Chapter 3

(AN // *says she's going to update* *2 weeks later*)

Let's be honest here. Harry and Zayn have no idea where they're going. This airport is like a maze.

             They decided to follow a lady who was on their flight that had a british accent and hope for the best. Luck was on the boy's side because she ended up leading them to the baggage claim area. Score!

"Yes!" Zayn said rather loudly.

"Shhhh! She'll hear you! We can't have her thinking we're following her" Harry giggled.

"But Haz, we are following her" Zayn replied.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever" Harry laughed lightly, hitting Zayn in the arm. 

            Harry's mum had told duo that she had arranged for them to stay with one of her old friends from school. Apparently her friend has a son who's around their age. Nate? Nail...? Neil...? Niall! His name is Niall! Niall is supposed to come and pick Harry and Zayn up at some point in the next half hour. (AN: we're going to ignore the legal driving age later on for the sake of this story).

             It took forever for their bags to come around the carousel. They just had to be at the very back, didn't they? At least the two got their bags. There was quite a large family that had made their way over to the service desk because they didn't get their bags. Ouch.

             Zayn had to take Harry's bag off the carousel because it's obvious Harry would have face planted if he'd tried. He basically has two left feet. Granted, that wasn't too much extra work for Zayn, his bag didn't weigh much due to the amount of hairspray he had to bring. You know how he can get. With the amount of hair products in his bag, It's surprising they let it through security.

               Harry and Zayn began to make their way over to the exit doors closest to the pick up zone. Harry doesn't need his hair going frizzy while waiting outside in the rain. Why would he want to resemble a poodle the first time he meets Niall! Zayn would most likely get hostile if the rain messed up his hair anyways. Harry has no idea how Zayn plans to not get his hair wet this whole trip. He does realize where they are, right?

                Harry figured Niall was just going to pull right up to the curb in front of them... He has no idea how this works. Niall knows what they look like from his mum. They should probably be waiting outside so Niall can see them. Harry sighed internally, realizing he'll have to suffer his fate. Zayn will be fine because of the cover blocking the rain.

"We should probably wait outside so Niall can see us" Harry said absentmindedly

"Good idea" Zayn replied as he started on his way out of the automatic doors, the wheels of his suitcase making a clicking noise as they hit the change from tile to concrete.

Hesitantly, Harry began to follow after him. Dragging his suitcase along behind him.

"Ahh, I love the smell of rain" Zayn said wistfully as they stopped off to the side of the sidewalk

"Mm, 's nice. I just don't like the humidity" Harry commented glumly, "at least your hair doesn't get all frizzy in the rain!"

"Jealousy is a sickness, get well soon" Zayn replied with a smirk playing across his lips.

Harry let out a huff of annoyance and pulled out my phone to check his messages. All he'd gotten was a notification from his cell provider saying he'd entered a different country. Harry inwardly rolled his eyes. Thank you, he hadn't noticed. The time read 9:30. Niall should be here soon.


             After about 10 minutes of horsing around and one telling off from an old lady, a sleek, black Toyota Vios pulled up in front of the two boys.

"Are you Harry and Zayn" the driver called out, Harry and Zayn shared a confused glance.

"Yes, that's us" Zayn answered cautiously.

"Ah, splendid! Niall sent me to come get you two" the boy spoke as he got out and began walking around the car to help them with their bags, "my name's Liam by the way"

             Harry nodded and said a shy thank you before turning away to shoot Zayn a 'wtf' face. He didn't get much of a chance to do so, as Zayn was too busy staring at Liam's butt as he bent over to place their cases in the trunk. Harry smirked at his best friend. They all piled into the car, Zayn taking the passenger seat.

"Right, we've got everything?" Liam asked, as he moved to buckle his seatbelt.

"Yup!" Harry and Zayn answered in unison.

"Perfect!" Liam responded cheerfully.

They pulled out into the road and Zayn let out a shriek, causing Liam to swerve the car.

"Are you nuts Z?! You can't just do that while he's driving! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" Harry yelled, mostly out of fear.

"We're on the wrong side of the road though!!" Zayn yelled, causing both Liam and Harry to chuckle.

"Zayn, mate, that's how things are here" Liam stated, "and as far as I'm concerned, it's you guys who drive on the wrong side of the road" he laughed.

"Yeah, but Z, how did you not realize that? The passenger seat is clearly on the opposite side of the car. It's logic! Even though you tried to get in on the drivers side in the first place" Harry snickered, mumbling the last part under my breath.

"Oops, sorry" Zayn said as his face began to turn red from embarrassment.

"It's alright, love" Liam said as he smiled softly over at Zayn, causing Zayn to blush an even darker shade of red under his gaze.

Harry smirk to myself again. Something's definitely up with them. Harry made a mental note to ask Zayn about it later, wanting to know all the juicy details.

Harry clears his throat to get the other two out of their own little world " offence, but why didn't Niall pick us up" Harry inquired.

"None taken" Liam smiled, "Ni and Lou had raging hangovers so I left em' at home" he chuckled, as if he was recalling a memory.

"I'm assuming 'Ni' is Niall. But who is 'Lou'?" Harry questioned.

"Ah, right, sorry. Forgot you guys don't know us" Liam smiled, "Yes, Ni is Niall, and Lou is our best mate Louis" Liam supplied.

"So how did you guys all become friends?" Zayn asked inquisitively.

"Well, me and Niall have been friends since we were little" Liam said with a faint smile, "and then Louis entered our little 'group' when I was watching Niall's football practice at school - he's on the same team as Louis - and Louis accidentally kicked a ball in my direction and by the time I looked up, it smacked me right in the forehead" Liam chuckled.

Zayn grimaced "that must have hurt!" Harry nodded along in agreement from the back.

"Wasn't too bad actually" Liam spoke, "anyway, Niall noticed and came running over with Louis to make sure I was ok. Louis wouldn't stop apologizing so we just agreed to go get some food together after practice. So we went to McDonald's...very healthy option for the two star footballers" he recounted with a big grin on his face, "so we got to talking and found out we have a lot of stuff in common, so we started hanging out more and here we are. Couldn't separate us if you tied us up on opposite sides of the world" Liam laughed.

"Woah, that great!" Harry said, "Not the part where you got hit in the head, obviously" Harry backtracked.

"No harm was done and a great friendship came out of it, they're great lads" Liam replied with a small smile.

AN// I just end up writing chapters in one sitting, so I don't think there'd be much use in making a schedule. I write whenever I feel like it. 😂

10 pages, 1397 words! That's a new record! Go me! 🥳😂

Side note, I just got my first filling today and I was loopy off of medication cuz I'm a bitch when it comes to needles 😅 so that was fun. But now my jaw is sore as hell so...

Ok, I'm done, bye for now 👋🏻😂

• Word Count: 1397