Chapter 59

"That's quite the creepy place your people were using to train, Shiromari." I said as I looked around what was a stone crypt hidden far beneath the ground

"I never went there before, though I know the ritual and the function of it." Shiromari said as he was leading me in his chibi form while flying

'I will thank Miroku once more when we are done here' I thought as I recalled how could we get access to this place


"Forty-Eight hours only? That's unexpected." I said as I rubbed my chin

"Indeed. What was supposed to happen in a week is now emerging sooner." Miroku added with some distress in her voice

"Can you tell me what to expect when facing Mōryō?" I asked since I was here partly for that reason

"Well... It's not exactly Mōryō that we are fighting against, at least not his complete being." she first revealed as I acted surprised since it was not something I should know already

"What 'part' are we fighting against then?" I asked with a serious expression visible on my face while my hands were clenched together

"His soul. He has been split in half and what we are protecting and fighting against is his soul, his body is kept somewhere else but has no risk of breaking out." she first explained as I attentively listened

"You have trouble dealing with his soul each time? Can you tell me what are its abilities, with or without his body?" I inquired again

"His soul alone is not an issue, only when his body and soul are reunited he represents an immense danger... But in the last decades, there is a Clan made up of Mōryō's fanatics who tries to bring him back... His soul usually dissipates back into the seal when he breaks out but it takes a few hours, and during those hours he seeks a body to control and reunite with his other half." Miroku first replied my doubt

"Never tried to get rid of him indefinitely?" I asked only for her to sneer before replying "If only we could! His soul is intangible to Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, and when he gets his body as well, he is still immune to anything using chakra or physical-based attacks! We had to create a sealing technique that does not use chakra just to be able to split him in two! Even worse, he gets more powerful every time he breaks out!"

'And here I thought that the fighting type would beat him'

"As much as I am interested in your sealing technique, I think I might have a way to get rid of him forever... But I will need your cooperation." I suggested as I gazed straight up into her eyes and set up a silencing barrier around the two of us

"I'm all ears." she said as she understood what I just did

"You see... If he's immune to physical attacks and chakra-based technique, it shouldn't be the same for Senjutsu... And, you should know that you are only delaying the inevitable, the more you wait, the more his chance to successfully breaks out and destroy everything are." I started declaring as I raised my hands

"You should now be aware that my trusted summon is a chameleon, whose entire family lived in your country only to be destroyed during one of Mōryō's outbreaks." I continued as she shifted her gaze on Shiromari who was on my right shoulder

She didn't interrupt me but I could see that she knew what I was going to ask.

"I know that his living place got destroyed... But I'm sure that, as this country guardian, you at least got something from there that should rightfully belong to Shiromari." I finally added as she sighed and massaged her temples

"...We did retrieve a scroll, a massive scroll made of unbreakable stone that we couldn't open or decipher." she declared, making Shiromari's eyes shine

"But why would it be useful against Mōryō?" she asked since she didn't see any relation between the two

"It's quite simple actually, this scroll was kept within the elder house and gives access to a hidden crypt where we can learn the chameleon's Senjutsu." Shiromari explained, which surprised Miroku before adding "Yuichi-sama will be able to use Senjutsu once he learns it from my people, and this should be enough to get rid of Mōryō once and for all."

"And for that, we have to let Mōryō become one again." I said to which Miroku slammed her hands at the table and exclaimed "That's too dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Sure. Easier? Even more." I said with confidence as I had so much natural energy sealed in my body from accumulating it since I was born, which was far from simply enough to get rid of Mōryō

"That's... I mean, we cannot kill him unless he's whole, but the risk is too high..." she added as she calmed down since her outburst was not something you should express as an important figure

"Then let him grow even stronger until nobody can deal with him! Do you want to leave such a burden on your descendant? Furthermore, I realize how you took a liking to Shuzo, you're like a young maiden in love since you keep taking a few glances at him now and then... I could help your relationships, but if you ever go as far as becoming parents, I will not agree until we take care of Mōryō since the burden would be on your child." I offered which made her blush when I mentioned Shuzo

'Quite unfair from me to use her feelings like this but I don't simply want to kill Mōryō, I want to get its abilities for myself as well' I thought as my usual greed for power was back

She pondered for a while and shifted her gaze between me, Shiromari, and Shuzo who was cheerfully talking with Hizashi before declaring "Alright, I will agree with your proposal... But any casualties would be yours to compensate."

'Shuzo, I just sold you' I thought as I chuckled in my mind before saying "We shouldn't waste any time then, the sooner I can learn Senjutsu, the better it will be for our upcoming battle."

*End of Flashback-No-Jutsu*

"No wonder they couldn't open the scroll, it was just a key to the crypt... And this 'unbreakable stone' is worth researching on." I said as it was not made of anything I knew about

"We don't have time for research, Yuichi-sama." Shiromari said to which I nodded since it may take too long "I know, I will set up a mark so I can go back here later myself or for a clone."

The more we progressed inside this crypt, the more we saw depictions of the chameleon's story about the stone.

"It came from the sky?" I realized when I saw in one of the drawings that a meteorite was the source of this stone

"Yes, our ancestor was the one who found it and built this place, I don't know how he was able to mold the stone though." Shiromari replied as we continued to go further

I also realized that the natural energy present around me was getting stronger and stronger.

"This is it." Shiromari said as he stopped in front of a door where the natural energy seemed to flow from.

Pushing the door which made dust fly around, I was met with several statues that weren't the same, some looked half human and half animal, some only had one port of their body transformed, and others were complete beasts.

'So wherever you train Senjutsu you end up like a statue if you fail huh... Except for Hashirama or myself since it transforms us into trees' I thought as we advanced further into the room

At the center, a stone that had a crystalline liquid pouring out of it indefinitely piqued my interest until Shiromari said "This is how you will be able to control the natural energy you accumulated, you have to drink a cup of this liquid, and your body will start transforming into a multitude of creatures... You will need to control it and willingly transform a part of yourself to keep the surplus at bay when you are using Sage Mode."

"So basically, I can still get changed into something forever and die, but this time I can take over the transformation..." I first mumbled before cracking my neck to add "Let's do this." and took one of the cups that were on display, made the dust covering it vanish, and filled it with the liquid before swallowing it at once

Not acting cocky anymore, I quickly sat down and felt the liquid moves all around my body while a burning sensation far stronger than what Lava Release did to me before was assaulting me.

Shutting off my mind from the outside world, I was completely immersed in this feeling and felt part of my body changing against my will, starting with my left arm which started to transform into a red-scaled beast with sharp claws.

The natural energy I kept inside of me was flowing out of its seal and caused such a reaction to become even stronger, which forced me to move it around in a circular motion while also slowing the liquid's flow.

But when I simply wanted to make it leave my left arm, instead of shifting back, my shoulder, chest, and half of my face started to change as well but every part was not the same, some were of fur, some were of stone, and some were of feathers.

'If to use Senjutsu I have to look so monstro- no, let's do it my way' I thought as I started to focus both the liquid and natural energy at my right upper back

It still changed my body on the way but I intentionally waited for every drop of the liquid to be located here to force it all outside of my skin at once, even if it meant piercing it and feel extreme pain.

It was far from being an easy task since this liquid was not part of my body but an alien entity, which meant that my control over it was asking a lot of effort from me.

'Come on, just get out' I thought as I was heavily sweating and couldn't feel my left arm anymore since it became stone

And after what felt like hours of concentration and painful sensation, my skin finally burst open like intended, but instead of blood gushing out from the wound, a giant black feathered wing was formed, and the natural energy emanating from it was insanely high without even losing any.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw a surprised Shiromari who instantly exclaimed "You did it, Yuichi-sama!"

Looking at my hands, I was glad to see that they weren't monstrous and so was it for the rest of my body, except for the wing that was now part of myself and served as a relay and a reserve for natural energy.

'I finally got this damn wing' I thought with a smile before making myself a mirror to see the marking my Sage Mode gave me

'Damn I look good' I thought as I saw a crown-like mark on my forehead, and claw-like marking under my eyes and down on my torso starting from my shoulders

'And if I do that' I thought before making my chakra wing appear

[Here is Mc's Sage Mode]

"Well, I can't be called a one-winged angel forever now." I said out loud as I flapped both of my wings

"As much as you idolize yourself, Yuichi-sama, we should hurry." Shiromari told me as I was still in front of the mirror while flexing

"Mmh? Only a few hours passed since I drank the liquid, right?" I inquired while shifting my gaze on Shiromari

"I didn't expect your sense of time to be different, but it has been nearly three days since you were out." Shiromari dropped which surprised me

"Let's go now!" I said as I already had a mark on Konan, Hizashi, and Shikuro to teleport on


*Konan's POV*

"I knew it! I shouldn't have listened to this man!" Miroku yelled on my right for the hundredth time

And this time, it was too much for me so I yelled "Stop taking your frustration on Yuichi-sama! He will be here when we need him the most! And even then, he always has something prepared!" as I was covering some golems in papers to make them explode


"Something planned you say? And what? Would he be capable of bringing back everything that was destroyed?" She replied as she did her best to keep the monstrosity we were facing under control

The demon we had in front of us was a serpentine creature with a long and dark purple body and multiple terrific heads, nine to be precise, with glowing red eyes and blue tongues.

That was his look when he still didn't reunite with his body, now he also has an armor made of unbreakable stone and a purple aura is surrounding him constantly, making us unable to approach him.

What was even tougher was his army of golems made with the same unbreakable stone as his armor, we couldn't destroy but only stagger them.

We fought them to the best of our abilities, but their number was over eight thousand, far too much for us.

This first fight physically tired us while Miroku's weird technique was preventing Mōryō from joining... Until now.

Thankfully, I used a special set of barriers made by Yuichi-sama which, albeit made of chakra, was enough to hold the demon for a while but since I was the user, it depended on me, Hizashi, Shuzo, and Shikuro's chakra.

The barrier was strong and large enough to keep it under control but the demon still destroyed the mountains and forests that were inside.

'Unfortunately, we cannot keep it up any longer' I thought as my chakra just ran out after a few hours of keeping the barrier alive

"And now what? Did he prepare a new 'trick'?" Miroku jokingly said as Mōryō's nine heads roared intensively, making the earth around us quake

Her guards were all in front of her and ready to protect her from any harm, but I honestly doubted their utility against such a creature.

'They just got walked on by the golems like some ants' I thought as I saw how little their remaining number was and how weak they were

"Don't worry Miroku-san! I'm sure that Aniki prepared something else!" Shuzo cheerfully declared which calmed Miroku before I added "He's right! Yuichi-sama would never abandon us!"

And as I finished talking, we saw the nine heads charge an attack that we knew we couldn't prevent, and judging by the scale of each ball he was preparing, the country itself might not withstand it.

And as Mōryō still closed his mouths to swallow the balls of dark energy he made to release them as powerful beams, we saw a blinding ball of light coming from above him, and I was also capable of seeing a shape I knew well.

'Yuichi-sama has two wings!' I thought with excitement as I was delighted to see him when he had wings since it was, for me, his true self, an angel that will always bring humans and any creatures salvation

*Yuichi's POV*

The moment I teleported where Konan was, I saw Mōryō prepare his attack and in a single instant, I flew above him, raised my hand above my head, and used Light Release along with Lava Release with Senjutsu to create a giant ball of pure energy akin to the sun.

This 'sun' grew big enough to cover the demon and his golems with ease, and the light was bright to the point of illuminating the entire country and more which was currently plunged into the night and in a matter of seconds, I brought my hand down and almost said 'Cruel Sun' at the same time.

The ball of pure power was not just scorching, it was already melting the surroundings and Mōryō's armor before it even had contact with him.

And since it was quite a large technique, I already put everyone around inside water bubbles covered with a thin layer of Frostbite ice, protecting them from harm.

"Begone." I said as I watched the sun crush Mōryō since I also pushed it down with my gravity control before making it explode on him

He couldn't even open his mouths to release his previous assault as he was being burned alive and his attacks exploded inside of his mouths.

This whole process did not even take five seconds, albeit it felt longer for me, and during those five seconds, the whole country may have been woken up by the surprising short appearance of the 'day'.

When the explosion was over, the only thing left from the demon was its core, something that could resist Senjutsu but could be easily destroyed by a flick of the finger... Quite pitiful for a demon said to be capable of destroying the world.

Landing in front of it, I laid my hand on the shell and said "Suijin." successfully transforming the core into an amalgam of energy that was absorbed by my right eye.

Not wasting time, I looked around and saw how desolate the place became because of m- Mōryō, because of Mōryō, so I took over the sky once more and quickly shaped the soil, the mountains, the forest, the minerals, and the rivers or ponds that were here before.

I then teleported right in front of my teammates as well as Miroku and her guards, who looked at me in awe.

"My handsomeness got ya?" I said as I did a silly pose to lighten the atmosphere

She looked outraged and shouted "What handsomeness?! You scared me until the last moment! We could have all died!"

"But you didn't? And look, it's as if nothing ever happened, and Mōryō is now forever dead." I said as I stretched my hands while displaying the surrounding

"Of course, nobody will think that the sun was shining for a few seconds in the middle of the night..." she mumbled as she massaged her temples at my carefree attitude over such an important matter

Nearing her so nobody else could eavesdrop, I muttered "Stop acting like that, you're losing some points from Shuzo." which made her cheeks redden before faking a cough to declare "On the behalf of the Land of Demons and as the current high priestess, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your heroic deed."

'I know that her gratitude is not fake... And I'm honestly the one who should be thankful, I didn't expect Senjutsu to make me so much stronger' I thought as I adorned a sly smile when she praised me

"You're welcome." I replied before looking over my tired members who fought the golems and depleted of their chakra because of my barrier

"We will not leave the Land of Demons as soon as we get back there, I still have some political matters to settle before that." I explained as shadow arms left my middle back and when each one of them touched Konan, Shuzo, Hizashi, and Shikuro, their chakra reserve rose sharply

"We will also hunt for the fanatic of Mōryō, I can sense every single one of them now." I said as the four shinobi replied with a "Yes!"

"Now, let's go back to your residence, shall we?" I said as I offered my hand to the high priestess

"I won't mind another small tour on your flying cruise." she said with a smile before taking my hand

And right after, I teleported all of us on too of the Ancor Vantian to peacefully go back to her compound.

'And here is my Sage Mode, next objective will be to get the chakra of the tailed beasts I'm missing' I thought as I deactivated my Sage Mode

Though before that, I will become a father.