Chapter 67

"Great, seems like I'm just in time." I said as I appeared sitting on my chair in the meeting room with my Hokage's clothing while everyone who was called was already around the table

"Hokage-sama." they all exclaimed at once to greet me

Around me were nearly the same clans as the time where Hiruzen was the Hokage, with the addition of the Uzumaki Clan with Kushina as the head, and Hatake Sakumo who didn't truly represent a Clan but he had so much impact on Konoha that I couldn't leave him outside of the council.

Though he was not here right now as he was the leader of the frontline against Suna, while Fugaku was leading our shinobi at the frontline against Iwa and was also missing from the meeting.

Since the day I became the Hokage, I made sure that the Uchiha Clan wouldn't be as ostracized as they were in the canon, and it worked pretty well thanks to Fugaku's assistance since he became the Uchiha Clan's leader.

Nevertheless, I looked towards Shikaku who didn't need me to say any words as he knew what I wanted him to say, perks of being a Nara I suppose.

"As most of you surely guessed, this meeting is about the next part of our war plan." Shikaku first explained as he got up while everyone nodded in agreement

"Since Suna and Iwa waged war against us, we stayed on the defensive and voluntarily lost ground, little by little, without experiencing many losses thanks to Tsunade-sama's idea of bringing a medical-nin in each squad." Shikaku added which put a smile on my face

"This gave them the idea that something was wrong within Konoha, that's why they sent many spies inside of the village, but they were all caught without exception by the Hyūga Clan or the Aburame Clan, before being sent to the Yamanaka Clan for information, and lastly the Uchiha Clan and the Kurama Clan to give them false information before releasing some of them." he explained as he looked to everyone around the room while before sitting back down, mumbling something as he scratched the back of his head

"Now they believe that they can win against us, and think that we are going to send two large armies of shinobi on the frontline to take it back as a last resort... This will almost be the case, but the goal for this was to have them send their Jinchūriki and possibly Kage." I continued Shikaku's speech which shifted everyone's gaze on me

"That's why I will go to Suna's frontline and face the Third Kazekage, I will also be able to face the One-Tails if he comes too. On the other hand, I want most of our forces against Iwa, they lost their Explosive Corps a while ago and only the Third Tsuchikage can be a problem... But he's still far from being at Mū's level, that's why I will ask for Minato Namikaze to prevent him from using his Dust Release." I explained as only a few were surprised by who I choose to face Ōnoki

"What about the Five-Tails Jinchūriki?" Hiashi who became the head of the Hyūga Clan asked as he was wondering who I would send against that mountain of a man

"Dai will be the one facing him." I declared since nothing was better to face a Jinchūriki than a Jinchūriki itself

"Oh? Why not send me?" Kushina asked as she was in the meeting and expected to be the one who would face another Jinchūriki

"I don't want to scare them, it's Iwa we're talking about so let them think that our new and inexperienced Four-Tails Jinchūriki has no chance against the Five-Tails Jinchūriki." I explained which made her chuckle since she knew how powerful Dai is even without using his Tailed Beast

The difference between Han, the Five-Tails Jinchūriki, and Dai who is the Four-Tails Jinchūriki was how different their relationships to their respective Tailed Beast was, while Dai was also an extraordinary shinobi before bonding with Son Gokū.

Of course, Chizu, who finished her information gathering at Suna, will also be sent undercover to retrieve the Tailed Beast in a temporary seal, allowing me to get its chakra while leaving the choice to Kokuō on whether or not he wants to be sealed again.

I wouldn't force him just like the Three-Tails who stayed inside a Lake in the Land of Water, they have their own free wills and I respect their choice.

As for the One-Tails... Honestly, I don't know what to do with him right now, I know that his personality is annoying so I might enjoy bullying him for a while.

Nevertheless, the meeting continued smoothly, and Konoha's counterattack would begin in a few days.

Going back home after being out of the village for a few days, I heard a voice happily yell "DAD!" before getting tackled by a ball of overcharged energy that was literally my daughter.

"I'm home, Tsugumi." I gently announced as I started to pat her head while using another hand to keep her above the ground as she hugged me since our difference in size was too great

"I've missed you, dad." Tsugumi mumbled as she tightened her hug which could have snapped someone in two considering how strong her grip was but never held back on me since I could take it, runs in the family I guess

"I was only away for a few days sweetheart." I replied with a chuckle but she simply retorted "It was a few days too much then."

"Looks like my baby girl can't live without me hm?" I said as I stopped to rub her head and started to pinch her cheek

"Shtop pinching me it hurt!" she exclaimed before I freed her from my grasp as she rubbed her now red cheek

Looking around the house, I realized that no one else was home so I asked "Were you alone?" to which she replied "Umu, I was training my Fūinjutsu with Konan-neesan but stopped a few minutes ago, Shisui-nii should be training in the forest while mom is helping in the hospital but should be back soon since Konan-neesan told us about your meeting at noon."

Her cheerful attitude then shifted to a saddened one as she asked "You're leaving again soon right?" as we moved towards the couch in the living room

"Yes, I need to join the war personally." I replied as I sat down on the couch while she jumped on my lap and waited for me to embrace her like usual

When I finally did so, she mumbled "Can I sleep with you tonight?" with a slight embarrassment in her voice

"You need to ask your mother as well, I'm not sleeping alone in the bed after all." I replied as I wouldn't mind at all

'I'm spoiling her too much' I thought as I remembered that we graduated from the Academy when we were her age before being sent to complete missions as a Genin team

'Well, time changed and kids don't need to be sent to war' I thought again as I was still training and teaching her a lot

In fact, she didn't tell me but I knew that she sent a clone to school and trained secretly just like I did as a kid, and since she has so much chakra, she trained a lot by using her clones which meant that she didn't waste time.

"But mom is going to suffocate me with her watermelons under her sleep!" Tsugumi exclaimed before looking at her own chest with disappointment as it was underdeveloped

"You know, Tsunade used to be flatter than a plank when she was your age, she only started to develop when she was fourteen years old." I said as I tried to comfort her, not understanding why it was such a complex for girls

"Eh?! B-But how is that possible?! T-Then do you think I will be the same?" she asked with stars in her eyes

'I don't know if anyone else could beat or match her' I thought as I only knew one girl with the same breast size as Tsunade from the anime

"Maybe you will, but it will be a hindrance more than anything else for you... Wait a minute, why do you want to have big breasts?" I asked while frowning a little as I looked at her

"B-Because you will like me more if I do..?" Tsugumi replied as she averted her eyes

"So it was for me! I thought it was for a boy and I was ready to leave and castrate the whole village." I exclaimed with a dumb happy smile on my face before rubbing my face on her cheek while she began to sweat profusely for some reason

"But who told you that? I don't care about your look, I will always love you the same you know?" I said as I ruffled her hair

"I-It was Konan-neesan." she mumbled as an answer while enjoying the feeling of my hand in her hair

"Konan did?" I asked to which she nodded multiple times "Seems like we need to talk..." I added as a certain blue-haired girl shivered somewhere

"Don't be too harsh on her dad, she's been helping me a lot." Tsugumi said while looking at me with puppy eyes

"As if I've ever been harsh with her, she's too gentle to deserve any punishment don't worry." I reassured Tsugumi and may have given ideas to a certain blue-haired girl

After a while of father-daughter bonding time, Tsunade came back home and couldn't stop herself from teasing us as she said "Would you look at that, the cold-blooded Hokage is tenderly hugging a young child, that information would be worth a lot." while hiding her smirk with one of her hand

"Oh? Someone is jealous I see, unfortunately, we won't be doing some roleplay tonight." I replied as I stayed ambiguous enough for Tsugumi to not understand what I meant, which was the case since she looked completely clueless

"Now's your chance to ask her, Tsugumi." I said as I nudged her and made her understand what I was talking about before she asked "Mom, can I sleep with you two tonight please~?" while using the puppy eyes technique again

Unfortunately, she was facing someone who mastered this technique to its highest level and was therefore immune to it since Tsunade shortly replied "No." as she dropped her bag on the ground

Tsugumi was disappointed but I still hoped to help her so I suggested "If I give you 10% more pocket money, would you agr-" but was interrupted by Tsunade who had Ryo in her eyes as she blurted out "We have a deal." with a thumbs up

'Sometimes I wonder who is the child in this house' I thought while sighing inwardly as I had to regulate Tsunade's access to our money or else she would lose everything by gambling

"You're the best, mom!" Tsugumi shouted before jumping out of my lap to tackle Tsunade who easily caught her as she smirked while looking at me

'Why do I feel like they both played me for a fool' I thought again as I gained nothing at all in our bargain


*A few days later*

In the blink of an eye, it was already time for me to leave Konoha again to join the war against Suna.

The reason I choose to face Suna and not Iwa was because of how many things I could get from here.

While Iwa's only worth was the Five-Tails, Suna had the One-Tails, Sasori, Pakura, and Hiruko lurking around their border.

I could also finish my 'Kage Murdered' Bingo by killing the Third Kazekage since it was the only leader of the five great shinobi villages I didn't kill yet.

Seno, the Third Kazekage, is hailed as the strongest of his village, and even though he's someone calm and stoic, he proclaimed himself that he was the strongest Kage currently alive.

From someone who got killed by a sixteen years old Sasori in the canon, how ironic.

That's why I will beat him up by using his own Kekkei Genkai, humiliating him as much as possible in front of his own shinobi.

I then wanted to recruit both Sasori and Pakura into Origins, both were extremely skilled ninja that I believe didn't deserve what happened to them in the canon.

While Sasori became a sort of psychopath seeking to become an exquisite and everlasting piece of art, it was mostly due because of the murder of his parents by Sakumo a decade ago.

I didn't really care about their death at that time, mostly because I forgot about them, but this loss that Sasori experienced also made him extremely lonely and in dire need of someone who could lend him their shoulders.

And I was the one who could give him everything he ever wished for: family, friends, and a place to experiment freely, just like Orochimaru.

The only issue I had was the possible grudge he could have against Sakumo... Worst case scenario, I would need to alter his memories a little once I put him under my Kunitokotachi, but thinking back on how loyal he was to Akatsuki, I was convinced that the same would happen with us.

Nevertheless, I was always careful about that.

Pakura on the other hand was someone I always set my eyes on since the day I was born here... Someone that never deserved to be betrayed by her own village like that in the canon.

But, since there wasn't a Third Shinobi World War in my timeline, as both Kiri and Kumo didn't take part in the ongoing war, she wouldn't be killed when being sent on a mission involving Kiri.

And this was the reason why I sent Chizu as a spy within Suna, she gathered information on both Sasori and Pakura, learning some useful things about them.

While Seno thought that he could face me, the Elders were smart enough to realize the difference in strength between us and knew that the moment their Kazekage died, they would start to lose the war at a quick pace, and they didn't want to suffer the same fate as Kumo.

That's when Chizu learned about Suna Elders' plan the moment they lose the war against Konoha.

To sacrifice one of their remaining Kekkei Genkai users to me in exchange for their village's safety.

Something they thought would appeal to me since they knew that I somehow was able to use multiple Kekkei Genkai and therefore believed that I needed to kill the users to get their ability.

They already decided on who should become the next Kazekage and surprise, it was Rasa, Gaara's father, who agreed with the Elders' plan all along.

I also recently learned that they even let the One-Tails Jinchūriki go to the frontline along with the Third Kazekage so they could change Shukaku's host to someone from the family of the next Kazekage, a tradition that Suna always kept.

Unfortunately for them, I already knew how the seal they use worked and would snatch the Tailed Beast from them.

"Hokage-sama." a voice greeted me as I arrived at the frontline's camp

"Sakumo-san, it's been a while." I greeted back before both of us slowly walked towards the main tent

"It sure has been." he replied with a smile as he was walking on my side but always slightly behind me

"Was my participation against Suna properly leaked?" I asked while being greeted by every shinobi around the camp

"Yes, Suna knows about it and the Kazekage should be coming at the frontline tomorrow." Sakumo explained before taking out a scroll that held information about what happened in the last few days at the frontline

"Good. Let's gather everyone, it's time for me to make an announcement." I requested as I read what was written inside the scroll while Sakumo nodded and left to do what I just asked

"It's time to tell them that we're soon going back home." I let out with a smile as everything was going according to my plans