Chapter 84

[A/N: Sorry if two-thirds of the chapter feels like an info dump, I had to do it at some point and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so.]


"Urgh… I forgot how shitty it feels to wake up with a hangover..." I muttered as I was massaging my temples before feeling the woman I was sharing my bed with move a little, surely awakened because of me

"That's a feeling you get used to eventually..." Tsunade teasingly replied as she experienced this feeling so many times she was extremely resistant to it now

"Mh, at least I remember everything we did last night so that's something." I said as I hugged Tsunade closer to me before kissing her on the head

"You mean knocking me up a second time?" Tsunade jokingly retorted before adding "I thought you would do that during our small vacation trip."

"Well, yesterday was such an enjoyable and joyful day, I guess I was quite affected as well... And being drunk didn't help that much in that regard." I said as I was truly satisfied by how yesterday's wedding went

While I only gave Kushina the crystal flower as a wedding gift since she told me that she was more than pleased by it and didn't need anything else, I decided to give Minato the Sword of the Thunder God I inherited from Tobirama since I already had a sword of my own and thought that it would be a perfect weapon for him.

I did give him a lot of things to become stronger, something I didn't expect to do back then but since he wasn't alienated by a certain Third Hokage who preached the Will of Fire to every shinobi from Konoha, I was convinced that he would make a perfect Hokage to the village as well as a husband for Kushina.

I will also tell him the supreme technique that allows one to be Hokage without getting secluded in the Hokage's Office...

"...Say Tsunade, do you have something important planned this week?" I suddenly asked which made Tsunade stop tickling my chest with her fingers before looking up to meet my gaze

"Just my usual work at the Hospital, why?" Tsunade wondered as it was not something she expected me to ask out of the sudden

"How about leaving the village for our week-long vacation tomorrow instead of waiting for a few more months? I feel like taking a break right now since I'm more than fifty percent finished with my goal and doing so earlier wouldn't affect it at all." I suggested as I didn't take a break since I came back to Konoha which made me pretty much sit inside an empty room 22 hours a day

"Mh, I would like to leave the village as well, a week away from work would be great, and..." Tsunade left the last part hanging as she started to smile and had some saliva leaving her mouth

"Yes, I will allow you to drink to your heart content... Just, try to stay sober when we are not in private, I want to enjoy those seven days with you properly." I replied as she had a winning expression on her face and kissed me before tightening her already bone-breaking hug

"You jest! There's no way I will jinx this long-awaited week of vacation where it will only be the two of us!" Tsunade retorted with a smile as she was glad that I was still thinking about me by suggesting an earlier date for our vacation

"It's settled then. We will leave tomorrow morning so you can have all the time needed to prepare today, don't forget to leave a clone at the Hospital for the week though, cause mine will have to stay around." I explained as I will always have one clone in the Hokage's Office and one or two moving around for my errands

"Fine by me." Tsunade replied before slowly getting out of the bed and moving towards the bathroom since she still had to take care of a few things at the Hospital now that we planned to leave

'Alright, let's clean and get back to work' I thought as I would still gather the Seven-Tails' chakra today to not waste more than seven days

*Some times later, on one of Yuichi's clone POV*

"Ah, you're here Shikuro, how is your son doing?" I asked as I invited him to Teuchi's restaurant to talk about some incoming events since he was bringing with him a scroll containing all the information about the currently registered Genin for the Chūnin exam

"...He's doing good." Shikuro quietly replied as he sat in front of me while throwing the scroll in my hand to not let me hanging

Gesturing at Teuchi that he could start preparing our ramen now that Shikuro was here, I filled both of our glasses with non-alcoholic leverage to not end up with an outbreak of deadly venomous insects and started to look into the different teams participating this year, and out of all of them, eight of them took my attention.

[A/N: Sorry to cut in the middle of the story but I just want to say that the characters I will talk about will have their pictures, usually as an adult, in the comments of the paragraph they appear and chapter comments as well since they are known but not necessarily by their name only.

Also, I do NOT own any of the pictures, all rights are to their respective owners]

The first team to catch my attention was Team 3 led by Inoichi Yamanaka composed of Raidō Namiashi, Aoba Yamashiro, and Genma Shiranui.

Raidō is a boy who's showing great potential in assassination particularly, being quite quick on his feet and easily blending with his surrounding which, combined with his unique sword inherited from his father called the Kokutō and their homemade poison plus his great Kenjutsu talent, was essentially making him a deadly shinobi.

Next was Aoba, another boy who could be considered the polar opposite of Raidō personality-wise since he was quite jovial and laid back, most of the time.

I learned that he showed some remarkable ingenuity when using the Clone Technique and created the 'Scattering Thousand Crows Technique' which allowed him to summon a flock of crows from his chakra that would be capable of continuously cloning themselves and obstructing his foes' vision.

This was not a summoning technique, meaning that those crows were just Aoba's clones transformed into crows instead of a summon contract with crows.

This was working well with his family's Hiden that made his chakra gain a paralyzing effect on command, though someone could just absorb it and negate the effect.

Inoichi did tell me that he wanted to teach him the Psycho Mind Transmission because he demonstrated talent in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu as well as being an overall smart individual who was giving his teammates different tactics as proof of good leadership.

Genma on the other hand worked as a great anchor within the team by being both calm and jovial depending on the situation.

He was capable of quickly performing his hand seals which made his Ninjutsu prowess surpass both of his teammates as he had a great affinity with Fire, and Wind which he had yet to train.

The second interesting team was Team 5 led by Kushina and composed of Maito Gai, Yugito Nii, and Mieko Uzumaki.

While Gai's prowesses were quite obvious considering who his father was, Yugito was a great tactician with good awareness and sensor abilities, while Mieko was a kind-hearted Uzumaki girl born from one of the families I saved from Uzushiogakure.

Yugito being the Jinchūriki of Matatabi, it granted her steel-like claws as nails for both her hands and feet, but also a powerful affinity to Fire Release that was strengthened because it wasn't ordinary fire but Matatabi's blue fire.

She could also use Matatabi's Version 2 form without losing her mind since Matatabi allowed her to do so, heck, she's even capable of using the Two-Tails Chakra Mode but only for a really short period as it was extremely difficult for her to not fall unconscious when using it.

And lastly, Mieko was exactly what anyone expected from an Uzumaki, she had a great chakra capacity, great Fūinjutsu skills, great vitality, and powerful punches combined with Kushina's teaching about medical Jutsu.

Then there was Minato's Team 7 which I didn't change from the one I knew from the story composed of Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin.

Kakashi truly was a genius among his peers, capable of performing high-level Ninjutsu without too much difficulty, and he wasn't short on chakra for one simple reason... He didn't get Obito's Sharingan which would have pretty much drained him of chakra without even using it.

His father was teaching him Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu while Minato was focusing on Ninjutsu and in particular Lightning Release as it was Kakashi's strongest affinity, even though he showed signs of using everything else as well.

Obito on the other hand was not the average Genin he was back in the story, not since I awakened his Mangekyô Sharingan and used the Eye Medicine Plant so he wouldn't become blind by overusing Kamui.

He could therefore use both variants of Kamui since he had both eyes awakened, meaning that he could use Kamui on himself with his right eye and use it on ranged target with his left eye, something he decided to make his main combat method by mastering Bukijutsu and Taijutsu, leaving his Genjutsu potential behind while only using his Fire Release Ninjutsu innate talent as an Uchiha.

As for Rin, well, she wanted to become a medical-nin and was therefore getting taught by Kushina who told me that she was talented in it.

Unfortunately, she lacked the physical prowess of an Uzumaki, making her rely on Water and Fire Ninjutsu instead since she wasn't capable of punching someone to outer space as all those redheads could.

Anyway, next was my favorite team for obvious reasons but it didn't mean that I would simply allow them to become Chūnin.

Team 8, led by Chizu and composed of Tsugumi Senju, Shisui Uchiha, and Yukimi.

They were the overall youngest Genin to participate but at the same time the most terrifying for their opponents.

Tsugumi being Tsunade's daughter with me was a powerful kunoichi with great physical strength, stamina, and an insane chakra capacity which made her Ninjutsu and Taijutsu both extremely dangerous although she lacked a bit in speed and was also quite careless.

She lacked talent with Genjutsu but since she inherited Wood Release from me as well as a natural affinity with all basic Release, it didn't matter that much.

She was taught medical Jutsu by Tsunade and would later be able to use Tsunade's 'Strenght of a Hundred Seal' when she get old enough to use such a dangerous healing technique.

For now, Tsunade didn't want to teach her.

Nevertheless, as much as I trained my daughter and was proud of her, I knew that she would lose against Shisui in a one-on-one battle at their full power since he was a master in Genjutsu and should be capable of using Susanoo by the time the exam begins.

Not only that but he was one of the fastest shinobi I knew thanks to his Body Flicker, but what could make him lose against Tsugumi would be his lack of stamina, something he knew he lacked and was doing his best to take care of it.

Lastly, Yukimi was truly special even among her Clan as she was not scared of the wind as much as her peers, though I fixed their inability to allow them to live outside, what made her unique, however, was her ability to bestow the Smoke Release to others, temporarily.

Not only that but she had extremely good sensor abilities, being capable of hearing even the stealthiest assassin move and she ironically was proficient in Wind Release, but also Fire Release.

She was of great support to her teammates since Smoke Release allowed most Jutsu and weapons to be negated by just making them go through her body, a particularity that she could bestow to them in dire situations.

It could still be used in offensive ways, and choking someone to death was a thing this bubbly girl could do.

Following up was the weakest team that still piqued my interest, Team 9 led by Chōza Akimichi composed of Iruka Umino, Izumo Kamizuki, and Kotetsu Hagane.

Out of all the teams that took my attention, they were the only ones who stayed as Chūnin in the original story, but who knows, they might want to get stronger when they realize how strong their opponents are.

Iruka was a good tactician, sensor, and a great Shurikenjutsu shinobi who also showed signs of proficiency in Fire Release, Water Release, Barrier Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and even Fūinjutsu although on an average level, but it was rare to see someone capable of performing all of them even as a Jōnin.

I was surprised to see him try the Chūnin exam so soon since he was only ten years old but I guess watching so many 'talented' classmates gave him the ambition to graduate sooner.

Izumo was a responsible and surprisingly mature boy who performed best with Water Release and was even capable of changing the viscosity of his Water Release Jutsu to make them gain sticky properties, something that allowed his above-average Bukijutsu, the art of using weapons in general, to have a greater impact.

Finally, there was Kotetsu, a carefree and irresponsible kid who was proficient in Genjutsu and even more in Bukijutsu... Unfortunately, he was lacking a lot in the Ninjutsu department and needed to rely on his teammates.

Next was my old student Shibi Aburame's team, Team 10 with Tenzō, Ibiki Morino, and Anko Mitarashi.

Since I was the Hokage, Orochimaru wasn't forced to become a team leader which meant that Anko didn't, and may not, learn Snake-related Jutsu which was partly what made her stronger in the original story.

Of course, it could be remedied by giving her the summoning scroll of the snakes, but it would only be given to her if she becomes a Chūnin since they are quite... Annoying to deal with.

Nonetheless, Anko was still proficient in Genjutsu, Fire Release, and Shurikenjutsu as well as having decent tracking skills.

Ibiki was... A surprising discovery, to say the least.

I didn't expect a twelve years old boy to be this sadistic as most of his techniques were made to cause pain and make it harder and harder for his opponent to battle against him.

He was good with Taijutsu and extremely proficient in Genjutsu which combined with his high intelligence made him a frightening opponent even for the strong-willed shinobi.

Needless to say that he was made to become an interrogator and extract the most information possible out of his victims.

As for Tenzō, well, my assumptions were correct... This boy who was Yukimi's younger brother and therefore a user of the Smoke Release was actually the man known as Yamato in the original story, the one who was experienced upon by Orochimaru and ended up capable of using Wood Release.

His Smoke Release was the most unstable of his Clan, the polar opposite of Yukimi, which needed me to go a step further to fix it by giving him Hashirama Senju's DNA which granted a vitality strong enough to stabilize him.

This allowed him to use Smoke Release, though he was only capable of changing his body into smoke, but giving him Hashirama's DNA allowed him to use Wood Release to some extent.

He was obviously capable with Water and Earth Release but also with Kenjutsu, Fūinjutsu, and showed great sensor abilities... He was made to become an Anbu, though he would be working as a member of Origins.

Following that, there was Team 12 composed of Asuma Sarutobi, Kurenai Yūhi, and Shizune who are led by Dan Katō.

Yes, Dan was still alive and was quite a famous Jōnin since he was the only known man capable of using the 'Spirit Transformation Technique' which was a pain in the ass to deal with, even more, when the man using it was smart, quick, and extremely proficient in Ninjutsu.

He still voiced his desire to become the Hokage but there was no way he could have become the Fourth instead of me and now that Minato was also alive and chosen to become the Fifth, his odds were below zero.

Anyway, Asuma being part of the Sarutobi Clan was taught many different kinds of Ninjutsu which improved his innate Wind Release affinity as well as Fire Release.

He was good with Ninjutsu and Bukijutsu while being a smart individual who could easily lead his teammates to victory.

It is a pity that his father died so long ago and didn't have the time to teach him Jutsu himself, I wonder whose fault it is.


As for his crush, Kurenai, well, she could have been considered the best Genjutsu user of her time if Shisui wasn't alive... It doesn't change the fact that she's extremely talented in Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu.

She does lack strength and stamina, something that could be an issue if she has to fight against a Genjutsu immune target.

As for the last member of this team, Shizune, she's a smart individual who shows prowess in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu as well but prefers to use poison with her weapons to fight her foes.

She was also the last student of Kushina in medical Jutsu, after Mieko Uzumaki and Rin Nohara, something that allowed the three girls to form a strong bond despite being in different teams.

The last interesting team was Team 14 led by Shikaku Nara composed of Ebisu, Hayate Gekkō, and Yūgao Uzuki.

Ebisu is a boy with an extremely weak constitution, making his talent in Taijutsu wasted, but he countered such weakness by being an extremely smart tactician capable of finding the advantage or inconvenience of a technique after seeing it performed once or twice, making him a great leader for his group as he could give them advice about their own techniques but also warn them about their foe's weakness.

He was thankfully proficient in Ninjutsu and mostly Fire Release, making him not completely useless in a battle if he was forced to be alone.

Hayate was skilled in Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, tracking, and stealth, making him good for assassination as well, even more since he could use many tricks to disturb his opponent and take advantage of it.

And finally, as the last Genin, Yūgao was a girl with some proficiency in medical Jutsu, Fūinjutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu.

She was a great tracker and sensor but lacked training in Taijutsu or Bukijutsu to take advantage of her speed in case she had to fight at close range.

While the three of them could be considered the second weakest team, they were born to become specialists in their area, with Ebisu as a teacher while Hayate and Yūgao as trackers and assassins.

"This year's Chūnin exam will be quite interesting, don't you think?" I said as we both had the time to savor our ramen and multiple drinks while reading the content of the scroll

"...Yes, I'm eager to see how they will pass my test." Shikuro replied with no enthusiasm in his voice even though he was happy to be given such responsibility

After all, the first examiner I chose for this year's Chūnin Exam was Shikuro.

'Well, that will be entertaining indeed' I thought as I smirked just by thinking about the last stage which will not be the same as the previous years

Who knows, even Tsugumi could fail if she stays careless and doesn't use her brain properly.


[A/N: For those who didn't look at the pictures, just know that I ended up making Tsugumi's young adult look with paint by using a fanart as a base that worked fine for me.

Here she is.

And here is her Sage Mode because I got carried away, though it might change.]