Chapter 32

To leave the barrier I simply had to pass through even if it looked like a solid wall. Once outside, I closed my eyes to sense every invader currently resting on the island shore.

'They are around a thousand... Two of them seem to wield strange swords... And the Mizukage is here too' I learned by looking over them

Thankfully, the third Raikage and all Kumo shinobi were on land outside of the sea and shouldn't be an issue while fighting here.

Two of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist are there, one wields a combination of a giant hammer and an axe, the Kabutowari, while I recognize the other as the Hiramekarei because of the fish-like form it had.

'I shouldn't face the three of them head-on and should try to assassinate the swordsmen who could be an issue with their special swords'

I also have a way to take care of the thousand of Jōnin and Chūnin from Kiri almost at once... And even another one for Kumo to utterly crush them.

'I know that the traitor had a signal to send the moment he would successfully open the barrier from within'

Before luring them, I raised an illusion around the library to make it seems like it was partially destroyed.

I then released in the sky a green signal made with colored smoke that I stole from the assistant, transformed into him, and patiently waited as I closed my eyes to sense them move towards me.

After some time, around fifty shinobi from Kiri came near me, one of them was the wielder of the Hiramekarei, he had sharp teeth, a long face, and punk-like black hair.

He looked quite young and frail but I knew he shouldn't be if he wields this sword that may be the heaviest out of all of Kiri's weapons.

He looked toward me, noticed how I was heavily bleeding, my clothes lacerated as if I left a difficult battle, and asked "You finally opened that damn barrier you slow redhead?" with a mocking tone as I could see everyone grinning around him

'That idiot would have been betrayed no matter what, how stupid of him to trust Kiri out of all villages'

"S-sorry for the delay, I got caught almost at the end... but I-I did open the barrier and now only sc-scared civilians are inside." I said acting tired and docile

The punk haired guy then slowly moved toward me and said "Here, let me give you something to ease your pain, Mizukage's treat." with a sly smile

I also moved toward him while limping slightly, he looked for something inside his pouch on his way but I knew that it wasn't medicine but a Kunai.

The moment both of us were near enough he tried to swiftly stab me with a Kunai but he didn't have time to take it out as I pierced his chest with my hands imbued with sharp chakra right toward his heart.

*Bleurgh* he coughed blood as he looked at me terrified and didn't expect 'me' to be able to do this.

"Thanks for the donation." I said with a mocking smile as I said 'Blood Release: Organ Shattering' mentally, making every organ explode within his body, killing him on the spot but not without feeling pain

Knowing that the other ninjas would act quickly, I used the blood that was spilling from my victim and made thin needles burst out all around me, wounding some and killing others.

I looked at the sword that was covered in bandages and asked "Shiromari, to the treasure room." making the bracer I had once again partially morph into a giant mouth and tongue to consume the sword

The ninjas that were fine by dodging or hiding behind ruins then tried to attack me from every side.

Not willing to give them a chance, I took out my sword, dashed toward one of them, and cut him vertically in two, then swiftly turned myself to puncture another one who surged at me peeling him by the palm all the way to his shoulder like butter.

I kicked another one back off and moved above him to finish him off with my sword right between his eyes.

I then launched Masamune to my right and impaled two of them who rushed at me one behind the other by their heart before making the sword rapidly move back to me.

Quickly moving on the battlefield by heightening my speed I passed by each one of them who were still alive, then paused and sheathed Masamune as all of my target's heads were now cut off and blood spread everywhere.

I then sensed some movement at the shore, surely because a sensor detected what just happened so I materialized my left chakra wing and propelled myself to them.

They noticed me coming from the sky and my gaze locked with the Mizukage who asked "What did you do to my subordinates?!"

"I just took out the trash." I said dropping what was left of the swordman body in front of him

"You bastard!" he yelled heating up before calming down as he saw my village symbol, and added "It doesn't matter if you are from Konoha, you won't leave this place alive and nobody will know about your death."

He then launched several water bullets toward me that I evaded with ease.

I laughed out loud at his sentence making him irritated but before he could do something else I yelled "Tell me, ninjas from Kiri, what do you think about Mū the Second Tsuchikage?" while some powder-like substance leaked from my sleeves

All of them didn't understand why would I ask such a thing, but the Mizukage felt that something was wrong and ordered "Fall back!"

But it was too late because most of them had Mū in their mind, the powder that fell on the ground below me then transformed into dozen of slender bandaged men.

'Only dozens of them ever saw Mū uh, should still be enough'

The Mizukage was surprised and said "This bastard! Even when he isn't here he keeps annoying me!" before seeing the clones cast drill-like white shape and knew that he could evade this attack he recognized well but it wasn't the same for his subordinates

"Leave this place and now!" he yelled as he aimed toward one of them and used 'Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique' making the pollen clone melt before changing direction to melt another clone

Knowing that he couldn't take care of me right now, I used 'Wood Release: Root Prison' creating giant trees root to surround the fleeing ninjas by taking advantage of how narrow the place they were gathered was, leaving them with no chance to escape if they couldn't fly.

All of them were panicked and tried their best to leave the place knowing well enough what Dust Release would do to them even if most of them never saw it before.

The Mizukage knew that the only option he had to make the pollen clones disappear would be to use a wide area technique even if it will kill many of his allies, it would be better than allowing the multiples Dust Release Techniques to occur and obliterate everything.

But I didn't want him to save them, so I launched a Kunai at the Mizukage and teleported to it before grabbing him by the sleeve and teleported us outside of the cage.

I was fast but the Mizukage liquified himself once outside forcing me to fall back.

"You fu-" he tried to say but then he saw the whole place behind me being disintegrated while a blinding white light came from there

"Enjoyed the show?" I said taunting him because not even the ground was left behind... Every single ally he had vanished from existence.

"Don't worry, you will soon join them." I added while smirking

I saw him close his eyes and clench his fist, but he stayed surprisingly calm before making some hand seals that produced smoke around him.

When the smoke dissipated I saw a Giant Clam appear below him that I recognized as his personal summon.

It then started to generate a mist from two chimney-like parts and the Mizukage then said "I cannot let someone with Wood Release become stronger, you are too dangerous so I will make sure to kill you and not without making you suffer!" with hatred directed at me

He then did more hand seals and weird bubbles came out of the ground, slowly rising everywhere around him.

Now that nobody except me was around he could unleash wider and deadlier Jutsu.

"That's it? A mindless clam and some bubbles? What are you, a child?" I said taunting him even if I knew how deadly the bubbles were

The whole surrounding was now covered in a mist and he suddenly propelled many of the bubbles at me at an astonishing speed.

I was still somewhat in the sky and could only move using Wind Release making it hard for me to evade all of them.

When they came in contact with my body they exploded with so much strength I was knocked back on the ground.

I tried to get up but fell again as the ground was surprisingly slippery making it hard for me to get up.

He took advantage of that by sending a stream with his Boil Release from somewhere within the mist which successfully affected my right side.

My skin started to melt as I heard "Useless bubbles and clam? Look at you already kneeling from the pain, unable of getting up. This is the difference in strength and skill between us!" before sending multiple bullets of water from his finger making holes into my body and blood splatter everywhere

He was snickering while looking at my almost lifeless body but he suddenly heard a *thud* somewhere within the mist.

He looked over to the sound and saw the head of someone he knew well, Jinin Akebino, now dead wielder of the Kabutowari.

"H-how?" he said frowning before hearing a voice above him

"I hope you enjoyed bullying my newly made clone, banana hair." I said with a mocking tone as he killed a Wood Shadow Clone that was filled with blood to make it even more real

Without giving him time to understand more, I declared "Now, I shall give you despair." as I raised my hand in the sky accumulating a white cloud of dust large enough to cover the whole area filled by the mist

The cloud then stagnated for a second before I said 'Magnet Release: Platinum Crush' mentally as I slammed my hand down.


The whole area then got smashed by the platinum dust, allowing me to locate the real Mizukage that got pinned down.

'His mist make it impossible to locate him by sensing chakra, only using a contact type method would reveal him'

Obviously, I didn't laze around while staying at Konoha and used clones to train the Blood Release I got from absorbing some Chinoike Clan members, and when I had mastered Crystal Release I chose Magnet Release as the next one to train into.

Suijin shouldn't allow the use of Kekkei Genkai by absorbing someone normally, but because I wished to be able to use everything in the long run it gives me access to whatever I absorb, bloodlines included.

And the icing on the cake was that it doesn't restrict me to master it before learning the next one I create, unlike Crystal Release.

Because I knew that, as someone from the Hōzuki Clan, he could use the 'Hydrification Technique' to get out of the Platinum Dust I made some hand signs and used 'Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique'.

It spawned in front of the Mizukage and wasn't made to be gigantic, but plunged maw first on him canceling the 'Hydrification Technique' because the chakra to use it was getting absorbed.

"Argh!" he let out as he couldn't move at all and wood-like teeth sank into his skin

I then asked Shiromari to transform into his large form to crush the Giant Clam while I landed in front of the Mizukage.

He was completely at my mercy so I crouched in front of him and opened my mouth "I guess you were right, we do have a difference in strength and skill." with a bored tone

"W-When did you make a clone?" he asked with difficulty as his body was near from being crushed to death

"When we teleported. I stayed behind and saved the guy who wielded the Kabutowari so it doesn't go to waste." I explained making him dumbfounded

I then grabbed his head with my hand and made him look up at me as I asked "Now it's my turn to ask something, why did you attack Uzushiogakure while fully knowing that Konoha was allied to them?"

"...The Uzumaki Clan is too... dangerous to be kept alive... even more if they are allied to your village." he replied while panting heavily

"So you took the opportunity given by a traitor and asked for help to the Raikage to make sure Konoha never knows about it?" I inquired

"We made a truce with Kumogakure because we couldn't risk assaulting Uzushiogakure by ourselves... And both of our villages would gain a lot more by weakening Konoha and strengthening our knowledge in Fūinjutsu." he explained

"...So you don't mind killing an entire village just because they 'could' become a threat to you?" I said as my grasp on his head got stronger making him groan in pain and unable to reply

'I did kill an entire clan too... but they were scums'

"You know what your death will start? I said lessening my grip so our gaze locked again

"It will start a new story to be told to the world called 'The Second Mizukage eradicated his village out of madness'." I explained as he showed me an expression of despair

But before permitting him to talk again, I snapped my fingers making the dragon completely close its mouth, ending the Second Mizukage's life once and for all.

My right hand was still on his head as I said "Suijin." making my right eye shine and his body transform into the amalgam of energy that I can absorb

'I will need to digest him once I am safe' I thought because only by doing so would I get everything from him

Oyama wasn't an exception and was yet to be fully digested, but I focused on his recent memories which don't need much time if I select them properly.

The Giant Clam that was stuck beneath Shiromari disappeared with a poof-like sound when I killed the Mizukage.

'I don't know how both sides talk to each other so I should wait for tomorrow morning at most to not bring any doubt' I thought looking over to the trapped sea

And with that, I killed thousand of shinobis, got my hands on two of the seven famous swords, and killed Gengetsu Hōzuki, the Second Mizukage.

I can rest a little until the morning sun comes out...

Tomorrow I will be erasing A letter from Kumo's alphabet.

[A/N: As always if you find grammatical mistakes you can comment about it, I write late at night usually so my focus isn't the best and I feel like I could've done better overall.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!]