New Fanfiction?

Alright, it's been almost three months since I finished this fanfiction so I ought to give you some (a lot) information about my next fanfiction.

First of all, I did hesitate between two of them, the Omniverse one and the Pokemon one, both also being the most 'requested' ones from you.

I'm not surprised that post-apocalyptic or space-traveling futuristic fanfiction isn't what you're looking for, I mean this fanfic was a Naruto one, and honestly, I'm fine with that since both are probably going to be the hardest to write since it's basically creating my own story/universe through the usage of existing fictions, there's no existing story to follow, it wouldn't make sense to follow them anyway.

As for the One Piece one, not gonna lie I really REALLY want to fully write this one because I believe it will be quite good, but I have to prevent myself from doing so until Oda finishes his masterpiece.

Anyway, leaving these aside I will tell you that the one I will most probably release next is... The Pokemon one, and before you leave, let me tell you the struggle I face to write the Omniverse one.

As I explained in the previous note, if you remember, the Omniverse one begins in Overlord, more specifically in the world where YGGDRASIL is a game... And that's the problem.

You see, while I have an overview done of the New World part, the League of Legends part, the Akame ga kill part, and so on, I can't decide on what to do for the 'Prologue' that YGGDRASIL basically is.

Don't get me wrong, I'm quite crazy when it comes to my fanfics and I want them to be 'complete' in terms of using what exists in each world, and that's what I should do for the YGGDRASIL part.

The thing, however, is that I wrote around 10 chapters before scrapping them and writing 10 chapters again and scrapping them again because I don't know how to start the story in a way I find decent.

And the most important fact is that... I don't like writing the YGGDRASIL part despite having ideas because of the game-like elements.

See, I hate systems, though I can sometimes put my disdain aside and read a fanfic with a system if the story is good BUT writing a story with a system is definitely not something I enjoy.

Now you might ask 'What system, just don't write one bro' but YGGDRASIL is a freaking game, there are stats, items, stats from items, information, monsters, price... It's basically a system for ALL players.

It's literally made to have inconsistencies, like... What stats should have a common item compared to a rare one? Or unique? And the level will make it differ by how much? Should this mob have this amount of stat? Questions like this are what make me struggle, I don't see how I can make MC's progression in the game smooth, and let's not talk about the 'Luck' factor all game-related MC have.

Still, I'm crazy, and I will tell you one thing before... You see, YGGDRASIL, as it is in the canon, is, in my opinion, a complete garbage of a game.

The redeeming points are the freedom of racial and job classes choices you have, and I like the nordic related story of it as well, but the stats? The fuck are you supposed to do when stats are so restricting? It's basically contradicting the massive freedom you have for races and jobs.

I did keep the Level 100 cap but I slightly changed the way it works by allowing one to reduce the level of a Level 15 job class down to 1 (can't get rid of it, and any superior job class gotten will be kept).

That aside, that's why I actually COMPLETELY revamped the stats, basically creating a game myself...

Yeah, I'm crazy. I did, however, use references, mostly Dungeons and Dragons, Path of Exile, and DotA 2 my beloved.

So yeah, now there are 6 Primary Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck.

You have the usual HP and MP, but also Stamina which is the equivalent of Mana for warrior-based classes (basically, I separate abilities into two categories, spells that require mostly mana, and skills that require mostly stamina).

Getting points in one of those six stats will obviously increase some minor stats as well.

There are still Magical/Physical Attack and Magical/Physical Defense stats, and I even made the calculations myself (it will probably need to be checked again tho).

There's Magical/Physical Lifesteal, Attack Speed, Cast Speed, Movement Speed, Accuracy, and Evasion which is a bit peculiar since YGGDRASIL is a game where you are in the game and don't play a character, at least I made it this way, so Evasion doesn't mean that you yourself evade an attack but you have a chance to evade the damage of the attack altogether IF hit.

All characters can naturally evade something thanks to their movements, it's not through the Evasion stat.

Anyway, there's still a lot like Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Cast Range, Attack Range, Efficiency, Cooldown Reduction, Status Resistance, Debuff Duration Amplification, and even Elemental Resistances and Penetration, because yes, when you calculate the damage of an ability, it can deal only physical damage, thus reduced by Physical Defense, or for example, physical fire damage, thus 'splitting' the damage and both parts are reduced by Physical Defense and Fire Resistance respectively.

I should stop, it took me a long time to do these things to make YGGDRASIL great ag- I mean, a real game not only of the year but of all time as the 'first' Full Body VR in the world of Overlord.

I even have a list of 69 (nice) different debuffs with different effects...

I also have all of the MC's Job and Racial classes done, and all spell/skills learned at each level ready as well.

I already made MC's guild (since it isn't Nazarick), all floors (It's called a Circle for this guild tho) have their locations done and all NPCs are also done (they're existing characters from my most beloved game mostly, doing it this way allow me to show you pictures and thus you won't need to use your imagination which I know is hard as a reader compared to when you're the writer).

I also made ~160-180 World Items, all Twenty are done and the rest is not everything but still a lot, here again, I didn't bother creating names and appearances, the items come from different games I love but the effects, albeit sometimes similar, are self-made.

The World Bosses are also 'done', the Celestial Lord of the Sixth Heaven became 6 bosses instead of one, making it seems like it was a 'translation error' and it was, in fact, the Six Celestial Lords of Heaven.

Anyway, I did put a lot of work into this, but still, I don't have the courage nor the will to write a full YGGDRASIL part for this fanfiction, thus why I think I will go with the Pokemon one (did a lot of work on that one too, like a LOT).

That's why I want to ask...

Do you want to read an entire volume about YGGDRASIL? Because I know many people want to read Overlord fanfic only for Nazarick and the New World, well, MC is not with Nazarick BUT Nazarick will also be transported, and MC will get what he wants from them.

I could do it like the novel or manga did, with MC saying 'Oh this happened back then' or 'I got it this way', but I can also do *shivers* FLASHBACKS, I know, nobody like flashbacks, but they wouldn't take entire chapters anyway.

Tell me whether or not you think a volume on YGGDRASIL is needed or not.

I wouldn't go straight up in the New World, but there would be something like a dozen of chapters before, at MOST, and I would probably have to scrap what I did again but it doesn't matter.

Nevertheless, unless I change my mind my next fanfic is going to be the Pokemon one.

Also big difference between the two, the Pokemon fic will be full of fluff, adventures, sugar, and action, while the Omniverse one will contain a lot of R18 (you degenerate want that right) zero romance, strength showcase, action, management, and basically a very OP MC who wants to take over worlds but not in the snap of a finger to not become bored too soon, the plague of immortals being boredom after all.

Well, the premise of these two fanfictions is still in the previous note if you want, don't take what's written just above as the full picture of the fanfictions.

The next time I release a note should be to warn you about the (Pokemon?) fanfic release, hopefully.

I do have my summer job starting soon and I will usually go to the gym when I have free time so the writing will be slow (as usual), still, I will start releasing when I have enough chapters to have a SCHEDULE, and whenever a volume ends, there will be a pause before the next volume begins.