Chapter 4

He walked out of detention, Headmaster tree FINALLY let them go after an hour long lecture about fire hazards and respect, he walked into his winglet and saw Ash "oh, hey Ash!" he smiled, but ash ran behind a scroll rack "get away from me you Monster!" he screamed, Bloodseeker was puzzled "what?" he asked "your a fire breathing monster, how could i have ever even thought of being your friend! Stay away from me" he ran out the cave, leaving Bloodseeker alone, he laid in his Hammock and tears ran down his face. Come soon my Spiritkeeper he thought, before going to sleep.


Bloodseeker walked to the art room, inside A blue Featherwing which was painting a picture of a Hyacinth Macaw "hello?" he asked, she turned around, she had the appearance and build of a Hyacinth Macaw "um, i was wondering if i could paint?" she laughed "no need to ask, just paint what your heart desires" she went back to painting "thank you Ms…?" she turned her head "Hyacinth" she responded "oh, Thank you Ms. Hyacinth"

he walked into the room and saw a small rainwing dragonet drawing on paper, he grabbed a canvas and some paint and set them up on an easel, he grabbed a pencil and began to sketch out a Phantomwing, he was sitting and had a talon outstretched, next to him there was a Nightwing holding his talon, Bloodseeker dipped the paint brush into a Blue paint and began to paint the phantom wing, he then chose grey, Black, and lighter grey, he then began to paint the nightwing, but he didn't use the traditional colors, he painted it with his scale colors, when he finished he began to paint the background, he had made it a sunset and they were inside of a crystal cave"Who is it?" he jumped and looked behind him, the small rainwing was watching him "oh, my…" Boyfriend? Crush? Love of my life? "..Friend" he gave a chuckle and added his signature, he took it to the cooling rack and placed it down "Oh, okay, I'm Rio by the way! That dragon over there is my Mama" she pointed to hyacinth "h- you know, id better get going"

he ran to the entrance and saw a Phantomwing gliding down , he leaped into the air and caught him and gave him a hug "Spiritkeeper!" he laughed, tears of joy running down his face "hey there stranger" he laughed "i'm so glad you came!" Bloodseeker said, releasing Spiritkeeper, Spiritkeeper squinted his eyes, "it sure is bright.." he covered his eyes "i can help with that" Bloodseeker took Spiritkeeper's earring off and held it in his talons "i enchant this earring to let the wearer be able to see in bright lights without any eye damage or it being too bright" he put it on spiritkeeper and he un-squinted his eyes"you didn't need to use your soul on me" he said "i'll do anything for you…" Bloodseeker replied, spiritkeeper smiled

"Just a Friend huh?" said the voice of Rio, he turned around to see the small rainwing "come on Spiritkeeper, lets go" he glided down to the path "so what's your Winglet?" he asked Spiritkeeper "uhh… Hawthorn i think" he walked next to bloodseeker as they spoke "oh, my sister Sky is in that winglet, i'm in Eucalyptus" he grinned "your not going to stay, are you?" asked Bloodseeker, his wings drooping "you know the queen, she has strict rules that no phantom wing can stay out of the kingdom for more than a month, you know how long it took to even get the form to request travel? Let alone it getting accepted, she doesn't like when we leave, makes her nervous" he replied "maybe you can come with me to the kingdom, I've told her all about you, she even told me i could bring you any time!" bloodseeker looked at him and smiled "sure"