time

"Then wherever that will be I will be watching your future feats, and look away when you are with Tsunade." he said trying to joke around, undoubtedly to ease me

Readying myself I closed my eyes again and asked "If I ever need your help you won't mind if I bring you back?"

"I don't think you will need me but sure, I won't mind." he replied warmly

Opening my eyes they changed into the Mangekyō Tenseigan while I unsheathed Masamune.

I made the sword short to not hinder me and pointed it toward his heart as our gazes were locked.

"I loved you." Tobirama said making me flinch an instant before replying "Me too." in a shaking voice as I stabbed him right in the heart, allowing him to die as quickly and painlessly as possible

I then settled my right hand on his shoulder and said "Suijin." making my right eye shine as tears mixed with blood flowed from it

While Tobirama's body was starting to get transformed into the strange mass I absorb while using Suijin, I saw his face one last time which was adorned with a smile with his eyes closed.

He was peacefully gone and died as he asked me to.

I then felt his chakra, life force, soul and memories fill my body.

I then fell on my knees and stayed still for a while, as I looked into some of his memories.

I saw how he talked proudly of me with others, I felt how he did felt about me too.

I saw that he wrote a letter to Mito explaining what will happen today as he prepared for this day for a while now.

'I have to make a false body double'

Thankfully, I can make a flawless copy of someone with ease by using Wood Release and my ability to fake the chakra even for the Byakugan.

'Having to kill someone I loved. Is that payback for what I have done when I first came here' I lastly thought as I stayed kneeled with my eyes closed, mourning his death alone


To think that I would assist the funeral of the two first Hokage, and each time the weather would be rainy.

As always, everyone was wearing black clothes, and the front was for the family, which poorly consisted of Mito, Tsunade, and I.

Many shinobi and civilians were also gathered and mourned the death of the Nidaime.

Hiruzen as the current Hokage was the one giving a speech in front of everyone, as well as telling stories about Tobirama, he was also his student after all.

Tsunade and I had our hands clenched together as we stayed serious during the whole ceremony.

It was harder for me this time than when it was Hashirama, as I was far closer with Tobirama.

'And I wanted the year to be as enjoyable as possible, only for Tobirama to die'

This was truly an emotional year, be it for the best or the worst.