Chapter 16 - Family Gathering

I reach the house of my mother Parents . Well, it is also a apartment . It is 9 pm as I arrived before the building which they stayed in . I actually arrived earlier but decided to roam around a bit , I mean why should I hurry to see faces which show hidden disgust when they see me . I go to park my Bicycle because i got my guts telling me it's time I get a call. I started parking and locking my bike so nobody steals my precious baby from me .

Here goes nothing . I pressed the ring button which read the Last name of my mother's Parents .

"Ring, Ring ,..."

"Hello, who is this "

"It's me, open the door "

The door opens. I climb up the stairs . It felt like I was walking towards the Boxing Match with my hood on and stuff .

I reached the door and the door opened and I entered the ring . I went in and saw a group of people , at least 25 People in the living room. Some focused on TV, Kids running around , some crying and adults playing cards , everybody minding their business . I didn't even know some of them also I knew we were supposedly family .

I greeted them all at once , just imagine me doing the hello gesture with my hands and doing a 360 . Some replied back , some didn't care that I was there . Well, the feeling was mutual , so I am not complaining about it . After Greeting , they focused on their stuff or whatever they were doing , as I run of to the other room where no one was chilling , before they can ask me any questions , if they may ask any.

I went to the room and found myself all alone again, that's pretty nice . Well, this room has been my hideout from Family Gathering for years now , it's a good thing that I was not disappointed. As I looked towards the clock, it was 15 past nine . Still 3 hours , I will just play games . But then I realized I didn't have any because I deleted all of them because of the dream of being a better human being . Then I guess, I will just sleep.

"Wake up , wake up"

I thought it was dinner time as I gradually woke up . I saw it was a small kid , well, because we are all a "Family" here , he must be my cousin .

"Let's go , Cousin" I said .

"Where ?"

"For dinner , didn't you wake me up for that "

"No, I just wanted to ask if you would play Hide and Seek together "

I smiled and shook my head , which meant that I was not gonna play. But in the inside I was raging , I was a step before slapping this kid towards the moon , he should consider himself lucky that we are so called family otherwise for disturbing me , I would have punched him away. But that was all in the inside . Well, I can't beat a family member even if it is a distant relative in a family gathering , can I?Logically, I could beat him up and break up all ties with this so called Big as a old widow tree family , but then my mother would feel sad , that was the only thing holding me back .

"Ok" smilingly the kid ran away .

Well, even if I didn't know the kid, I was famous in my family not even to the ones present but also their distant relatives and theirs their . For one basic reason, the kid who has introvert personality and is quite mannerless . Why did you think I would be famous for other than that reason ? But Famous is famous I guess. I will show them Famous when I get rich. So i went to take a nap again.

After some time , I was woken up again, this time by a different kid . Why is this happening all today. Let me live in peace .

I asked with a smile "what is it "

"Nothing " and he ran away.

I hated this kinda thing the most , but I endured only and only for the happiness of my mother .

Then , I heard Kids screaming "Rock , Paper, Scissor" and naming the condition . I almost went out to beat the crap out of those children when I heard the condition. Then I saw the loser kid running towards my room again, so that's what's up. I slammed the door shut and locked it and went back to my paradise .

Ring , Ring

I got a call and it was from my sister commanding me to come eat dinner . Yes , command. That's what my worth was in my direct family . Anyways , I obliged. It was 11 pm . As I went to eat dinner .

The plate was served as I requested the food items I want and took the fork and started eating .

Spicy ! My insides were fuming , everybody knew I could not tolerate spicy food , so how could they cook spicy food . I looked around and found everyone acting normal. I guess , they forgot about it . Although I was feeling pain , I didn't show it in the outside . As I continued eating by taking small bites , gradually I finished eating and washed my dishes and went towards Paradise , my loneliness.

After waiting until 12 pm. I realized my parents didn't show any signs of leaving as they involved deeply in playing cards .


I went to find my sister . My sister was the very open and friendly person as she was always surrounded by kids and people and they all had fun. And I was right as I entered another room. To not spoil the fun, I called my Sister .

"Sis, I got my bicycle with me . I can't ride home with you guys so I am leaving "

"But it's dark"

"I can handle"

"You sure ?"


"Ok, but call me when you reach home"

She was such a caring person , towards everyone .

I went to the living room and said my goodbyes to the adults , well, most of them didn't react . Only my mom looked in my direction and said "See you in a bit at home and ride slowly "


I left the apartment and went to the parking space to unlock my bicycle . Then I rode away in the main streets because there were no vehicles at that point of time at the midnight humming "My heart will go on" as I enjoyed the starry nights and loneliness in the street .