Chapter 7

Part 2



He opened his Blood red eyes and got up. It had been a week since the incident, he checked out the door and saw Nyx, his mother's most trusted Guard, sighed. I enchant bloodseeker the Nightwing to teleport to the entrance of the icewing palace

He appeared at the entrance and spread his wings, the Stars meant to be under his wings dark red he lifted off and flew towards the Mountains of Morning, to see his Beloved Spiritkeeper, his pupils were slitted, he was going insane quicker than a Skywing flying at full speed. He dove down through the clouds and landed in the Crystal Caves from the Mountains of Morning, he walked deeper into the cave, the light from the Luminous Crystals shone on him, shadows gently danced across his smooth scales, he perked his ears and looked behind him, Nothing. I thought I heard something… eh probably just the power getting to me…

"Spiritkeeper?" he walked behind an alarmingly bright pink Crystal and a pair of wings wrapped around him, he hugged him back "Bloodseeker! Oh I've missed you more than you can imagine!" he let him go but stayed close, his tail twined with Bloodseekers "i've missed you too my lov- HEY!" he laughed as Spiritkeeper slapped him with his wing "not so loud dummy, what if one of the others hear you?" he booped his nose "alright, but you know eventually they will find out" bloodseeker put his wing over spiritkeeper as he flattened his back spikes

"So, when are you taking me to the Hidden Kingdom of The Phantom wings?" Bloodseeker was the same size as Spiritkeeper, even though spiritkeeper was older than him by a year, Spiritkeeper smiled "why not now?" behind them one of the Most Deadly assassins lurked, waiting for them to be off guard "To the Cower tunnels!" Spiritkeeper ran over to the tunnels that lead to the Hidden Kingdom, they flew through to make it faster, while Bloodseeker Explained where he had been "Wow, he must have been really angry" Interrupted Spiritkeeper as Bloodseeker told him about the Fiasco in the Icekingdom "yea- you know i'm not sure why he even attacked me, i don't even know him" he replied and continued. They landed on one of the landing areas by the palace, it was beautiful, but a portal appeared beneath him and he fell through, he landed with a thud, but he didn't hear- or see Spiritkeeper, maybe they left him "BLOODSEEKER!" he heard Spiritkeeper roar and the portal closed, in front of his cell, was the infamous, Deathwish.