Money, that's what our world revolves around , not only nowadays but from Ages. We need it to survive because only money gets us food , no money is the same as no food.
So I have to make Money so I can have food to eat in my lazy years while relaxingly playing chess. One of my teachers once told the class , Money is everywhere in this world, you just have to find it and if you can't find it , create it .
All that stuff is too much for me handle so I thought I would stick to investing . Man, I wish I could time travel and tell my old self which companies will blow off the stock market so I can invest early in Tesla and Bitcoins and be rich easily. But Then I was later enlightened, investing needs money. But where could I find it? Friends , got none. Family , they think I am an idiot , only one person left to turn to : God . Help me . I don't wanna work in my old age , I would rather die . Wait, no, I am afraid of dying . Actually , I want to die already for a long time now, sadly , I realized , to die, what you need is not the reason to die but the courage to die. Just ignore me .
Well, after investing was out of the question. Job at some company ? Nah, I am fine . I wanna earn Money so I can be freed from doing 8-8 jobs . Plus , it doesn't make sense that I work hard only to make somebody else richer . If I am gonna work anyway, why don't I make myself rich?
Well, I could do online reviews and be a part of the water army but it would require a lot of my free time . Other than that, I decided to earn Money so that I could have more Free time . So exchanging my freedom for money doesn't sound fair to me .
So then a idea hit me , I should earn Money while doing things what I do in Free-time. Then , I began to summarize what I do in my free time . (I) Reading and (ii) watching Tv , well mainly , Animes and Cartoons.
Could I earn money while reading books ? Yes! But could I earn money by reading books that I read ? No. Let's move on.
Well, watching TVs could earn me some money if I live-streamed it on YouTube . I could provide a variety of options to many different viewers to choose from and them not having to watch the show for themselves while this automatically leading to the people saving more time. But who would wanna watch the livestream of someone as expressionless as me? Well, Couldn't hurt to try.
But that's obviously not gonna be enough to sustain myself . I am not gonna lie, I even thought of renting my apartment to somebody else while me myself sleeping in the streets while collecting money from rent . But where would I find peace which I long for in the streets ?
Currently, life has been good because I am living off my parents . Well, talking about parents , reminds me of the part of lands what they possess so maybe I should sell them and get a house in Africa , while living a low budget but carefree , peaceful life. This is certainly my Plan B, if I ever will have a plan A and it doesn't work out .
Well, I could also go cheating people around , making them believe in me and take their money and run away but it was not a long lasting plan so I rather opted for kidnapping people for ransom but then my moral obligations came in between.
The problem about this moral thing is it doesn't discriminate while taking money but interferes while making money , which they will be needing in the future which spamming me to donate .
Obviously I even thought a doing a regular job. But the job I was interested in was CruiseCaptain. Basically , they are the people who sail in boats all year long while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the middle of the ocean. But I immediately declined this thought because it included various risks like drowning , animal attacks , ship breakdown and Any of them could lead to death. Especially after I took time to deep think this option seriously I realized , I can't swim , it did not take me a second to move on after this .
While , I was having a metal breakdown from thinking how to earn money, I even thought a going in a world tour with my feet only while asking for shelter and food wherever the night falls . It didn't need money, neither friends , only good communication skill, which I also sadly didn't possess. Well , even if I was , how high were the chances that People were gonna let me in their houses , while offering me food and bed ? Whatever You might be thinking, I am pretty sure that the odds are not in my favor. So Let's move on.
Finally , I had superb idea of passing the rest of my life in a jungle like Tarzan did . I would climb on trees , run around the forest in the back of a lion , swing from swing to swing . I would need to cover myself with leaves , which might be a new trend in the jungle and increase the cultural index of the jungle mainlands. I would probably eat berries when I get hungry which by the way are also very healthy , which means I will be living a healthy life , like might as well reach 123 and be living a carefree , peaceful life in the beautiful environment of the jungle .
Animals could also be my friends because they are known as the loyal creatures because of their low IQ. But what do I do with my old man and mom ! I am gonna miss them but I will be coming back to visit them every other Month. So It should not be a problem . But no Internet ! Which means no Novels ! That reason is enough for me to decline this generous offer of living in this luxurious place, the closest I might get to heaven.
They say that Money changes people . Some even debate again this by claiming that the Money doesn't change people but rather shows their true character . Well, I ain't got to a clue because I possess no money , if I ever find a answer to this question, I will write a review of my thoughts in this matter in the internet.
Whatever I do, First thing I need to have is enough Money. People are dying in this world because of not having sufficient money so I might as well start preparing from now only .