Chapter 2

"Please mum!" Harry begged for the fifth time as he followed his mum around her garden behind their house.

"Honey, I've already told you! I don't feel comfortable with you being all the way across the Atlantic in a foreign country that you don't know your way around!" She repeated for the third time.

"But this is an opportunity I won't ever get again! It'll be a good learning experience!" Harry said.

'Good learning experience'. Great argument, but Harry is seriously running out of ideas to convince her! But seriously. It will be a good learning experience! Harry's always loved history!

Harry's mum stopped her weeding and pruning and turned around to face him, seeming as if she was actually thinking about it. This is progress.

"I mean, I do have a friend from university that lives just outside of London. I think her son is around your age" she contemplated, half to herself.

Omg! She might actually say yes! Harry just stands there, biting his lip to contain his smile, as she continues to mull it over.

About 2 minutes of thinking later she finally said "ok, I'll let you go on one condition-"

"YES! Anything! I'll do anything!" Harry squealed

"You haven't heard my terms yet" she laughed

"you have to pull weeds in my garden to help pay me back for the trip, which will probably take you at least 2 weeks, I've let them get a bit out of hand" she chuckled, "and this trip includes a project you have to do for school, correct?"

Harry nodded eagerly.

"You have to get a very high A on your presentation otherwise I'll have you spreading manure in my garden as well"

Pulling weeds. That doesn't seem too bad. Harry's sure he can easily get an A. He's always gotten high grades, so this shouldn't change that. Manure. Yuck!

Harry's nod my head so fast he might get whiplash.

"YES, OK! Thank you thank you thank you..." Harry repeats profusely. He gave her a massive hug and ran off to go tell Zayn.


Harry sprinted down the street to Zayn's house which was on the next corner. 30 seconds later he burst through his front door.

"He's upstairs sweetie" Tricia said with a warm smile as Harry greeted her.

"ZEN!" Harry yelled as he ran up the stairs to Zayn's room, taking them in two's.

Harry whipped open his door completely disregarding the 'do not disturb' sign that Zayn puts up every time he spray paints "GUESS WHAT!!"

Zayn turned away from his spray painting and gave Harry a funny look "H, calm down mate! What happened?!"

"She said I could go!" Harry replied as a massive smile broke out across his face.

Zayn's eyes widened "are you serious?"

"Yup!" Harry squealed as he started dancing around his room "She said yes!"

This time it's Zayn's turn to grin "I asked my mum as soon as I got home from school if I could go on the trip too"

Harry stoped doing his happy dance and stared at Zayn apprehensively "and?"

"She said yes too! WE'RE GOING TO ENGLAND!" Zayn Laughed.

• Word Count: 526