Chapter 57

"Could you repeat, please?" I asked as I thought that I misheard the name

"Oh my, of course I can... His name is Shisui Uchiha, did it brought back some memories?" Kazae replied to me as she rubbed the cheek of the baby I was still carrying

"Kind of... I knew someone truly amazing with that name, and if this boy has the same, I can't imagine him not being incredible as well." I declared as back in my previous life, Shisui was a character I loved from Naruto even though he didn't have that much screentime

'And now I'm holding this 'character' between my arms huh' I thought which made me smile as I looked at the baby

"Come inside Hokage-sama, it's impolite from me to keep you standing at the front door." Kazae suggested with kindness to which I shortly replied "Alright, why not."

Entering the house, it was not the biggest house in the compound, but the traditional interior was giving an overall warm feeling and was truly exposing Kazae's old age.

One thing that took my intention was a picture of a young Kazae along with her husband who I recognized as Kagami Uchiha.

'Now that I think about it, Chikako had a pretty fast body flicker as well' I thought as I remembered the young Uchiha's prowess

As I sat down in the living room, with the baby properly covered by sheets, Kazae came back from the kitchen with the typical tea we served for guests in this world.

"Thank you." I said as I took my cup and sipped a little bit of tea

Setting the cup down, I saw the look Kazae gave to Shisui and asked "Are you truly alright about taking care of him?"

She shifted her gaze on me and with a smile she replied "I... As much as I want to take care of him, I will die before he can grow up as a teenager... I don't want him to experience the loss of someone important to him so quickly." as her face softened

Sipping some tea again, I replied "I understand your worry, I lost my Grandfather when I was around 2 years old and I honestly didn't have the time to get attached enough to him... But I still had families, which this little guy would have trouble keeping."

As she kept on listening to me, I continued "As you know, my wife is pregnant and our child will be born in around three months... I honestly wouldn't mind taking care of the kid and have him experience what having a family feels like, I already have done so for many children... And, I would gladly have him grow with Tsunade and I's child."

'It's far from being the first kid I took in, and Shisui is not someone I want to miss' I thought as I smiled inwardly

"Then..." Kazae started saying as joy was visible on her face but got interrupted as I said "But! Chikako didn't send the baby to me, although she sent him weirdly, she wanted the baby to be sent to you, I can't take him when it is not even his mother's will."

"Then you don't have to worry about that." Kazae said right after my explanation

"How so?" I asked surprised by her answer

"You may not know but with a few years working under you, I kept hearing her talk about you and how kind yet strict you were... I don't even remember a single day without her talking about her time outside with you and her teammates." Kazae explained, remembering her time with Chikako

I sighed and replied "Alright, we will take care of him, feel free to visit us, we will do the same as well since you are still his true family."

"Thank you." Kazae finally said as she looked back at the sleeping baby

'Honestly, I should be the one thankful' I thought before staying a bit more to talk about various topics


Going back to the house, it was already quite late and I was startled to sense a small animal quickly coming my way.

'Oh? He's finally giving me some news' I thought as I saw a bat coming towards me while carrying a scroll between its teeth.

I generated a branch from my left shoulder to let the bat land on it with his head down since I was carrying the little Shisui with me.

Two shadow arms then grew from my back and one took the scroll while the other opened it.

I asked Shuzo to send me news from time to time by using his summon which is this cute little bat already sleeping with its head down.

He does have a slumbering clone of mine which he can awaken in case something too urgent to be sent by a summon happened.

"Let's see..." I mumbled as I was calmly walking back home and reached the Senju Clan compound before starting to read what was written in the scroll

'Hey Aniki, it's been a while! Please don't tell my sister that I called you like that or blood would be the last thing I would lack' I first read which made me smile since he always was a girly energetic boy that called me like that once nobody was around

'First of all, I finally found someone from the Uzumaki Clan! I learned that some researchers were staying on an island called the 'Summoning Island' and while this already piqued my interest, I also learned that one of them was an Uzumaki' I resumed my reading

"I didn't travel there back when I left the village for two years since I wasn't sure about the presence of the researchers." I said out loud before reading again

'When I reached the island, the scent of blood was considerable, and understanding that something wrong occurred, I quickly moved where the scent was the strongest and heard someone cry for help'

'Moving towards the scream, I was barely in time to block the attack of a weird creature that tried to impale a young red-haired woman'

'No need to say that the creature was really ugly, though I know that my sister would want it as a pet, it was looking out of place with a teethed mouth on his belly, red empty eyes, two antennas, and another mouth surrounded by tentacles'

'It was a tough opponent since it could fly, absorb chakra, and didn't need blood to run through his body to be alive... Luckily, the girl that I saved was the Uzumaki I looked for, Honoka is her name, and she was able to restrain the beast long enough to let me throw an explosive ball of blood which made the beast burst in two'

'Honoka said that it wouldn't be enough to kill the beast since it could regenerate so before it could, I took out one of the scrolls you gave me and immediately sealed it'

'Sadly, most written researches were lost when the beast rampaged, but Honoka still remembers most of it, I also suggested her to stay at Konoha since she's one of the few survivors of her Clan, but she didn't want to unless I was going there as well... And finally decided to follow me during my travel' I finally read which made me chuckle since I knew that feeling

'Now for the next and last important thing, I did as you asked and visited the Land of Demons and meet a woman named Miroku, who is a high priestess, and as you expected, the seal for the demon called Mōryō will be broken again soon, in one month to be exact' I finally learned

"Let's kill two birds with one stone, take care of Mōryō, and finally find a way to learn Senjutsu." I said out loud as I almost reached the house and made the shadow arms vanish

Shiromari's race lived in the Land of Demons and was exterminated the last time Mōryō broke his seal, which happened quite a lot in the past centuries, so I intended to find more about it the next time the demon makes his appearance.

'And this time happens to be next month thankfully' I thought before opening the main door as someone greeted me again without making a sound because of the baby I was carrying

"Did you eat dinner?" I quietly asked the blue-haired girl in front of me

"Yes." she shortly replied before leading me towards the kitchen

Inside the kitchen I saw Chizu who was making a dish that looked delightful.

"Smells good." I said before adding "I just need to carry the baby to his bed since he's still asleep and I'm back with you two alright?"

Chizu simply nodded while Konan started helping her with the food.

'It's the first time we will have someone so young that he has to sleep in our bedroom' I thought since I usually gave a room to everyone but couldn't do the same for Shisui as he was too young

At least, everyone is growing faster in this world which means that he will not stay as a baby for too long.

Quietly opening the door of the bedroom, I saw Tsunade in her oversized pajama laying with her back on the bed.

She was not sleeping yet and noticed my arrival as well as the same baby between my arms that Chizu brought back before.

"He's going to be a new resident in our house?" Tsunade asked even though she already knew the answer

"And also the youngest, until our child is born." I said before adding "You don't mind breastfeeding the little guy from now on too, right?"

She giggled and replied "No I don't mind." as she covered her hand with her mouth before adding "Since our Clan lost all of its members, I'm more than happy to see people living with us, and I'm sure that this little boy will be a good big brother, as you were with me."

I scratched my head and said "Talk about being a good big brother, we're now husband and wife... Though, even if I still was your blood brother, I would have loved you the same." with no shame which made Tsunade blush


"Anyway, he's going to sleep in our room until he's old enough." I said as I gently laid him on an already made pram before joining Tsunade on the bed while changing my clothes into my pajamas that I rarely used

"I will leave for a mission in a few days at the Land of Demons, not alone though." I said as I was on her right and held her hand

Tsunade started to caress my hand with her thumb and replied "Who are you bringing along with you?"

"Since Shuzo is already waiting for me there I won't bring Chizu, she will stay with you, but I will bring Konan with me for the first time since she started living with us." I first explained as Tsunade was quietly listening before adding "And I will also take Hizashi with me."

"Didn't Shiromari's Clan died because of a powerful demon sealed in the Land of Demons? That's quite a high-ranked mission for a 9-year-old girl... Though she won't be harmed as long as you are here." Tsunade said as she approached my body until we could feel each other's warmth

"Sleep well, Tsunade." I said as I leaned my head to kiss her forehead before carefully embracing her

"Hn, you too." Tsunade replied before closing her eyes while smiling

I simply waited until she was peacefully sleeping to go back to the kitchen without waking her up so I could eat my dinner as I was quite hungry.


*???'s POV*

"You successfully brought the baby to them?" Madara asked me as I came back from Konoha

"Yes, one of Yuichi's followers took him." I replied with the half mouth I had since the other was from someone else's body

Madara had a crazy smile as he replied "Perfect! No matter how strong and big of a hindrance Yuichi has become, he will not expect a baby to be disastrous for him."

Looking at the grey-haired Uchiha who kept his eyes closed, I couldn't help but agree that the girl I was currently taking over had the best Mangekyô ability I ever saw.

'She's capable of doing a next-level mind control by altering the memories of her victim, which can be used to make someone loyal to you before they can learn how to speak since their personalities can be altered' I thought as I shifted my gaze on the girl's body I was currently taking over

And making her assimilate a few of Hashirama's cells we still had allowed her ability to not have the usual downsides of her Dōjutsu.

"And Yuichi's Mangekyô ability to absorb people will not help him unless he absorbs the girl, he cannot override what we did." I added with certainty

"Now, I just need to properly teach the girl before dying so she can continue my plan until my revival." Madara said as he stopped smiling to show a more serious expression

"That shouldn't be too hard since she got affected by her own Dōjutsu just by using a mirror." I said as I was also glad to find this girl since she would be useful for the true plan

'Those Uchiha are so easy to take advantage of' I thought as I was smirking inwardly


[A/N: Sorry about the lack of chapters, my summer job started and the hours where I'm working are not exactly like I said before, I am only free on Sundays.

What didn't help was that the story is starting to enter a point where I have to properly get a hold of the next order of events, and as you know I always write something that will make the story progress, I suck at writing slices of life moments and the next few years are kind of empty, I will surely do like I always do and time skip between events while adding a small amount of slice of life.

I don't know how people can make stories where they write the protag's life day by day, I'm not competent enough to do so, even more in the Naruto world.

But hey, that's my writing style for this story, I guess... I did say that I write what I would want to read, and day by day chapters would bore me and feels like fillers which I hate... I can't count the number of stories that have hundreds of chapters that I stopped reading, with a few exceptions.]