That's why I will recite the Koran and pray for Asri to be free from this. Hopefully with Prayer Asri can recover or all pain will be lifted in a calm state. I will try to lead Asri to mention the name of God." said Allam with a serious face after seeing Asri's weakening condition.

Mr. Kohar wept silently, hugging Allam with his back shaking.

Allam rubbed Mr. Kohar's back gently, trying to calm Mr. Kohar and give strength to Mr. Kohar to let go of everything that would happen in the future.

"Leave everything to God, Mr. Kohar, the birth and death of a person is in his destiny." said Allam as he let go of Mr. Kohar's arms.

"I'm going to recite the Koran now, sir, if Mr. Kohar wants… Mr. Kohar can lead Asri to say the name of God." said Allam while starting to read the Koran relating to people who are sick and about to die.