Chapter 53

[Read the creators' thoughts if you want to know why there isn't a chapter 52.]


'I can't believe I will become a father' I thought as I woke up some time ago and looked towards Tsunade who slept on her flank, facing the wall

I turned myself to her and started hugging her from behind before sneaking my arm on her belly to gently rub it.

'I will not try and see what gender this child will have until it is born' I thought with a smile on my face

My tickling seems to have woken up Tsunade as she started moving a little before laying her hand on mine.

"You know Yuichi... I'm so happy that we will finally become parents, I have been waiting for a few years now." she mumbled before nuzzling her body closer to mine

"I just hope that she or he won't be as violent as you." I teasingly said to which she started to pinch my hand a little

"Huh? Who are you calling violent? I am but a frail young girl." she said as she couldn't hide her smirk

"Pft, a frail young girl? You? If you forget to limit yourself you could destroy the ground just by walking or break doors when you just want to open them." I replied as I smiled back at her

"And now you're saying that I'm fat?" she said as she pinched my hand even stronger

"Ah?! You are not even reaching fifty kilos (~110 pounds)! And what makes most of your weight are..." I said as my free hand grabbed one of her breasts which took her by surprise

"These two." I finished saying with a teasing tone

"I never expected them to become that big... But at least, I know that you love them, and with what we did last night..." she said as she stopped pinching my hand and started weighing one of them

"Now that I think about it, you will become a mother, which means that they will..." I mumbled as she looked at me and understood what I talked about

"They will produce milk indeed." she replied to my mumbling before giggling at my current expression

I faked a cough as I got up and said "Hum, anyway, I have some things to do later, wanna join me in the shower?"

"Washing ourselves is a must for sure- wait, did we clean the living room?" Tsunade said which made me mutter "F*ck we didn't."

I quickly made a clone who would take care of it and prayed that Kushina, Konan, and Yugito are not back home yet.


*A few hours later*

'It's time for me to get the Rinnegan' I thought as my clone came back from the Land of Rain and waited for me hidden, outside of the house

He fused with me which gave me access to a small amount of Indra's chakra, I just need to nurture it until it awakens my Rinnegan.

I just hope that it won't put the same unusual stress as when I awakened my Eternal Mangekyô... But in case it did, I prepared something to warn Tsunade.

As I was going back to the sealed room I used for nurturing the different chakra I gathered, I sensed an insect moving towards me while carrying a scroll.

'That's one of Shikuro's insects, don't tell me' I thought as the insect dropped the scroll in my hand

Opening the scroll, He wrote short yet important information.

"The Land of the Sky is coming towards Konoha before the sun goes down." I read out loud before quickly writing my orders for Shikuro on the scroll

I then looked at the insect that was still buzzing around me and made it carry the scroll before saying "Go back to your owner and give it to him."

I then looked towards the forest near the place I was and said "Chizu."

The moment those words left my mouth, Chizu appeared kneeling in front of me with her Origins' attire and replied "Yes."

"I want you and Hizashi to bring these ten scrolls and bury them deep in a decagramme pattern around the village." I said as I threw her a bag

"It shall be done." she said before vanishing from my sight

I should have been pissed off if something interrupted my chance to get the Rinnegan, but getting my hands on the Zero-Tails is something that will be of great help to me.

'Time to get to work' I thought as my clothing changed into the Hokage's attire before teleporting to my office

Inside the office was my clone who was still working on the thousands of daily paperwork which are composed of almost everything you could imagine.

What was good about clones, at least mine, is that they never get tired, don't need to sleep, and will never complain about anything I ask them to do.

My clone only shifted his gaze on me for a second before going back to his work, so I left the office and moved towards the council room since I asked Shikuro to bring all the members.

There was still ten clans in the council, all representatives were the same as when I came back from Uzushiogakure's assault except for the Sarutobi Clan, which was now represented by Hiruzen's first son, Konoyomi.

Since I became the Hokage, I wanted the Uzumaki Clan to be part of it, but they all wanted Kushina to be their representative and that wouldn't happen until she is old enough.

As I sat down on the chair that was intended for the Hokage, which now also had the Senju Clan symbol on it, I heard some footsteps in the corridor.

Little by little, all the members joined me in the room and greeted me.

'Except for the Sarutobi Clan they are all old' I thought as I looked around the room

It's only a matter of time before their children take their place, they just need to be a bit older.

When everyone was inside, Tomura, Fugaku's father, asked "Why did you suddenly call for a meeting, Hokage-sama?"

I closed my eyes and replied with another question "Does any of you know about the Land of the Sky?"

The Nara representative was the first to reply "I know about it, it is a country formed by ninja from several countries, the exact position of their land is still unsure, but I know that their hidden village is supposed to be a flying fortress." as he already understood why I asked such a thing

"You don't mean?" the Yamanaka representative wondered before I declared "I recently got the information that this fortress is on its way towards Konoha, and should be here before the sun goes down."

Everyone had a shocked expression and Sakumo asked "Why would they target us now? We are by far the most difficult target for them since we left the war because of our victory?"

"I agree." Honoshi, Hizashi's father shortly said before adding "As far as I know, both Kumo and Kiri should not be capable of resisting their assault."

"And I can guarantee that." I replied before continuing "But they might want to start with us because we are the 'strongest'. They are acting cocky because they think that nothing can stop their fortress and aerial assault."

"We have something to stop them?" the Kurama clan leader asked before getting an answer from Konoyomi "We do." as he pointed at Shiro

"Konoyomi is right, I was going to ask the Aburame Clan to prepare themselves and take care of their flying shinobi." I declared which got me a nod from Shiro

"What else do we know about them?" Konoyomi asked making everyone look towards me

"The flying shinobi are equipped with advanced equipment making them able to fly but also launch quicker salvos of kunai, and more importantly, they also have multiple beam machines that can destroy anything under them." I declared

"Do you know how many of those machines there are?" Tomura asked surprised by such technology

"They have more than a hundred of those destructive machines, but they require four people each to work." I explained as everyone was dumbfounded

"The Aburame Clan won't be able to bring them down alone." the Nara Clan's head announced

"That's why I want you all to prepare some Jōnin from your Clan that are capable of using long-range Ninjutsu, since throwing weapons won't damage them." I indicated which made everyone nod in agreement

"Now, you should be aware that this isn't even their main weapon." I said, making everyone gaze straight back at me

"The fortress is also capable of firing an extremely powerful beam that is capable of destroying at least half of Konoha at once." I announced which shocked everyone before adding "This cannon takes a long time to charge between each shot, but the first one will be almost instant since they will surely charge it on their way."

"How can we prevent this?" the Inuzuka Clan leader asked before sensing something near me

I smirked as someone appeared kneeling on my right before declaring "The task is done."

I then got up and with my hand, I ordered for Chizu to disappear again before explaining "As you know, I understand a lot about sealing since I learned with the Uzumaki Clan, and I indirectly researched more on it and more importantly, on barrier Jutsu."

"The task I gave was to set down a barrier, which will be activated by a clone of mine since it cannot be activated by anyone else." I continued talking as I shifted my gaze on everyone

"I started formulating it since the day I saw Dust Release in action to prevent it from going through." I declared stunning everyone again since it was not something they expected was possible

"Is it truly that powerful?" the Kurama Clan's head asked a bit doubtful

"I can guarantee its integrity as long as I am alive, it cannot be destroyed from the exterior, and you will be able to leave the barrier without any issue." I replied before adding "The Jōnin and the Aburame Clan members that I asked for will go outside of the barrier and take care of every nuisance coming our way once their first shot is over."

I then looked at the Kurama Clan's leader and asked "I want you to prepare one of your widest area Genjutsu the moment they are firing the beam." to which he nodded even though it was going to be extremely taxing for him

"I will also ask for some Medical-Nin to be with you, led by Tsunade, in case you need healing. I also want the shinobi staying inside to stay alert of any possible bypassing of the barrier." I ordered as I was still standing, my hands on the table

"What do we do about the civilians?" Sakumo asked as he didn't want them to be panicked

"I've got a pretty good idea." I first said which made him narrow his eyes "You should know what day it is today, right?" I added which made the Nara representative speak up "It's supposed to be the First Hokage's 80th birthday, not something we shinobi are usually celebrating, but it is not the same for the civilians."

He then looked at me and asked "Are you going to use the barrier as a sort of celebration?"

'I love the Nara's ability to deduce things so easily' I thought with a smile

My next member for Origins is someone from their Clan since they are without a doubt a great asset in any team or organization.

'I just need to wait for him to become a Chūnin' I thought as I had a 9-year-old Genin boy in mind

"Your guess is right as always." I quickly replied before adding "As you know, I am capable of using Wood Release, and the barrier I made heavily relies on it." which once again made everyone nod in agreement

"I can tell you that this barrier will be a blow for the assailants and a show for the civilians." I declared as I raised my hand and smiled

"There is just one thing that we didn't talk about yet." The Yamanaka's Clan head first said before adding "We can defend ourselves and that is great, but how do we take the fortress down?" he added, which made everyone wonder about it as well

I sat back down on my chair and announced "I will lead a squad that will be tasked to destroy the fortress from within." which made Konoyomi yell "That's too dangerous!" as he got up

I shifted my gaze to him and said "Don't worry since no matter what they do, be it a Genjutsu or even a powerful Seal, they cannot contain me... And my speed is now unmatched."

He sat back down and calmed himself after hearing me, but I understood his attitude since he lost his father, and the last Hokage, not too long ago.

"I need to be present on this squad since the mechanism that allows the fortress to fly is protected by several seals." I said half lying since I just wanted the Zero-Tails

"How did you gather so much information about them?" Honoshi asked me as he was curious about my sources

"When I had to take care of Kumo and Kiri at the start of the war, I learned about their current location and thought that it was weird for them to reveal themselves now." I started explaining taking a completely serious tone

"Feeling that something fishy may be going on, I asked for someone to infiltrate the still-grounded fortress and bring me as much information as possible about their possible goal." I added as I shifted my gaze on everyone

"I learned their intentions to join the war and face the Five Great Shinobi Villages, but I never expected them to target us first... Thankfully, the spy I sent left something that would warn him the moment they neared Konoha." I finished explaining

"Is that all you want to know?" I inquired but no one replied

"Great. Let's make the squads before doing a recap shall we." I said as I took a scroll and a pen and was ready to note everything


*Many hours later*

Shikuro appeared on my side and muttered "They are here."

"Good. Is everyone ready?" I asked as a voice in my head replied with a "Yes."

'The Yamanaka Clan's Hiden is really useful for such dispatched squads.' I thought before looking at the sky

Tonight was pretty much an early black night since the moon was almost entirely hidden, a huge advantage for them if they attacked anything else but Konoha because we have many Dōjutsu and great sensors that don't care about such a low vision.

Focusing my senses on the fortress that was still a few miles away, I saw that the powerful cannon was almost ready and knew that once it was charging, it couldn't be stopped even by them.

"Time for the show." I said as I was in the center of the village, which was a huge plaza pre-emptively emptied from any civilians since they were all asked to regroup on high-grounded locations

I made a Wood Shadow Clone that left my body before moving to the center of the plaza and left the area since it was going to be pretty much impossible to stand there.

My clone then started doing a few hand signs as chakra was starting to quickly flow from him and travel to the ten buried scrolls.

The moment the scrolls received the chakra, they revealed ten pure Wood Clones that were linked to the Wood Shadow Clone at the center.

They all started doing the same hand signs as the main Wood Shadow Clone and the moment he stopped moving his hands, the seal that prevented my clone from absorbing natural energy or using the one that was stocked inside him was now opened.

Still not being able to resist a large amount of natural energy, my clone's skin quickly became akin to a tree' bark while roots spread beneath him and started to grow at an unimaginable pace.

The same thing happened where the ten clones stood as giant trunks were all growing towards the main center one, being high up in the sky, and when they fused, many giant branches spread all around Konoha covering the whole village from every side.

You would expect the village to sink into darkness, but the tree had strange decagonal sphere crystal fruits that produced enough light to make you think it was still daytime but they were of many different colors, giving Konoha a mesmerizing feeling.

What made this giant tree special was its ability to infinitely rebuild itself constantly as long as natural energy was present, but there was also something special inside the wood and that is a crystal layer that can reconstruct itself as well but with chakra, also having the true barrier inside again which can only be performed by someone of a Kage caliber.

Is it too much? Maybe, but I'm sure that it can be resistant to Truth-Seeking Ball which is useful until I can perform the barrier that only someone with the Six Paths Power can do.

And for the name well... Older Minato would be proud since it is quite long but it will not be written again- I mean, the name is 'Crystal Tree of Eternal Renewing Yang Formation'.

Every civilian was amazed as the fruits shined and pink leaves flew around the village, but at the same time, I closed my eyes and sensed the outside of the barrier which would blind anyone since a giant laser beam was striking the tree barrier that continuously reformed itself, the crystal layer not even getting a single scratch.

'I wonder how surprised they would be when they notice that nothing happened' I thought with a smirk since they couldn't shoot again for a while

'Please transmit the message that the barrier's gates will appear in a second' I asked as the voice replied with a simple 'Yes!'

The flying shinobi from the Land of the Sky were already on their way thinking that their assault was a success, but the truth was that they only saw an illusion made by a powerful area Genjutsu from the Kurama Clan leader.

As long as they are at a certain distance from the illusion, they cannot discern the true state of the village.

I then looked at the team that will be following me on the fortress and said "We will wait for their army to fall under our ambushes and then teleport into the fortress."

"Yes." they all replied except one guy who yelled "YOSH!"

Our goal was to wreak havoc in the fortress while I shut it down by 'borrowing' the Zero-Tails.

For such a mission, I was accompanied by Dai, Shikuro, Chizu, Hizashi, Konoyomi, and a couple of skilled Jōnin from the Hyūga and Akimichi Clans.

Tsunade was leading the Medical-Nin, Sakumo was leading every long-range Ninjutsu user, and finally, Shiro led the Aburame Clan.

"If you are in trouble, my clone will get you out of danger while warning me so don't worry about escaping since we will teleport back to Konoha anyway." I declared making everyone nod

I then closed my eyes and when the first ambush started, a pattern appeared beneath us and instantly teleported us above the fortress, more precisely where Shiromari was waiting transformed into an owl.

"The destruction starts now!" I shouted as we all went our separate ways and Shiromari also transformed into his giant form since stealth was not needed for them

'My first objective is the Zero-Tails, but I also want to find some potentially useful technology and the Shinnō guy that should be around my age who may have the 'Body Revival Technique''

This technique could potentially boost my already powerful regeneration and Shinnō should know other techniques of the kind, which he taught to Orochimaru in the canon.

It could potentially help with his Shikotsumyaku issue as well.

I sensed their headquarters and decided to quickly move there without forgetting to destroy my surroundings.

'Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees' I said in my head as trees started to grow everywhere around me and destroyed most buildings while immobilizing anyone around

The moment I stealthily appeared in what seemed to be the control room, I heard some people talk "What's happening? How can Konoha's shinobi be in the Ancor Vantian!"

"It's weird for them to attack us when they lost half of their village..." one guy pondered as he stayed calm

"About that one." another guy with what looked to be a digital tablet in his hand started saying "Our troops just got ambushed by them and their number is unusually high as well."

The illusion began to disappear at the same time as he declared that, which stunned everyone when they saw the giant tree covering Konoha in a protective dome.

"Impossible! There is no way that a tree could resist our destructive beam! It can break through mountains!" the first guy I heard exclaimed again

"We need to charge a new beam right now! It shouldn't resist another attack since the illusion wore off." the man with the tablet said as he thought that it was linked

'As if it was going to disappear' I thought before making some hand signs producing several vines that started to immobilize them completely

"Hello there Gentlemen~" I said teasingly as I appeared floating at the center of the room

"Let's have a small and polite discussion before I kill you all shall we?" I declared as I deliberately let a burst of killing intent gush from me

I was ready to take everything they kindly brought to me.