"All right Fazrani, Allam, let's go home first. And thank you for everything, Assalamualaikum." said Hafiz then got into the car and left Allam's residence.

"Bee Fazrani, really you are okay Bee?" Allam asked, cupping Fazrani's face, then pulling her into his arms and hugging her very tightly.

"I'm worried about you Bee, I really don't know how to reach you anymore." Allam said hugging Fazrani tighter.

"I'm fine Bee, I'm fine. I'm also worried .. worried about Bee Allam's feelings, which must be worried waiting for me to come home." said Fazrani, rubbing Allam's face with a longing look.

"I'm not just worried about Bee, I don't know what to do anymore. Waiting for you here or looking for you." Allam said in a voice that trembled with cold. Almost four hours Allam was outside the house waiting for Fazrani to arrive.

"Bee Allam is cold? why don't you wear a jacket, Bee? how long has Bee Allam been waiting for me?" asked Fazrani, rubbing Allam's palms.